Janes determination to lose 3stone- getting back to plan

Looks like a good day. Here are some red day suggestions for lunch. Homemade soup, chicken and veg or beef and veg, so cold today and doesn't feel like salad weather but salads are easy on a red day .

I am rubbish at red days as well though. Don't know why i torture myself trying t to do them.

Good luck for weigh in for all of us :)
i lost 1lb:D but only just lol my scales kepts fluctuating between the 11lb and 10lb bit but after i jumped off and back on a couple of times i could finally get it to settle at the 1lb loss......only just thinking that technically that could be cheating? but it did settle eventually so im claiming the loss lol.

i ended up having a green day today as i was over at my mums and she'd made some lentil soup so i had that for my lunch, im going to jump into a bath in a moment to try and get warm lol im freezing and my fingers are so cold :( be back later on.
woo hoo check out my new sticker :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
aww thanks Teresa im going to try my very best to be extra good this week and not be tempted by anything too naughty as i want to get rid of the next stone a lot faster than the last one...15 wks to lose 14lb...but i cant complain too much because i did cheat quite a lot during the last few weeks.

still no further forward on my red lunch idea's and as you said its a bit too cold for salads but ill see what i can think up, planning beef curry tomorrow so will be having an EE day so i can get rice with it:)
I know it is not the fastest weight loss but it has been pretty consistent (no major gains) and you have had a life as well. So even if you continue at the rate you are going you will be at target before your holiday.

Why are you wanting to do red days as you are losing well on green and extra easy. If you are anything like me when I try hard to do red days I end up miserable and more likely to cheat, I am just not enough of a meat fan and if i don't cheat at all the weight comes off just fine with green and extra easy. I know only do red days by accident LOL
Hello Jane

Well done on your loss !!! I love your sticker by the way, I want one too! I hope you're off to a good start this week. I tried your malteser dessert last night as a treat - it was so yummy, thanks for the idea. I still have some raspberries left so will have the same again but without the maltesers! :D
Hiya girls:) ive had a great day today Sophie was at playgroup in the morning for 2 hours so i was able to get loads done around the house and i was that busy that i didnt even feel the need to snack between breakfast and lunch, i put all the ingredients for my beef curry into the slow cooker this morning and picked sophie up and popped to tesco for a few bits and bobs, then came back had lunch and then my sister and her 2 kids came over for the afternoon as my nephew was desperate to come and see Katie getting off the school bus hes the same age as Sophie 2 so he was really excited about seeing her off the bus for some reason lol.

Teresa on my 3rd week of SW i lost 3lb and when i looked back at my diary for that week id done red for about 5 days so i thought id give it another try but i also remember struggling a lot with it and even today i started off having a red day but realised that i had to change it to EE so i could have rice with my curry or id have to syn it so i went for the easy option and had an EE day lol, im not sure if i will be able to do red days because of my red lunches issue, i do enjoy eating meat but cant always afford to buy it so dont eat it all that often either, ill most probably be sticking to EE days with a couple of red days thrown in for good measure......but watch this space coz ill probably change my mind a thousand times lol.

hey Gobolino can i be cheeky and ask what your name is lol dont worry if you dont want to say i dont mind lol, im glad you liked my malteaser dessert :) i love it too and have it every night though most nights without the malteasers but with a merignue nest crushed up instead:D i loooooove raspberries so much but they are so expensive and im currently making my way through a carton a day.
oops forgot to update my diary for today! was going to be red but had to change to EE at dinner time.

Breakfast - weetabix with milk (A+B)

lunch - 2 slice 400g wholemeal toast with wf chicken, tomatoes, lettuce and mayo (0.5) the bread should have been my other B choice but had to syn it at 2.5 each so (5 syns) in total.

dinner - HM slow cooked beef curry with boiled rice (0.5 syns for puree)

pudding - raspberries with quark thinned with a little milk from remaining A choice and sweetener.....it was like creme frais so lovely plus i only made it coz id forgotten to buy ff fromage frais but this tasted so much better so ill keep doing it this way i think plus its a lot cheaper then buying ff fromage frais all the time..... and a crushed up meringue nest (2.5 syns)

so total syns for today 8.5 woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D
Yeah a good day.

I switch between quark and ff fromage frais or a mix of both but both of them can get pricey compared to 4 shape zero yogs or activia which i usually get on sale at 1 or 1.50 for 4.

Do you like frozen raspberries? I find them much cheaper and is really the only way i have them unless i find them cheap.
Ive just thrown 2 bags of frozen raspberries in the bin coz i didnt like them at all, it might just have been that brand but they were all broken into tiny pieces and when i let them defrost they turned mushy and drew my jaws together lol. apart from bananas its the only fruit that i really like so its bananas and raspberries for me each week and apples for the girls, they eat the bananas too but hate raspberries so more for me lol, ive sickened myself with shape zero yoghurts i think i might have overdosed myself with them during the first few weeks and i hate mullers so quark and fromage frais suits me fine till i fancy a shape zero again in like 2020 lol
Ha ha - that made me laugh about the shape zero yogs.... I know exactly what you mean, if you give them a rest you might fancy one in a little while but they do get a bit samey ! I love the fromage frais/quark myself. If I have spare syns I love muller greek yog corners (3.5 or 4syns) and really nice as a dessert (I dont do muller lights as they have gelatine in them). Jane, I'm just gobolino for now, for some weird reason I think it helps with security on the computer - he he, only kidding ! By the way, looks like another good day :)
hi jane! I have been a bit hit and miss with coming online properly but its good to see you are doing well! you are a third way tp target... well done - it must really show now:D

I have noticed the same thing with frozen fruit but i find if you eat them as soon as they have defrosted they dont go mushy. OR leave them to go mushy but put them in fromage frais/yogurt or blend them as a smoothy with some banana. xxx
hiya karen great to see you around again hows uni? ill pop over to your diary in a mo so see how your doing.

I went to buy a new winter coat today the one i had from last year was too big:D and had 2 buttons missing so get this ..... my new coat is a size 16:D so although im still wearing everything in an 18 i have noticed that everything is a lot looser but i thought it was because they were too tight when i started the diet but maybe........im getting close to a size 16 as the jacket was probably generous with its sizing but im excited at the prospect of going shopping to try on a pair of 16 jeans and getting them to fit:)

started off today planning a red day but once again changed my mind and ended up having a green day.

Breakie - 2 weetabix with milk (A+B)

snack - 100g raspberries

lunch - left over beef curry and rice (B for the meat in the curry)

snack - 3/4 of a fruit scone with jam/butter (9) my wicked treat that i cant get enough of lol

dinner - ainsely harriott lentil dhal with a quorn chicken fillet and rice

snack - 2 mini kinder bars at 2.5 each so total of (5)

syn total 14:/
hada lovely lie in this morning as the kids stayed at their dads overnight - bliss oh and had a reallllllly nice dream last night about a man who as far as i know doesnt even exist lol as ive never seen him in real life yet..... oh maybe it was premonition lol

anyhoo off to get my hair cut this morning thought i could do with a treat plus my roots need done so looking forward to a bit or R&R at the hairdressers:D
Oh lush, I love getting my hair done, it makes me feel like a new woman :) Hope you have a lovely weekend..... mmmmm scones, mmmmmm green days, well done sticking to it :)
my new hair cut, its quite a bit shorter than before (it was all one length that sat around the length of my chin) and a lot blonder than the last time but i think i like it lol

well apart from getting my haircut today i went to a garden cente with my mum to look at christmas decorations :D:D i loooooooove christmas and cant wait to get my tree and other stuff up.
had another green day....so much for my full week or red i hear you both say lol.. i just dont think im cut out for red days cant seem to get my head around them maybe if it was lovely hot weather then it would be easier as i could just have cold meat salads for lunch everyday but it doesnt quite cut it when its freezing cold lol.

breakie - 2 weetabix with milk (A+B)

lunch - 2 slice wm bread (B) 3 slice WF tesco chicken (2) thats a total guess so will need to check in a moment incase its a lot higher than that?? with tomato and scrape lf marg (1)

snack - half a buscuit....to explain i started off eating it then realised it was 5 syns and had a guilty conscience so threw the rest away....how good am i lol so syning it at (2.5)

dinner - lentil dhal with rice ...was meant to be sw chips but got distracted on facebook and they got burnt :( but my dinner was yummy all the same.

x factor treat - 2 mini kinder bars (5)

syn count - 10.5 if the cold meat syn was correct?
Your hair looks great. I am never very adventurous with mine.

You are losing just fine one the green and extra easy so just enjoy it and don't fight with the red.

I did extra easy today and really enjoyed it, my tea was yummy chilli out of the extra easy cookbook with spicy wedges even had seconds but it kept me away from the choc everyone was eating during x factor.