Jax's Diary

Great to see you back posting Jax. My last year has been pretty much like yours dietwise, so know how you feel there. I have been on restart fora week and a half and have had some wobbly moments. but am slowly getting there. I know you can do this and you have done so well so far. I am equally determined this will be my year.

Take care and keep posting xxxx
He paid for it though as I spent all sunday playing bonjovi full blast in which ever room/car he was in. He then decided to go for a run only to find his MP3 had amazingly deleted itself and been replaced with Bonjovi's Wanted Dead or Alive :8855:

You're excellent Jax! That gave me a good giggle:Dxx

..then again, i've been exercising to the twilight audio books LMAO :p


I so know what i'm looking for tonight!!!xx
Great to see you back posting Jax. My last year has been pretty much like yours dietwise, so know how you feel there. I have been on restart fora week and a half and have had some wobbly moments. but am slowly getting there. I know you can do this and you have done so well so far. I am equally determined this will be my year.

Take care and keep posting xxxx
Hi hunny and thanks - this year WILL be the one for both of us! Good luck with your restart and hope your wobbly moments disappear into obvlivion ?sp
Morning jax..
Av a good day x
Thanks Fuzz - you too hunny
Lovely to see you back Jax and I did LOL at the MP3 story. :8855:

Hope you're having a lovely day

Thanks hun, day has been fine so far.
You're excellent Jax! That gave me a good giggle:Dxx


I so know what i'm looking for tonight!!!xx
It seems to have worked - he seems to be a lot more attentive ha ha.

Had to eat at work today as OH had car and our class was going out on a walk around village all morning so didnt fancy walking home and back at lunch as well - nearly panicked when told main course was pizza and veg option was also pizza - our wonderful school cook, bless her, having seen the look of horror on my face quickly offered to rustle up a turkey salad with herby potatoes - relief or what! Unfortunately this was accompanied with rhubarb crumble and custard so not too fab but pizza as well would have been horrific. Have allowed 3 pts for the turkey and another 3 for the herby potatoes and hoping that 4 pts will cover the crumble - Might need to enlist the help of Fuzzy as she probably will know what schools put in their crumbles/herby pots lol - I do NOT want to risk going over my points this week :eek:

Am sitting here twiddling my thumbs waiting for a phone call from a headteacher from another school to chat about a job they have - advertised as a 2 person job share but no idea how many hours - all it said was a total of 32.5 hours between the two peeps - currently do 25 hours so don't think it will be enough. Just wish she would hurry up and ring as I just wanna go out on my treadmill and earn myself another 6 AP's : Oh boy have I got the running bug back or what??? :D:D:D

Nothing else to report - tomorrow have another transition visit with my little lad to his new school - so stress factors will be heightened as both he and I will be out of our comfort zones and will have our autistic tendencies stretched.

Pop back later with final food/exercise for day x
He then decided to go for a run only to find his MP3 had amazingly deleted itself and been replaced with Bonjovi's Wanted Dead or Alive :8855:
That is hilarious! What a fab joke - I'm going to store that idea up! I'm also a big Dizzee fan hun - all the better for running with IMO!

Oh boy have I got the running bug back or what??? :D:D:D
Well done you! I am very jealous my knee won't hold up to anything running-wise yet and I just have to sit it out. But it's nice to hear about someone else's running - keeps my motivation up. Good for you girl!
good luck with your transition day Jax, what happens when he goes to this new school? is that why you are looking for a new job? xx
Thanx hun. Apparently have hours next year but from the sound of it will be used as a spare part here, there and everywhere and think a bit of broom sweeping from up my a**e at the same time. Also major cut backs next summer and by the sound of it at about 9 TA jobs will be shaved - think I might jump ship if I can beforehand.
sounds like a plan! cuts everywhere - i've been lucky to scrape a part time job! x
Evening jax..:)
We dont do crumble but do the herby pots...but they are frozen diced pots so i would say that 3/4 points well covers a portion...i would guesstimate around 4 for the crumble chuck...

Nice to hear youve got the running bug back x
Thanks fuzz - you're a star!!!

Food wise - 21/21 - Head teacher didnt ring - so didnt get out on treadmill :( Oh well, always tomorrow. Early night for me now - nighty night xxx
na night, sleep nice! :) x
Slept lovely thanx Rach. Found work emotionally draining today - too hot for lots of the little people and the transition visit to the new school didnt help. Still stayed within points. Earnt 6 AP's on treadmill. Had a hair chop and decided to change colour next time as have been this colour for far too long and life is too short to be the same all the flipping time! Missed phone call from headteacher of other school so will try ringing again tomorrow. Nothing else happening worth chatting about.
dont blame you with all those little children - they killed me in a week :p

sleep well tonight and recharge for hopefully a less draining day tomorrow :) xxx
Hope today is better for you. It is stressy at work here too so can relate to that.

Will done on staying on track and earning the aps. And hope you manage to talk to HT today. xx
Just stopping by to say hello & thanx for the visits to me xx
Hope you are having a lovely weekend xx
LOL Fitz have just been catching up in your diary - took ages but worth every minute!!!