Jo's fourth and final weightloss journal


Silver Member
Oh dear. Here we go again. I'm back again for ****** knows what attempt (it's definitely more than fourth!)

I made the decision a couple of weeks ago to get back to it. But then I got sent away for work for the last 5 weeks so I've been eating a lot of hotel food which means a lot of my vice - pâté on toast with whatever chutney they throw at me!

I've also discovered lattes having never previously been a coffee drinker which is probably not great for me.

Today I weighed in at 184.4lbs. This is the heaviest I've ever been. I want to lose around 50lbs. Sounds a lot but when it's distributed around your body it's not that much.

I'm hoping, because I've been so far off plan I'll have a great first week loss.

I'm lacking in motivation big time so it's that that I'm going to need help with. Plus it's so expensive to be healthy but I guess with it being winter it's got to that time when you can eat loads of soup which is cheap to make fortunately.

I love baking bread too though so need to think about finding a slimming world bread recipe...wonder if they even exist! If anyone knows of any I'd appreciate the help!

Ideally I want to lose 3/4s of a stone to a stone by Christmas and with a couple of really good starting weeks that's not entirely impossible. Just going to have to stay dead focussed and completely on plan but I think I'm ready for it.
Just planned meals for next couple of weeks. This will hopefully keep me motivated and on track :)
So intake today:

B - Belvita breakfast biscuits (6 syns) and banana
L - mugshot
Snack - ham, twiglets (5 syns)
D - beef stir fry

Still have 4 syns for snacks. No idea what to use it on or if even to use it. Have a hexa and b too. Don't seem to have any bread - would have done cheese on toast :/
Well that lasted!!! Ok fresh slate starting today. I've downloaded the myfitnesspal app so plan on using calorie counting in conjunction with slimming world. In the past I've lost loads of weight but I've eaten tonnes. And I don't want to then come off and still have that huge appetite so need to really scale down on how much I eat. I'm determined to do it. This year is my year.

I'm currently a borderline 14/16 on bottom and 12/14 on top. I want to be a 10 all over and lose roughly 50lbs off the 186 I currently am. Not a tall order over the course of the year. I'm a keen baker though so I'm going to have to factor this in aswell :/

My plan is to become more active too. I think I should do 20 minutes of Zumba each day. It doesn't matter if its not a lot - at least I'm doing it every day and its not too much time taken on my day. And the more I do perhaps ill want to do more too.

Here's to 2013 and being the skinny minny year.
So far - alright :) had an awesome two days and really behaved myself :) really chuffed with myself

I'm probably unlikely to update this regularly but will try as much as possible :)