Just a shout out! Random thoughts!

I know. It might surprise me though - it's seemed to be on its last legs (fins?) for about a year and somehow manages to survive. Has had finrot, fungal infections etc and keeps pulling through. But is still looking really poorly and can't seem to bring itself down from the top of the tank atm : (
look up swim bladder disease,could be that,
do you pre soak his food before feeding,sometimes they gulp
to much air when feeding.
Does anyone know the net carbs for Skinny Rice (Maharani Rice)? I bought it off LCM and it's delicious, but no idea of the carbs!


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Carbs are 79.8g per 100g so rather high in carbs even compared to normal rice I'm afraid
Sorry your fish is feeling poorly, hope he survives.

My mom used to make strawberry rhubarb pie. I made a great sauce for last year's Easter ham with rhubarb suppose you could use splenda. It was a beautiful pink color.

Read more about it at www.cooks.com/rec/view/0,1622,128191-250194,00.html
Content Copyright © 2012 Cooks.com - All rights reserved.
4 lb ham, boneless and fully cooked
3 cups rhubarb, fresh OR 16-oz frozen cut rhubarb
1 1/4 cup sugar
1/3 cup orange juice
2 tsp. orange peel; grated
3/4 tsp. dry mustard
1 cinnamon stick
have you tried cooked shelled peas,sometimes give
them to my fish,they go down really well.
soft and squidgy.
have you tried cooked shelled peas,sometimes give
them to my fish,they go down really well.
soft and squidgy.

Nemo seems absolutely fine today! But I like the idea of the shelled peas. Apart from the benefits to swimbladder, I think they would enjoy the change!

How many fish do you have roosnanny, and what type? (Sorry, total fish hijack of the thread here...)
could always jump over to my diary,got tree frogs there :D
cichlids,gold fish,and community tropical.:D

yeah sorry for the hijack :D