Is it really bad…


Silver Member
To use your syns weekly? I know some people do and some people don’t but reason I am asking is because iv started afresh today, after a horrendous easter and iv went over my syns, im feelin bad now cuz iv went over the 15 but then again I do know that this isn’t a big deal when you are using them weekly, just wanted some advice? :/
There are loads of threads relating to this if you do a quick search.

It all depends what works for you, and I guess the only way to find out is to do one week of counting your Syns daily, and another week counting them for the week. See if either way affects your weight loss and choose the best option.

Again, it all depends how by how many you went over. If you went over 15 a day, but are counting them weekly, as long as you've got enough of your 105 weekly Syns left then it might not be a problem.

Like I said, best to check which method works best for you. Some people can get away with using them weekly, whereas others have to use them daily or it affects their weight loss.
Yeah I think I may just have to do them weekly this week and see how it goes, I just went over by 6 or 7 and this is the start of my week so iv more than enough, I ended up missing weigh in this week though cuz I had a drivin lesson last night, and I no iv gained everything iv lost, im gutted! And I wont even no so im all over place!help!!! xx
Why don't you start from scratch then. I think to do SW properly you need to be in the right place mentally. If you're going to be confused and unaware of what you actually weigh now, etc. then why not forget what you had done and treat it as if you're starting over. Go back to basics, get re-focused and see how you get on.

Don't let one bad day lead to a bad week, then one bad week to two bad weeks, and so on. You can do this if you put your mind to it.
Yeah i totally agree, i was thinkin of just rejoining and startin again but iv done this umpteen times :( but i know i can do it and i need tio stop making excuses..iv a holiday in 6 weeks and i fee disgusting xx
Personally I prefer to use mine daily. I was always encouraged to do that. But as said above lots use theirs weekly & some say their C's say that's ok. If it works for you do that. As long as you don't have 0 most days to binge on the weekends it's ok! :)
Try it and you'll see if it works for you. I know plenty of people who do use their syns weekly (I have done on occasion when I have a night out planned for instance)...but I think it is encouraged for you to go with 5-15 syns a day because it can make for a really tough week if you use nearly all of your syns on one or two nights out at the start of the week...making you more tempted to go over your weekly 105 syns on the other days!!
There's a voucher in a magazine for free joining (Reveal) apparently - could be a good time to do it.