Jingly Christmas challenge

1lb loss for me so I managed 5 out of the 6 in total which I'm really pleased with! Well done to everyone else too! Happy Christmas!

serafyn 14lbs -5, -3, -1 (5lbs to go)
Vicky 11lbs STS,-1lb, STS, +1lb
Nic 6lbs -sts,sts,sts,-1lb,-1lb,-2lbs,-1lb
Lady Marmalade 12lbs: -4lbs, STS
assj 13lbs:-2.4lbs -3lbs
kimber 7lbs: - 4lbs, -2lbs (total 6 lbs)
pumpkin2008 8lbs
Jot 7lbs
LaLaLou 14lbs (goal) -2.75lbs
Vodevil 6lbs: -1lb, STS, -1lb, STS, -2lbs
soozs 25lbs -4lbs/new weight, now down 15 lbs. 10 to go. yeah.
Itsy 14lb-lost.2lb-1lb-1lb-1lb-6lb-1lb
sa89 14lbs - 7lb. -3lb.
x Alex x 7.4lbs
tweetypie 10lbs - 3lbs - 7lbs to go
caroline g 13lbs - 3lbs, 10lbs to go
Caloriefree 20lbs - 6lbs, 14lbs to go!
Danidoot 10lbs, -2lbs, 8lbs to go
Ok so were alld one, im stuffed from dinner!! Was god with cals up til today... Cant stop digging into Quality Street! ARGH! Hope i dont gain really but will need to get another challenge on go!!
Feel totally stuffed and cant stop picking.
chocolate, cheese cake, and every sinful
thing you can eat iv'e eating :DIm putting it all behind me( lol dont mean my bum)
or maybe i do...:eek: and hopefully back on track tomorrow..:)

serafyn 14lbs -5, -3, -1 (5lbs to go)
Vicky 11lbs STS,-1lb, STS, +1lb
Nic 6lbs -sts,sts,sts,-1lb,-1lb,-2lbs,-1lb
Lady Marmalade 12lbs: -4lbs, STS
assj 13lbs:-2.4lbs -3lbs
kimber 7lbs: - 4lbs, -2lbs (total 6 lbs)
pumpkin2008 8lbs
Jot 7lbs
LaLaLou 14lbs (goal) -2.75lbs
Vodevil 6lbs: -1lb, STS, -1lb, STS, -2lbs
soozs 25lbs -4lbs/new weight, now down 15 lbs. 10 to go. yeah.
Itsy 14lb-lost.2lb-1lb-1lb-1lb-6lb-1lb-total loss 12lb......:D
sa89 14lbs - 7lb. -3lb.
x Alex x 7.4lbs
tweetypie 10lbs - 3lbs - 7lbs to go
caroline g 13lbs - 3lbs, 10lbs to go
Caloriefree 20lbs - 6lbs, 14lbs to go!
Danidoot 10lbs, -2lbs, 8lbs to go
Not sure if i made the 20lb goal..not really sure when i started it...but ive lost 10lbs this month so far so im excited!
Next challenge on its way :)