Just checking Mugshots-Can't find the answer in the sticky!


Full Member
Hi all. I was told the other day that there are now some syns in the tomato and herb Mug shots. I tried looking it up on the syns online but after I put in the manufacturer it doesn't register Mug Shots at all. I know that they used to be free and I just wanted to check that they still are.

They are listed under manufacturer = Mug Shot or you can just use the keyword search but yes online is still saying they are free on green and EE :)
I can't find them either. Maybe it's the website!! I wondered if the chicken pasta and spicy sweet and sour are still free. Can anyone shed any light?
I can't find them either. Maybe it's the website!! I wondered if the chicken pasta and spicy sweet and sour are still free. Can anyone shed any light?

Yes, the spicy sweet & sour noodles are free. The roast chicken pasta variety are synned, although the chicken noodle variety are free - don't get mixed up!