is it just me

What are we like. Sounds like even jaw wiring wouldnt work for us. Well im out of ideas then girls.x
Yep-me too matey.Got my SW books back out-got 2 lose 4 class next week.Not really in the mood though,dont know whats up with me at the moment,cant get enthusiastic about anything!Had a dream last night that I was back in my old f/t job-then I woke up to my crap life! Lol! think thats half my problem-i hate my life! Sound like a right saddo dont I?!
Sal x
The worse i feel the more i eat its a bad circle. Sam will be goin to school soon wont he. Just think what u cud do with yourself. U wil get bak to feeling like the old u again. Its hard when your stuck in the house with the kids every day with the same old routine i get like that. Y dont u go swimmin wen sams at nursery or go do sumthing just for u. Couldnt u get sum1 else to pick him up so u can have a few hours for u? You wil start to feel beter in yourself if u do sumthing for u and then that wil make u crack on and want to eat better. U Gota change sumthing for u to be able to feel gud again. All of are time is taken up with the kids and me forget about ourselves.x
The worse i feel the more i eat its a bad circle. Sam will be goin to school soon wont he. Just think what u cud do with yourself. U wil get bak to feeling like the old u again. Its hard when your stuck in the house with the kids every day with the same old routine i get like that. Y dont u go swimmin wen sams at nursery or go do sumthing just for u. Couldnt u get sum1 else to pick him up so u can have a few hours for u? You wil start to feel beter in yourself if u do sumthing for u and then that wil make u crack on and want to eat better. U Gota change sumthing for u to be able to feel gud again. All of are time is taken up with the kids and me forget about ourselves.x

Yep thats half the problem-then I end up getting resentful and eat 2 cheer myself up! Sam doesnt go to nursery til Sep 2014 but i,m not at a weight I feel comfy in 2 swim yet n e way so thats my target-2 get to my pre-pregnancy weight so I can go swimming.The last bit after that will take some shifting so i,ll need something extra n e way! Right i,m going on the tradmill now b4 I talk myself out of it-then Liz Earle,s on QVC beauty at 11am-happy days-(easy pleased aren,t I?Lol!)
Sal x
Least you can be bothered to go on the tredmil hun thats a gud thing. Ive got the lovely task of washing al the choc hand prints off my curtains 2day and washing the sofa covers!!!! Sams older than leah isnt he? Shes 3 in july and is starting nursery in september every day either mornins or afternoons.x
Least you can be bothered to go on the tredmil hun thats a gud thing. Ive got the lovely task of washing al the choc hand prints off my curtains 2day and washing the sofa covers!!!! Sams older than leah isnt he? Shes 3 in july and is starting nursery in september every dayl either mornins or afternoons.x
Ha ha bl**dy handprints get everywhere! Yep-Sam,s 4 in October so he just misses it 4 school this September so we,ve got another year of nursery.They,ll both b starting f/t school at the same time!Well,broke my own record on the treadmill,got my 5 miles done in under 58 mins-thats a record 4 me -yay! Shame i,m not so motivated with the food side of things1 Lol! (Or housework come 2 think of it!) Mind you its impossible 2 tidy up with laddo around,for every item I put away he gets 2 back out! Feel like i,m going round in circles!Lol!
Sal x
Haha me 2. Thats why ive just packed her off to my mums so i can get finished. I swear ive cleaned my glass table 20 times. Serves me rite for buyin 1 i supose. Get u on the tredmil hun ul b ready to run marathon soon.x;)
Sorry, I've been poorly :( been for blood tests as doc thought it was glandular fever (it wasn't) and now they think it's my anaemia :( I aren't sleeping and it's making uni and work so hard!
I have lost my appetite but it hasn't curbed my eating :( I feel weak so it's like I'm compensating it for food if that make senses. So all in all things are a bit sucky right now and uni workload sucks at the mo.
any way, rant over. I am still trying to do 500 cals twice a week, ended on about 700 on my last one though and am doing one tomorrow.
Sorry I disappeared. How are you all getting on? Me and my friends have start our own weekly wi so I'm hoping that will get my bum in gear xx
Hey lucy. Does the doc no your doin the fasting diet? Just a thort but maybe that may not be helping and all the uni stress. hope u feel beter soon tho.x i fell off the wagon big time and put what i lost back on. Started again on mondy but im feelin rdaly bloated still. Whens your weigh days now?.x
Hope you feel better soon Lucy. Just a thought but if you're anaemic maybe a fasting diet isn't the best thing for you?
Yeah I had the same thoughts to be honest. I am thinking of upping the cals to about 700-1000 on my fast days, had about 800 today.
On a brighter note, I finally got new scales (yay for scales that work!). I'm weighing in on a Thursday now :)
I think that would be loads better for u 2 b honest hun. Im a wednesday weigher now. i am so guna do it this time.x
You definitely can do it. You have had the willpower to do it before you can do it again! You went through a long period of doing so well, can you remember what enabled you to do well? I've started thinking of when I lost weight before and what's different now, I think the fact that I was single then motivated me :( it sounds like a terrible thing to say but it is true x
Wel i rung my sister last nite and she told me that on the first ov jan we started r diet and it was the first of may yesterday. So if i had dun it and stuck to it i would be over 2 stone lighter if i had lost 2 pound a week!!! I cant believe how much ive messed about and 5 months just flew by. I Dont want to be in the same situation in another 5 months time so its time to knuckle down and stop messing about.x
I started weight watchers about six weeks ago and only lost 1lb! It's pathetic, i've wasted so much money. That is what's motivating me right now. I hate wasting money.