Jo's Juddd diary 2012

This is the one of the orders I am working on today, its all Butterflies for the rest of this week, so far anyway x
2012-08-20 15.25.03.jpg
bajoleth said:
I know brill isn't it x

I think 'Dont tell the bride' etc has a lot to answer for lol. But i agree with P, they are awesome and u are obvs v talented! I just dont have the skill or patience for fiddly things x
aw man i'd love doing that job.....! :p
Its great, can have really silly weeks like this week where it all a bit hectic but I love fishing them off and making them look pretty, I am such a girly girl (can I say Girl as I am 41 lol) Right , back at it see you all later x
p.s the smell of melting choc can get a bit 'hard' on a DD but I got over that now x
oooooooooooooooooo im getting married they look wicked xxxx
MissieCB said:
oooooooooooooooooo im getting married they look wicked xxxx

Missie you should get wine bottle ones lol! X
ha loool!! yeah
Ooooooh they are gorgeous, so glad today is an up day and I have already had some chocolate...... you are very talented and they look oh so pretty too.....
Morning Jo!

Glad you're doing well with the weight loss. Loving the new lollies. I meant to tell you that my DD changed my iPhone screen saver to your Minnie Mouse lollies!

I'll be joining you back on JUDDD from ASAP until my five days in Portugal (first week in September) and then back on it.
Hi Mel, can't believe you have my lollies as your screensaver !! Be great to have you back !
Hello Jo hope you're ok :)

Will be back soon- just a flying visit!

Miss you!

Hi Ruthie my little chicken, Miss you loads too x, Its soooo busy on this board again, I have given up trying to 'talk' to everyone everyday like I used to but I can't as there are too many!! Will be lovely to have you back, you off on your Hols soon aren't you? Have a fab time, have a few pain au chocolat for me and will catch up when you get back, take care, Jo xxx
Well scales still being kind this week but will have to wait for official weigh in before I get ahead of myself but have everything crossed for a loss x DD today, busy busy again, which is great as I don't have time to miss food lol. Got to go out later this morning, need some bits and bobs and have promised to take the kids to our local Country stores or Animal centre as the kids call it lol x There are lots of bunnies and fish and birds and reptiles etc so they love going there, we will buy some doggy stuff for our 2 on the way out, looks like we actually came in for something then !Will post my cals later x Have a good day everyone x

This weeks weighs
Sat 12 3 lb official weight , gain of 1lb since last official weigh
Sun ---
Mon 12 5lb gain of 2lb after 2 UPs never been so low after 2 UP UP and away days??
Tues 12 2 loss of 3lb after DD

Weds 12 3 gain of 1 lb after UP

Oh and yesterdays UP went over 2000 due to some sneaky dark chocolate that found its way into my mouth ???? Damn that sneaky dark chocolate lol x
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