Interval Training For Effective Fat Loss


Full Member
This is a very very effective way to loose fat as said by the professionals.

It is basically cardio performed at high insensity for a small amount of time, then rest for a small amount of time, and the process is repeated continuously for a duration of the exercise.

Interval training - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

More information

What is Interval Training

Interval Training for Weight Loss: The secrets of Rapid Fat Loss

Just wondering people's opinion on this, does anyone do it?

Not exactly sure as to how it works but its something like you remove glucose from your muscles, and your body spends the rest of the day or night getting energy back into them from fat stores. (clearly im not studying a subject related to human biology).
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yes, this is good.
not the easiest but its very effective :)
I used to do this. Frickin hard work but doable and effective. But it's REALLY pushing yourself. It really is hard work though and you have to make sure you have rest days and that you don't overdo it.
If you don't feel like you're gonna die afterwards, you're not doing it right lol
And it's perfect for when you don't really have time for a long steady session, even sessions as short as 10 mins are effective. Hell, you can even sprint between lampposts on your way home from work!
I do this as well... absolutly kills me!! but after doing it i feel great x
anyone have figures on how much calories it burns for a session that they can give an example for?...
that website states it can burn up to 9x more than traditional 'slower paced' cardio which sounds a little too good to me. They say 20 minutes of this 3 times a week will allow us to loose pounds of fat mass every week. But the intensity was stressed. Interval training requires very high intensity short bursts, almost pushing your self to the max, that the way you drain your current energy reserves and make your body NEED to dig in to the fat reserves to use it up.

But i figure high intensity is not something suited to everyone, i know alot of people on this forum find running and jogging taking too much out of them.

And also please note, the effectiveness of interval training is not classified by the amount of calories you burn DURING the exercise, it is really about the calories you continue to burn AFTER wards in the hours that follow.
It is effective, it doesn't sound like much, you may only do about 6-10 minutes of exercise in a 20 minute session, depending on how you set your intervals.

But it does take it out of you, its excellent. I give it my all during my sessions, there are loads of things you can do, things like skipping, running, starjumps. I found that boxing in the air is really really intense even for 30 seconds.

I prefer running though, thats the recomended one.
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It doesn't have to be absolute maximum though, I find fartlek can also be particularly effective. Which is where you mix up your speeds randomly (easier to do whilst running/cycling/swimming etc really), say sprint to the lamppost, walk/jog it off, then steady run for a lap of a track then recover, maybe a slightly faster than your normal comfortable run for a slightly longer interval. You don't need to go out with an actual plan if you like to have the freedom to guage how you're feeling before doing the next interval. I love doing fartleks with my hubby, cos my strength is sprinting and his strength is more of a mid distance, and we alternate who sets the pace. So I'll set the pace for a short sharp sprint, and he'll pick a fast pace over a longer distance so it means that we both get to work on our strengths and our weaknesses.

Doing fartlek, without a set plan makes it achievable and accessable for any fitness. For some people just different speeds of walking is enough and will still work them in the same way. On the other end of the spectrum, someone who is very fit will be able to run the whole way through a fartlek session. So if you're feeling intimidated by an actual interval session, I know I was when I first started, and I've run for years, try giving fartlek training a go and just judge how you're feeling to how long/intense your next interval will be.
Interval Training Workouts - Interval Training Workouts Improve Speed and Endurance

a good link for info on this exercise.

in response to the above poser, i may explore fartleks in the future but at this moment intervals are giving a really effective exercise for the time.

i took someone with me for one of my sessions, and they stuggled, i was forgetting how intense this training is, and for it to work you must do it at high intensity.

I would say it is working for me so far, my stamina, and my body is getting better.