It's time


Silver Member
Well... who would have thunk it?

Apparently my checking of minimins a bajillion times a day, my repeat posts on several threads, and my blog aren't enough.
I now want a diary on here.
We shall see how this goes.

I mainly want to SHOUT OUT LOUD (and giggle, dance and jump) because my housemates' girlfriend just came over and was all like:-


Well chuffed folks.

And as I am a teeny bit tipsy (I went to Waitrose and there was some sort of event and I may have had Prosecco, and red wine and white wine (small shot glasses worth) and more worryingly a cube of cheese, a scoop of honeycomb icecream, an oyster and vinegar flavoured crisp, a piece of red pepper vol-au-vent (yes I did google the spelling), a large brazil nut, a piece of stollen. Oh my this is worse than I thought...oh- a piece of smoked salmon with cream cheese on some sort of cracker. I think thats it.
Anyway, because of all of the above I have decided to share a 3-part-photo. Of myself. Obvs.

11/10/13- 10st 1lb (beginning of SW journey)
14/11/13- 9st 8lbs
12/12/13- 9st 5.5lbs (today)
13/01/14- 9st 6lbs (see p.12)

Here we go...


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Wow ur weight loss is almost exactly the same as mine so far.. hope u enjoyed all the nibbles, sounds tasty xx
Hi Kimberley - here to stalk oops I mean subscribe hehe :p

Can deffo tell in the pics especially in your face (yes thats meant in a nice way) lol x
Disclaimer and last nights escapades

Oh my.
Didn't consider the possible pressure and stresses of having "subscribers" to my often repetitive and self-indulgent ramblings.

Disclaimer:- I do read everything on minimins but am a bit lazy and dappy so apologies if I don't respond directly. Ha- I like how I'm acting as though I have some sort of fan-base. Excuse me- I think too much, don't want to cause offence, don't want to look like a dufus. That's all. Anyhoo- its my diary, right?


So..all morning I've been stressing about last nights escapades at Waitrose, so I've been trying to syn it.
This is what I have come up with:-

prosecco & orange 4.5
cheese 1
brazil nut 1
ice cream 1
cream cheese- going to use as HeA (sneaky)
wine 3
one crisp- who gives a damn
piece of vol-au-vent 1.5?

Not so bad? Apart from I followed it with 2 voddys when I got home. 2 free poured voddys. 9 syns?

Plus the days syns= 29.5 in total.
Could be worse for day one of the week in which I'm hoping for the BIGGEST loss EVER. Nevermind
Your so right Kimberley it could have been lots worse.

Its my SW xmas party tonight arghhh lots of brown food no SW stuff lol. Also copious amounts of vodka yumyum. God help my head tomorrow and the scales haha
Thanks for the kind comments everyone. I know its my chubby fat head where the most weight has gone, but incase I want to take a bunch of festive Selfies- this is great!

Texty I love that you said lots of brown food. That kinda does suggest healthy and wholemeal though.
It's more beige isn't it the naughty and delicious foods- crisps, cakes, chips, biscuits, yum yum yum. You have to drag out the word "beiggeee" too, to imply its sucking-out-of any nutritional goodness within your very being. Lol!

I've just been on that thread about your own made-up SW rules and my head is buzzing!!!
If I didn't count vodka...gosh...I'd probably have a spare 80 syns every week!!!! This is blowing my mind!!
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Friday 13th December Food Diary

2x weetabix & red milk (HeA & B)
lettuce, tomatoes, shredded carrot, cucumber, radishes
jacket potato, baked beans
Special K salt and vinegar cracker crisps (4.5)
noodles, beansprouts, peppers, grean beans, onions, quorn pieces, amoy sauce (4)
vodka & pepsi max (4)

Daily syns:- 12.5/15

Day 2
Weekly syns:- 42/105

+20 for more vodka and crisps!!!

Daily syns:- 42.5/15

Day 2
Weekly syns:- 62/105
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Oh Ally, I think I win; I'm sure I do.
I may have had 2 doubles, 1 single, 1 double (treble?) freepour and a packet of S&V golden wonder.

and now I'm going to the pub "for lunch" (to watch the footie more like- groan).

I think I'm on a steady decline to Christmas here....
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Thanks for the kind comments everyone. I know its my chubby fat head where the most weight has gone, but incase I want to take a bunch of festive Selfies- this is great!

Texty I love that you said lots of brown food. That kinda does suggest healthy and wholemeal though.
It's more beige isn't it the naughty and delicious foods- crisps, cakes, chips, biscuits, yum yum yum. You have to drag out the word "beiggeee" too, to imply its sucking-out-of any nutritional goodness within your very being. Lol!

I've just been on that thread about your own made-up SW rules and my head is buzzing!!!
If I didn't count vodka...gosh...I'd probably have a spare 80 syns every week!!!! This is blowing my mind!!

Lmao deffo beiggeeeeeeeeeeeeeee but I have SW colour blindness hehe. The sarnies were brown bread not for one minute do I think it was wholemeal haha.

I started off well on the single voddies at £3.25 each so thought sod it may as well have a double for £4.30 and hold the ice please barman. I had a few needless to say dutch courage found my dancing feet and up onto the floor I went even ventured into the middle of the circle the girls had formed ( well it is xmas after all )

I was wide awake at 5 this morning arghhh this always happens now when I have vodka no idea why, I lay and forced myself back to sleep, got up at 9.30 and had my SW brekkie. Scanbran cake and oodles of fresh fruit :D back on it today
I like your picture! I agree that's some dedication re the outfit and the pose! You can really see the difference. So when will you become kimberleycanSW? X
Oh and BTW the title of your diary makes me think of the Lion King and when Rafiki sniffs the leaves, realised Simba is alive and says "it is time". If you have no idea what this mad beeatch is rambling on about, well shame on you for not knowing your disney.
Lol, I Love The Lion King:)

Hope you enjoy the decline into Christmas... I had a pub lunch today, full of intentions of being super good, until said pub had no jacket potatoes... Egg mayo baguette it was instead... Oooops!!
Found said clip on youtube Sam. Made me lol. Shame on me :p

oh Laura, if only I had chosen the egg baguette!! I don't know whats wrong with me!!!!!
Yesterday went something a little like this:-

double vodka diet coke (breakfast?!)
mozarella and pesto burger with sweet potato fries :eek:
double vodka and diet coke
double vodka and diet coke
double vodka and diet coke
double vodka and diet coke
cauliflower cheese tart with jacket potato (TWO portions of butter) and salad with dressing
double vodka diet coke
bag and a half of nobbys nuts !!!!!
double vodka diet coke
single vodka diet coke

I think that's everything. Could well have missed out a drink- who knows?!
What was I thinking?!

I need to try syn this. So 39 syns for vodka :eek:
burger and chips- 44??
mayo and ketchup- 5
cauliflower cheese tart and butter and dressing- 21.5?
nuts- 16
(going to push my luck and minus 6 for cheddar (HeA) )

119.5. I don't have anything else to say right now :(

Daily syns:- 119.5/15

Day 3
Weekly syns:- 181.5/105
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Did u enjoy it tho? Don't get too mad with yourself, we all do it. Sometimes its easier to say f*** it, I'm having a day off today. As long as you want to get back on it u will!

Remember this is the hardest time of year, and there is no point being miserable through it because of food & drink! xxx