josiejo is ready to judd

Well done Jo thats great and heres to the 12 stones. :wow:
Hows your boys doing? I told my mum about the biting and she said, oh no I never even thought about that!
She looks after my two whilst Im at work so has all the things to deal with as I do.
How's it going? You must be day 8 or 9 now?
day 11

hi everyone,

not had the chance to come on here over past few days have been too busy 'eating!!!!!!!' im gutted haveing a right hard time of it :cry:

all my days are up days and just cant seem to motivate myself at all. i know if i got into the 12 stone bracket i would be motivated to stick with it but i just cant seem to manage it!!

ii wonder why all the diets ive dine recently last only to day 8 or 9 before i totally blow them????

im sitting here wondering whether or not to do cd as have got so many shakes etc left but then i thinkk NO i just cant !!
am getting really down about this diet lark why o why could we not have all been made the same size and be able to eat when and what we wanted without putting on weight!!!!

i really dont know what to do . i joined ww mon nite and had the intention of counting points on ud and having something extra if i fancied it and then doing dd as normal but it hasnt worked out like that at all. ive not been counting points at all and not having any dd!!!!

my mind is totally 'dieted out' ( my new phrase) and im totally at a loss as to what /which diet to do!!!

also as its only 7 /8 weeks to xmas i feel under massive pressure to lose weight and this in turn is making me bloody eat:mad:

help me folks give me some motivation im begging you all lol!!!!! before i end up 3 stone heavier rather than my intended 3 stone lighter ha ha xx

ps sorry about the massive moan i just needed to get it off my ever expanding chest!!!!
Awww big hugs Jo, we know how you're feeling as we've all been there at one point or another!! But you just need to get in the right frame of mind and you can do this. Just put the past few days behind you, no point feeling guilty about them they are done now, and just start again. It's the only thing you can do, the only other option would be giving up and putting on weight again. Don't go down that road please, I've been there and done that!! If I was you I'd try juddd again, at least you don't have to 'diet' everyday, and have the freedom of those up days. Just take the down days one day at the time, the more of them you do the easier they get, believe me they do!!

Good luck hun, just keep plodding on on your journey. We all get those twists and turns and hurdles in the way, we just have to keep going forward. You'll get there. Just keep posting here if you're feeling a bit down, we're all here for you xxx
Ahhh Jo, I agree with Stirky.
I have had a month like that! I think my health problems were an easy excuse too now looking back. I daren't even get on the scales to see what damage I have done.
It is so hard especially with your babies, I should know. I find myself not eating properly as I am sorting them out, then nibbling alot as I am hungry, then when they are sorted I go and eat my dinner too. Also bet you are always on the go like me and dont get time to plan and cook proper dinners. Most of my cooking is done from the freezer in the microwave.

im sitting here wondering whether or not to do cd as have got so many shakes etc left but then i thinkk NO i just cant !!
I was thinking the same and from tomorrow I am going to use the shakes and do a few DDs in a row to give me a kick start. Want to join me? Think how good the UD will be after :D

You can do it and we will do it. Dieting is a rollercoaster but keep on the ride as we will get there eventually x
:Dthanks guys,
miss jt i think i will join you on dd but am going out tomorrow nite and havnt been out for agaes so am going to have a wine or 6!! mums got boys overnight so have to take advantage of it lol:D
so ill have shakes tomorrow and wine tomorrow night . then sun and mon will continue with shakes. ive got wi at ww mon night so have got to lose at least 1 lb otherwise ill look like a right saddo!!
im not going over the top today ive had about 5 ww points so far and will stick with 18ish i think. but am def gonna try and get my head sorted with regards to diet and i think judd/ww will work better for me in the long run ,just wish i could get into the 12 stones its like a massive effort to get there...why ???

thanks again guys and good luck to you all whatever day you're on . big hugs Jo x
Jo I know how you feel about the 12's for some reason I cant get past that barrier either :) but as from oday I a back on plan and determined to get there this time
miss jt i think i will join you on dd but am going out tomorrow nite and havnt been out for agaes so am going to have a wine or 6!! mums got boys overnight so have to take advantage of it lol:D
Im starting with my first DD tomorrow, today didnt go quite as planned. Cant wait to shift some decent weight.
Hope you have a good night, you def have to take advantage of a baby sitter :D
im starting again

hi everyone ,
ive had a really awful past week and have been thinking really ahrd about what to do with regards to weight loss and ive decided that because its only 7 weeks until xmas and i had planned on being 3 stone less by this time (ha ha!!) that im going give cd another go and see if i can shift a decent amount of weight .
i wouldd like to thank you all for your help and support whist on here and will i be able to pop on now and again to say hi and see how well you are all doing???
so my cd journey starts again tomorrow and hopefully back to judd when ive lost enough.
big hugs JO x
Shame to see you leave but good luck. I will keep an eye out for your CD diary.
Im back to shakes today for a few days so know how you feel, I need a kick start!
Good luck Jo, hope CD goes really well, keep us posted and come back to juddd whenever you are ready :) Take care xxx