I've undone all my hard work :(

You said it - you just got to do it now xxx
That is such a good point though Son, we are all looking for that hapiness and not getting it makes us fall off the wagon and and push us further away from that happiness. Maybe we should all just be keeping our eye on the goal!
like i said in my earlier post i always go to pot around 1.5 st but this time i am adamant i gonna get past it
i was telling my hubby last night and he was surprised at what i told him that i have never lost over a stone and half on a diet in one go in over 20 years!!!

like i said take it in 7lb blocks i am currently on my 3rd block with 1lb to go till i have achieved it.......i find small blocks easier to achieve and they soon mount up.

that lady at your class wouldn't have had it easy losing 9 stone, like all of us she would have struggled and felt like giving up.
and i agree with emski use you sig as inspiration
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
down be too down on yourself. you haven't undone all of your good work. you've just been slipping in the wrong direction for a while and it's down to you to get back on track. you obviously want to still lose weight, otherwise you would have stopped attending class ages ago. i've noticed you don't come on here as much as you used to...and reading your weightloss diary was one of the reasons i joined this forum, as i found it so inspiring.

you need to sit down and have a long think about how/why you're feeling so low and why you still want/need to lose that weight. the worst thing about eating crap food is it makes us feel like crap and when we get down we eat more junk for 'comfort' ....you're 100% right about the more junk you eat, the more your body craves it. i was doing the same at the start of the year and i feel so much better in myself that i'm no longer doing that...and it doesn't take long to get out of the habit.

if i were you i would:

- befriend the woman who's lost 9 stone and zap her slimmer energy from her! lol
- burn any takeaway menu that comes through the door
- only have healthy foods in the house

i hope you can get back on track as you've worked bloody hard and really deserve it :)