Jess' photo diary, surgery & baby later. Fresh start


Pizza baguette
Well done Jess on the loss and the miss slinky!!!

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It's the boost I needed. Xx
Well Jacob is at nursery today, I'm having a lazy day! I've still got a really bad back so cannot even do anything :( Sitting hurts!

So sofa, pj's, duvet & cuddles with Connor. Even though I need to get the ironing done!
NSV - In 3weeks I've lost half a inch from my hips and a inch from my waist :-D
Well I was terrible sat/sun with diet... back 100% today though!

Gammon stirfry for lunch and just had tomato soup for tea. Not really hungry today.
Hi Jess
All that matters is your back on plan now. Have s lovely day

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chicken stew to freeze i made over night :)
2014-11-18 10.11.22.jpg

2014-11-18 10.11.11.jpg

few other meals through the few days ive been MIA
gammon stirfry
2014-11-17 13.06.11.jpg

2014-11-13 20.15.54.jpg

2014-11-11 11.59.31.jpg
Well its WI again already. I'm in split minds if it lose. My scale s say 2lb gain, checked earlier... don't usually though!
How did wi go hun?
Is Jacob getting excited about Christmas or are you trying to keep quiet about it as yet? Every day my grandson wants to know how many sleeps, not that he really understands quite how long that equates too... other than a lot! Hope the boys are both well xx
How did wi go hun?
Is Jacob getting excited about Christmas or are you trying to keep quiet about it as yet? Every day my grandson wants to know how many sleeps, not that he really understands quite how long that equates too... other than a lot! Hope the boys are both well xx

How did wi go hun?
That's what I came to find out!
Hope you are well Jess

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Not good, Up 1.5lb :'( but I know why!!! Sunday I had turkey xmas meal and chocolate torte :rolleyes:

But I've been on plan since Monday so hopefully a nice loss next week!!

Boys are going okay, had a few changes go on the past 2 weeks.. Jacob used to have a dummy for bed only, but we lost it so had no choice to go to bed without it.
I've said Santa came earlier to take it away and he will get presents soon for been such a big boy without one.
Day 1 only cried for a little bit. That was it!! Asked on day 4 to find his dummy. But I explained again about Santa. Hes doing great though!
I've also had to do a reward chart as started refusing to brush his teeth.
So we've now a sticker chart for brushing teeth, been a good boy(no naughty step), putting toys away and been nice to Connor.
It's actually working great. Will be a week on Friday and he only missed 2 stars last night. (He bite someone at nursery! And hurt Connor!)

Sorry I'm going on lol.

Connor had some food last night and actually wanted it. First time he's willingly opened his mouth and wanted his food :)

Change of hair slightly too! Middle parting instead of side... what you think?? I'm not too sure just yet!

Sorry about the gain but at least you know why.
Sounds like Jacob is doing great without his dummy. We have a reward chart for Tom as well
And it works most of the time!
Connor doing great on his food

Have to be honest on the hair I prefer the side parting makes you look younger but that's just my opinion.
Have a lovely day

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Thanks, I'm not too worried with the gain Tbh as I know why it happened! Just hope I can be good and have no more gains Upto Christmas :)

Charts do work well, I'm surprised. He's not a naughty kid but hes starting to get abit rough with Connor so thought a chart would be good

Thanks for been truthful, im in split minds of it like this, dont think I like how it shows my face.. x
Awww bless Jacob what a sweetie, my friend left her daughters dummy under the pillow on Christmas eve & said Santa would take it & leave pressies, apparently that worked, which is similar to what you've done. we never had star charts, I wasn't keen!

I like your hair parted at the side, I think its because of the fringe which suits you. x
Gosh been away for a little while! Been crazy.

Jacob is poorly with ear infection which started on Friday been ill, got into emerg docs Sunday night.

Then Connor, he's been poorly few days. Cough. Snotty and bronchitis playing up. But last night he felt sweaty but cold. Took his temp and it was 35.5! Advice from 111 and it was A&E. We was there from 11:30pm - 8:05am. Waited over 4 hours to finally see the doctor, who was going to fob me off as when the nurse checked his temp when we came in it was back normal. But I said yeah that was over 4 hours ago!!! So he checked again and I was right, it was down to 35. He tried saying the thermometer reads low, so the nurse tried. She was like "oh" as hers too read it. They tried saying oh well he doesn't feel cold! Pissed me off as both thermometers said it. So THEN they got the ones to go under arm, read the same... Then the groin... The same! I said see it obviously IS that temperature! (I was getting very annoyed at this point) so he called the paediatric ward for a 2nd opinion which was get him up there to be checked.
So we was on the ward over 4 hours.
Luckily his temp came up again but only to 36.1
Been given inhaler for his bronchitis as it's bad and got to keep eye on temp. We have no clue why it happened. If drops again they will do bloods etc.

So what a few days it's been!! = diet.. ha! Pizza... McDonald's.... Chinese... :/