Jenny's moved on :)

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That's a girl Jen - just because we're 'allowed' to have something doesn't mean we should I suppose!
Waaatttt!!! NO PIZZA?!?!?! OMGGG! are you sure your feeling ok?? haha :D

V sorry i forgot to say huge congrats on the 2lbs off in my last post!!! woowoo! :)

Hope you've had that bacon sarnie ;) i'm having beans on TOAST for my lunch haha :D

congrats girlies on the breadban!! wasn't that tough just missed my pizza... but i've coped! now for no crisps! .... then no potato products from 9th march... this week i'll mainly be eating chips! ;) HAHAHA :p oh god what have i got myself into!

in other news, i feel a lot less bloated thanks to the no bread thankfully but i think ive missed the fibre! :)

hope your alright hun glad to hear your not itching so much now :) have a brill week xxxx
I caved and I had a pizza... Lets leave it at that.... There were no points on the box, so I'm taking it as zero points, and anyone wants to argue with me does so at their own risk. YES! THAT'S RIGHT! Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit's PSYCHO JENNY TIME!!!! hah. Not resorting to chocolate though, although I did have a creme egg earlier, which explains my barrage of information when a mystery person asked creme egg pointage, and got discover points, propoints, syns, calories...

Remember not so long ago, I got head-hunted for a position in the finance department of my old company, then they f**ked me over? And I went a bit unhappy for a while? Well.... they did it again, only this time I was expecting it and I don't feel down about it, I don't feel so stupid.

And AND! I have booked the birdy flying lessons for the 11th March, and I am so so looking forward to it! Got that, and my jewellery class, and then my massage... Feeling much less itchy today again, should be MAYBE back to normal in I think 2 days... maybe 3... :D Cannot wait!

Oops - It was 50pp that pizza. It was yummy though. Probably shouldnt have troughed the lot but it is out of my system now.

Incidentally, time for something pink & fluffy, cos he hasn't had much of a mention lately...

From: Jenny
Sent: 28 February 2011 22:16
To: Biker Boy
Subject: Review of February

It was rubbish, I think. Granted it had it's moments, but in the main, not a great month. Hmm.
So March will be better.
I will not let it suck hairy monkey balls.
Are you with me?

From: Biker Boy
To: Jenny
Subject: RE: Review of February
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2011 23:21 +0000

Always :) x


And on that note, I leave you with sick-buckets, and bid you all a good evening....x

I'll be back with a new diet plan tomorrow.... Oh dear..!
I Love Love Love you Jen
Quite possibily one of the funniest posts I've read all month
It's cheered me up no end indeed
long live Physco Jenny

And aww to the pink & fluffy moment too xx
Ps I know the identity of the mysterious phantom Creme Egg enquirer lol
I'm up late this morning, and somewhat confused... I decided to have a slice of toast with mushrooms this morning. Just one slice, not my usual 3.
I couldn't eat it, it was horrible! Looks like I'm off bread now....... interesting!
omg talk about going off things! am havin weetabix for breakfast and its almost impossible to put down my throat ughh
Well bread is bad for us anyway. I'm sure of it.

Hope today goes a little bit better. Glad you enjoyed your pizza Jen.

And lovely to see you all pink and fluffy.

Love it when Psycho Jenny is here. Always gives us a good chuckle :D
I managed a prawn mayo sandwich for lunch though.... Interesting.! Must just be toast!!!

Haha, Lauren, to be fair, weetabix is fairly rank. Tastes like chipboard :p I did a weetabix diet once, decided that having nothing but weetabix was a healthy diet... Needless to say after about 10 days I could no longer stand the taste sight or smell of the stuff! I don't advise it, I was young and stupid, instead of being old and stupid like I am now :p

Food today:
Breakfast - Mushrooms and Bacon, with a (half) slice of toast
Snacks - Banana, Apple & Grapes. Apple Juice
Lunch - Prawn Mayo Sandwich, Strawberry Mullerlight
Snacks - More fruit
Tea - Mince & Veg
Treat - Galaxy Bubbles for Psycho Jenny

I have a calendar up on the wall behind my desk - it looks decidedly EMPTY for the next week. What should I do? x
Treat Galaxy Bubbles for Psycho Jen
Hahaha love it.....

Cereal is another thing I don't do ( like Chocolate ) it makes me gag and the very though of a Weetabix diet puts the fear of god into me
Cereal to me = Cardboard or in Weetabix case wall paper paste haha!!!

Yum to the prawn sarnie though Jen
have a lovely day my little goatie friend
Hoof hoof xx
I hate weetabix, horrible stuff although I do seem to remember when I tried it I spread butter on it cos I didnt like it with milk :eek:

Fair play to you Jen, psycho Jenny has not been around for some time, unless of course you have been keeping her under cover ;)

Have a very lovely evening x
oh i think im gonna switch to toast for breakfast!!!! weetabix is turnin my stomach now!!! yukkkk
Just a quicky...
I love you all :)

But also, I joined SW tonight and will be going to a group once a week to get extra support.

Cos I get f*** all from my family. But that is a story for another day.

I feel super motivated actually. :)
Just a quicky...
I love you all :)

But also, I joined SW tonight and will be going to a group once a week to get extra support.

Cos I get f*** all from my family. But that is a story for another day.

I feel super motivated actually. :)

Welcome to the other side, again! :) I love how you work things out for every possible diet known to mankind! xxx
Right. Big decision here, this diary has been a big part of my life for the past (nearly) 2 years.

I've asked for my diary here to be closed off. Main reason is because I will not be following WW anymore. I don't dispute the plan, I think ProPoints is a great innovation and I am almost saddened to turn my back on it.

I don't know what to do, personally, about carbs. This whole episode has really thrown me into oblivion, I have spent the past 2 weeks trying to work it into plan, trying to see how it could work, but it won't with WW. For the sake of my health and wellbeing, the doc says to strictly limit carbs, and reduce my dairy intake to one or two portions a day. No more. Given this advice, I cannot reach 40ish points a day, it just doesn't work. I think that I need to relax about food in general, and stop having to measure, track, weigh everything. It is making me obsess about food. I said last week that I hated food, and I actually meant it. It has come to a point where food is controlling me and ruining my life. I'm on the verge of being chucked into bloomin rehab by my parents, losing my boyfriend, and several friends are losing their patience with me.. I can't go on being this way.

I have decided no more. I took a step back and had a think. I have done a lot of that recently, speaking to the doctor and reading various books about why I eat what I eat, and emotions, and all that jazz... I know I need to make some big changes and I am working on it.

Thank you to Team Fabulous too. The past 2 years, all you have put up with my whinging, rambling and bull-poo ditherings... I can't put it words how much I care for you people and I am so pleased that our paths crossed. Life would be incredibly dull without you :p

So that's it. Jenny's closing the door on the Weightwatchers chapter, and will open a new door in the Members section when I feel ready...

Well Jen - that's an awful lot of thinking going on but at least you're doing something about it. Think you're right to focus on 'healthy eating' as opposed to 'counting, tracking, weighing, pointing, synning' and all that flapjack.

Really hope you do well and you win your battle chuck.

Please open a new diary in members (when you're ready :)) You will be hugely missed if you don't.

Sending you the biggest squeeziest hug in the whole wide world x
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