Jonsgirl's Atkins daily blah blah

I think you have a real motivation to get the weight off....... I know that's a challenge I will have to face in the future so the closer I can get to my BMi being lower the better!!! Maybe not having the op before christmas is for best..... Can look forward to christmas with no stress (despite the family stress) and then a fresh new year to make a baby! Very exciting...... Be nice to have an Atkins group baby!! ( that sounds kinda weird but hey!!)

We have done well haven't we ( pat on the back!!) I'm very pleased and proud of my 20lbs off but do think what I could've lost if I had stuck to it 100%! But on the other hand I have usually quit all the other diets by now so as long as I get back on I'm winning!!! I just hate drinking water and squash stalls me bad!!! Any tips?! Xx
Squash stalls me too and I'm not keen on water either but I do try to get at least 2 litres a day down because I find it really does help me lose weight. I find it easier if I put it in 4 x 500ml bottles and always have one by my side and carry one with me when I'm out and about. if i take a big glug every time i think about it, it seems to go down really quick with minimal effort.

You are right - we have done really well haven't we? I know you say you could have done better if you'd stuck to it 100% but if you had done that you might have got bored and had a major slip up or even stopped altogether so maybe those odd little slips here and there have worked to keep you on track. I think as long as you are enjoying the food and the general weight trend is downwards its all good - 20lbs off is a brilliant achievement. I had a bit of a dodgy weekend dietwise as we went away for hubby's birthday and i wasn't 100% so I've probably not lost anything, hey ho back on track today!

Starting the IVF after Xmas gives me something to look forward to as I always get a bit of the post Xmas blues in January but if I know we'll be starting to try for a baby that will make me happy. Plus we'll be chilled out as we'll have been off work for a couple of weeks so that will be better. I really can't wait to get started!! Xx
Ooh good tips..... Maybe having a few smaller bottles will make it easier!! I look at a litre bottle with dread!!! I have done a little better today.... Mainly because the chorizo was quite salty!!! I had a carby Saturday too and gained 2lbs so want to see those off this week!! Here's to a good week xxx
Hi Jonsgirl,
I've just been lurking around the Atkins threads and had a little look through your diary, I just wanted to say good luck and all the best :) I'm on a meal replacement diet at the moment, and plan to continue a low carb diet after Christmas. My goal is also to be a healthy weight before conceiving another baby :) I wish you all the luck in the world, I've got no doubts you'll succeed, I can see how well you've done so far by looking at your signature! I think the prospect of another squish is the best kind of incentive!
Thanks lux,

yes it's amazing how much easier it is when you have something to aim for! X
Hi all,

hope you are all well,

i am soooo tired this week - work has been crazy busy just trying to catch up after my week off and everybody suddenly has a thousand urgent things they want me deal with by yesterday! I've been out on the road every day for the past two weeks and will be for at least the next two weeks and I'm working late most nights to get all my other work done as i'm struggling to fit everything in!

At least I get to chill out this weekend as I'm taking hubby to a spa for our anniversary - it's been planned for months but I kept it secret and surprised him - I didn't mention it on here as hubby is also a member and I didn't want to take any chances of him reading my posts and finding out! It's been absolutely killing me keeping it to myself though. I can't wait to get there and relax, we're booked in for a massage and a mud bath and we're staying overnight - I'm so excited!! The only problem is food is included so I'll just have to do the best I can.

Foodwise I'm just trying to get back on track for the rest of the week as we also went away last weekend for hubbys birthday and i had a little slip up. Knowing i was going to be away this weekend aswell it was very tempting to carry on and have a carb binge for the rest of the week but i decided every little helps and i should be as good as i can be when i have the opportunity. I would really like to complete my challenge to lose another 7 pounds in the seven week run up to Xmas (although its only six weeks now- didn't weigh last weekend as knew it would not be a good result and that is guaranteed to put me off)

I have to say that i really enjoyed the food i ate on hubbys birthday (I would not have eaten it otherwise - gone are the days of me stuffing food into my face without even thinking about it ) although I suffered for it later. We went to the most amazing American BBQ place. Actually I wasn't as bad as I could have been - I had some ribs and a burger - most of it was meat and salad but I did eat half of the bread bun, half an onion ring and a couple of spoonfuls of BBQ beans. I left all the chips as I didn't really want them so it wasn't worth the carbs.

My burger - it was like something off man vs food, much much bigger than it looks here

so far I've been good since Sunday but I've just gone to get the chicken breasts that I asked hubby to get out of the freezer last night ( was going to have chicken in mayo garlic and parmesan and i was really looking forward to it ) i've just found out he's left them on the kitchen side next to the boiler instead of putting them in the fridge. I opened the plastic and the smell nearly knocked me off my feet - we've got nothing else defrosted so it will have to be a takeaway. That also means I won't get to eat until hubby comes home at 11pm and I'm blooming starving!!
Ooooo spa weekend sounds lovely and those mud baths can help you lose inches!!!! I feel your pain..... I booked a short break to Rome in August for my boyfriends birthday in January..... How I've kept it a secret this far I do not know.....2 months to go!!! Xx
Oooo how exciting - we went to Rome on our honeymoon and it was amazing, I'd love to go back so I'm very jealous!

Its really hard to keep anything secret from hubby because he just questions everything and he's really nosy. I had to tell him we were going away but told him we were going to leeds (which i'd actually arranged for the week before) I was a bit cruel about the way i finally revealed it but it was worth it because his face when he found out was a picture.

i made him a card (more like a book) with loads of pages in and pictures and drawings and saying about all the things I like about him and then on the last few pages I said I was sorry but I had a confession to make and had been lying to him for some time then on the last page I told him that we werent going to leeds we were going to the spa instead. When he saw the bit about being sorry for lying he said he thought I was going to ask for a divorce lol I think he would cheerfully of strangled me for giving him a fright but we do like to wind each other up so he saw the funny side lol
Wow that is some burger! Spa weekend sounds lovely, hope you have a lovely time. Dr the being good during the week, I read on another forum that you can come in and out of ketosis quite quickly if you only cheat for a day or two as you've already depleted the glucose stores in your body so once you start lc again you burn off little glucose you consumed and get back into k quickly. So you might be pleasantly surprised when wi comes! x
Thanks Toni,

i just had to have that burger as soon as I saw it and it was amazing!

I looked into carb cycling a while ago and people seemed to have quite good results so there must be something in it - not sure I'd have the willpower to get back on it if i did it regularly though.

Hopefully I've not done too much damage come Saturday xx
Hi all,

well today was so much better - I didn't have to go out until 10.45 so it was a toss up between getting up mega early to hit the office and try to get some serious work out of the way (which is what I've done every day since my holiday) or having an extra hour in bed - bed won!!

It was actually the best thing though because when I got up I was alert and super motivated and had a really productive hour in the office instead of slobbing around in my dressing gown and generally trying to make excuses to avoid doing all the things I need to do! It's made me realise that when i slow down a bit i achieve more and I do need to slow down or I risk a bit of a burnout - I worked 10 hours overtime last week and was on course to do the same this week.

I managed to get my visit done and get home early so instead of starting work in my office I just checked my messages and called it a day finishing an hour early. I'm also hoping to finish early on Friday too as I've booked a hotel near the train station ready for our trip to the spa at weekend so I'd like to get there and chill out before hubby joins me from work.

in other news - I got a message from my sister in law tonight apologising for causing the argument about Christmas. I really wasn't expecting that so i'm a bit shocked but at least it's all sorted now and we're talking again so I feel like a weight has been lifted. Just hope hubby has the good sense to accept her apology with good grace too so we can put an end to all this nonsense.

Foodwise I've been relatively good today although I could eat a house which means I'm not fully in ketosis as I always lose my appetite when I am. I had a bit of leftover kebab meat from last night for my lunch and I'm having chicken baked in mayo garlic and Parmesan with egg fried cauli rice for my tea which I am really looking forward to.

Hope you're all doing well ladies xx
Good on you for taking the time to have a breather, we all work better on full batteries! Hope you stop feeling hungry soon, here's to k kicking in soon!

Re carb cycling, never heard of it before, but looked it up and now I'm like, hmmm. But yeah, same as you, not sure I'd have the willpower to stop eating carbs again! You are doing so well JG, you're an inspiration! x
Thanks Toni,

i think carb cycling to me would be an excuse for a long binge - I just wouldn't get back on plan I don't think. I try not to come off plan often because I don't have a lot of willpower to get back on - I'm fine while I'm on track and in ketosis but it's just working up the motivation to actually start and get through the first few days I find difficult. That said It might be difficult to be 100% this weekend because we're away again for our anniversary and food is included.

well today I went to a meeting which finished much earlier than expected so I decided to take the afternoon off - not that I did anything exciting ( only food shopping) but it was nice to do it without having to drag Jacob round. Will probably take some more time off tomorrow morning too as I'm not due at my training session until 2pm.feel a bit lazy but I need to take some time off really because I've worked loads of overtime this month but because its flexitime we dont get paid for it. we can take the time back but only within a certain timeframe and then it's forfeit. Unfortunately the deadline for taking it is tomoro and I'm still well over my hours so I'm actually working for nothing- grrr! Mustn't grumble really - I love my job and there's lots of perks but because i'm so busy I'm always over my hours so it's always a little niggle on deadline week!

Went to our new " local" Aldi (it's about 15 miles away but that's a good 10 mile closer than the old one was) sooo much low carb stuff in there. I piled my trolley high and bought some Christmas bits too and spent £100! I didn't think it was possible to spend £100 pound in Aldi but i guess I got enough food for about two weeks including 10 trays of meat so it will be much cheaper than tesco where I spend about £80 per week.

So I finally got home from Aldi, unpacked the shopping, cleaned out the fridge, picked up Jacob, went to pick some fabric for new curtains, got petrol, went to buy a birthday card and present for a party jacob's going to at weekend, visited parents in law, came home, did jacobs tea, packed cases for Jacob, myself, hubby, turned the house upside down looking for swimming gear, printed out confirmations for spa, train tickets etc, tidied up, sorted out some work stuff for tomorrow, filled in some pension forms, transferred enough money to hubby's bank account to cover weekend expenses, did jacob's homework and reading, played with him, read bedtime stories and put him to bed, started on our tea, sorted out some washing. Finally sat down at 11pm when hubby came in - asked him to find a pair of jeans to put in the case instead of the impractical linen trousers he wanted to take and get grumbles that he'll do it later as he's been at work all day!! Bloody men!!!

Foodwise I have been good again today - not eaten much as not been hungry so hoping that this is a sign I'm going into ketosis - (probably just in time for me to come out of it again at weekend - yay!)

b: black coffee with one sweetner.
l: frankfurter sausage.
d: Aldi piri piri chicken breast ( this was lovely and only 0.1 g of carbs) stuffed mushroom.
w: 2.5l

So now we're all packed and ready to go (save for hubby's jeans - grrrrrr!!!!) absolutely can't wait to finish work tomoro so we can get off.

Hope you all have good weekends - see you on the other side ladies xx
Have a great time at the spa! Your oh sounds just like mine run around all day getting everyone including self ready for holiday all he has to do is put the clothes in a suitcase and I too get 'later' lol on spending £100 at Aldi - the piri piri chicken sound fab will check that out.
Wow JG, thought you said you had time OFF?! A mother/wife's work is never done, eh? Well, I hope you all have a lovely time away, ketosis be damned for now, have a lovely break and relax!

As for carb cycling, agree completely, I had 3 failed attempts to get back into k this time, nearly didn't do it and wanted to buy half of lidl Christmas goodies and go home and scoff in secret. But didn't! You'll get back into it quick enough if you're only off doe a couple of days.

Also, thanks for great tip about taking smaller water bottle around with you, I usually use a 1l one but like kimmi said, it is a bit daunting!

So, anyway, go forth and be pampered!

PS. You looked amazing in that dress! x
Awww thanks Toni,

yes, some days it feels like I never stop and my feet don't touch the ground from getting up to going to bed. I probably did at least another 150 things that I didn't even think about! Usually I just get on with it (it goes with the territory being a wife n mummy like you say) the only time it bothers me is when hubby moans about things he has to do - he has a relatively easy life because I take care of everything and handle all the household stuff, finances and decisions. He only has to take Jacob to school, go to work and do the washing and he even moans about that - but I guess that's what you get for marrying a man who lived with his mummy until he was 30 lol. One thing is for sure, I will try to make sure Jacob knows how to run a house as he gets older - I feel I owe it to whoever he ends up living with in the future!!

currently sat in the hotel waiting for hubby to join me from work - we live an hour from the train station and the train to spa in morning is mega early so we're staying overnight. Just had a text from him to say he's finished early and is on his way so let the weekend commence!!! Xx
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Well we have just got back from a lovely weekend away - the spa was great!

i packed two very frumpy swimsuits and a bikini thinking I probably wouldn't wear the bikini but it was all i had and i took all three because you walk round in your robe all day so you need something under it in case it happens to fall open (even if you don't intend to show it off) and if you're in and out of the pool you need a few changes of clothes if you don't want to be walking around with soggy pants lol!

So when I got there I got the swimsuit out, I actually got it half on and then thought - you know what? I wonder if I can pull that bikini off (without actually making anyone retch at the sight of my acres of milky white flab) now I haven't worn a bikini since I went to Egypt and that was in 2004 and i didnt feel great in it then so i wasnt sure i would feel comfortable wearing it or even if it would fit (size 12/14) so I tried it on and actually it didnt look as bad as i thought so I decided to keep it on and wore it most of the day and actually when i caught sight of myself in the mirror I didn't realise it was me at first.

later on when I was sat on the loungers by the pool I was hot so actually ditched the dressing gown and just laid in my bikini - normally I would be muffled up in a robe hiding my body as much as I could and just throwing it off to make a quick dash to the pool in the hope nobody would see me. I have to say I actually felt quite comfortable with how my body looked (actually absolutely blooming thrilled might be a better description!) yes there was a bit of flab there and my tummy now resembles bread dough because most of the fat that was there is gone so it's gone all floppy (i tucked that bit in a best i could lol) but i now seem to have a waist and my tummy is much flatter than before and not bloated so I was pretty happy (and there was no retching from anybody either so it can't have been that much of a sight)

foodwise it's not been too bad - obviously there have been carbs consumed but to be honest the portions were pretty small and it was all what you would probably call healthy food - I had lightly dusted hake fillets with salad for lunch and for tea i had sundried tomatoes, humous, olives, rocket salad and olive oil and balsamic dressing with crusty multigrain bread to start and coq au vin for main so not that bad. I had a chocolate tart for my pudding but the filling was made with double cream and dark chocolate and no sugar so I just ate that and left the pastry. Even today when we got back to town and I could eat anything I wanted I ate very little because I still have very little appetite from being in ketosis so I ate half a burger and that filled me up.

Straight back on plan tomorrow and lots of water and hoping things won't be too bad on the scales next Saturday - only 6 weeks until Xmas!!!