Just joined a class but dont think i'll go back !

Well i must apologise that you feel 'abused' as that wasn't my intention at all! It's just you did mention that it makes you cross when people say that groups are cliquey. To a new member groups can seem quite daunting, it's a hell of a thing for most people to take those through steps through the door and there is nothing better than a few people acknowledging them.

I too used to do the weigh in at my previous group and it really was a great way to get to know alot of the members. I really looked forward to my weekly weigh in more so because of that aswell.

Anyway the apology is there...sorry

Charleybabes - i really think you should go a few more times and see how it goes! Good Luck x x

Apology accepted :) I agree with Kingleds, the whole "apostrophe/inverted commas" things puts emphasis on words such as long time, newbie, friends etc etc and I did indeed read the post as rather sarcastic and having a good old dig at me. That's what they are used for, is it not? Anyway, this isn't a dig back, merely an explanation of the way I read your post. I was somewhat irked by it!

I was also a newbie a long time ago, I joined group on my own. I took that step and I know how hard it is. No one spoke to me for a while. Now I have some of the closest friends I have ever had, it just happens.

Whilst I think it is lovely to befriend a newbie, it's not my place to do so. You wouldn't believe the amount of people who join, come for one week and then we don't see them again. The do the whole joining to get the info thing.

When people attend group regularly, you get to know them, you talk to them during Image Therapy, you can then chat to them the next week about something they may have said. I'm rambling now, but what I'm trying to say is that the group is what you make it. You can not please everyone.
my way of striking up a conversation is simply to say 'how've you done this week?' usually gets people talking about a common thing and if you've done well its an opportunity to blow your trumpet a bit :) and you don't have to try to think of something relevant to say.

does your group have a facebook page or anything? ours does and thats how I 'know' a lot of people before I even meet them, then at group when the consultant goes round I usually say 'sh so you're ....., nice to meet you at last!, then thats the ice broken
My group has a facebook page but its pretty much dead..only the odd person posting about zumba classes etc. The town I used to live in has SW too and their facebook page is so encouraging..they all post their losses and congratulate each other and post tips and recipes. Makes me jealous!
The town I used to live in has SW too and their facebook page is so encouraging..they all post their losses and congratulate each other and post tips and recipes. Makes me jealous![/QUOTE]

thats what ours is like, I love it and am a major poster on there, drives my hubby up the wall lol x
kerryathome said:
The town I used to live in has SW too and their facebook page is so encouraging..they all post their losses and congratulate each other and post tips and recipes. Makes me jealous!

thats what ours is like, I love it and am a major poster on there, drives my hubby up the wall lol x[/QUOTE]

I'm tempted to try and start making our SW page like that but I'm not sure if it will be appreciated? Might private mail our consultant and suggest it, if she's okay with it I'll start posting my weight losses/recipes and hope others will join in!
thats the spirit d14, I'd give it a go, some people are more comfortable on line and it soon builds up into a fab support tool xx
i had experience like this couple of years ago, no one spoke to mr, the consultant wasnt bothered either, i had to ask at the end of the class to be weighed cos the consultant didnt even mention it to me, i have never been back since, have been following the diet on my own on and off but havent really had any major sucess with it x
D14 - really, age should have nothing to do with it. Go and talk to them - maybe they feel that you don't want to talk to them because you think they are too old. At one meeting a while ago a new member spoke to me - I am sixty something, she is twenty something, and we found we had loads in common because we are studying the same thing. You never know until you try.
I'm with Anna on this one, age doesn't matter - I'm 41, one of my good friends is in her 70's, one wonderful girl is 16, one is 21, I get on with all of them!

Okay, most are 30-40 with kids so we have a lot in common, but others have grandkids and others are at school.
afternoon all..sorry ive not been back on sooner!!
i have to say in my defence last night i went and sat on a row of ladies in between people so that i could start conversations and there wasnt any forthcoming.. it was very much avoiding eye contact with me.. there was a young mum with a baby and i kept trying to make the baby laugh etc and it was like i wasnt even sat there, she stared ahead and only spoke to her little gang of pals !!! now i know im not there to be making friends really im there to lose wieght but to be perfectly honest i have a busy and tiring day ..so i dont need that at the end of it.. i can be ignored by my kids at home if i want that and save myself money in the process!!!
and the consultant was on the fast foward programme as she wanted to lose weight after putting 7lbs on over the weekend and i just thought how unbalanced that was adn wasnt the whole point of slimming world was that it was all about a balanced diet!..
nah not for me .. i'll just stick to coming on here for inspiration and keep on doing it myself ive done it before i can do it again!!
Charleybabes. Don't waste anymore money. First off, your consultant should NEVER talk about fast forward in group. Second, sounds like you have a right old bunch of ignorant cows in your group. Save your money. But make sure you find out who to complain to as the Fast forward thing is completely unacceptable.
well have just been to a class this evening.. but i dont think i'll go back next week!!

it just didnt feel like a motivated class.. no one had lost anything bar a half pound here or there
no one spoke to me other than the new girl who was starting aswell and when she went i was sat like a lemon on my own!!..

the consultant just left me stood on my own after id been weighed ..didnt ask if wanted to write down a target weight or anything.. i had to ask the lady who was manning the scales if i could have a target..

oh it just didnt feel like it was my kinda thing.. i think id be better saving myself the £4.95 a week..putting it in a pot and treating myself at the end of a few months and just carry on coming on here for advice!!

If this was your first meeting and you were joining then I dont understand why the consultant didnt weigh you or did she? I am reading this as the weigh person weighed you. At our group after the new members talk and I T the new prospective members then enrol and the consultant then weighs the new member and completes the details in the back of the "orange bible". I understood it was the consultants job to do this for first weigh in!:confused::confused::confused:
I get sooooo cross when I read stuff like this! I am lucky to belong to a great class where the consultant really does care and everyone is motivated.

I think it makes such a huge difference staying to group after WI but obviously you need to find a class you're happy with to do this.

Hope you find somewhere good x

I could have posted this myself stivesliz!!Totally agree
Just a thought - if you've been going a 'long time' and sit in your normal group of 'friends' would you not think of making 'newbies' at ease, approaching them and welcoming them? Like you say it annoys you when people say 'groups' are cliquey? But as you say you have 'close groups of friends'and sit in the same places each week......

just a simple hello, coffee or tea is this way, my name is and i've been part of this group for x amount of ...... want to sit over here............is a bonuc for a newbie rather than

i'll get weighed, sit with miriam and do my usual, oh look theres a newbie all on their own,

I am a member of the social team and when the consultant starts I T I make a note of who was sitting at the new members table, and then go and join them, specially if they are a load joiner. :)
no it was the wiegh in lady who weighed me.. not the consultant . she was to busy checking her phone ..im sure this is an isolated experiance in the whole of the slimming world team but it wasnt a good one for me!
As the WI lady I sometimes weigh new members, especially if they don't stay to group (those are the ones we rarely see again!!!) but if the new member stays then the consultant weighs at the end of the group.

Charleybabes, such a shame it was a bad experience for you again. x
If this was your first meeting and you were joining then I dont understand why the consultant didnt weigh you or did she? I am reading this as the weigh person weighed you. At our group after the new members talk and I T the new prospective members then enrol and the consultant then weighs the new member and completes the details in the back of the "orange bible". I understood it was the consultants job to do this for first weigh in!:confused::confused::confused:

Yeah our consultant always weighs the newbies x
I joined 3 weeks ago and our consultant didn't weigh us new people either..I haven't seen her do it with the new people since then either. At the end of class the "newbies" go up and get weighed by the weigh in lady.
Well isnt it interesting how consultants vary! I think myself personally I would want the consultant to weigh me first, which is what happened in my case. They are trained in weight loss, bmi's etc and I think the first weigh should be by the consultant as they cannot take you below a certain weight for your height and you have to have at least 7lbs to lose! They also put yr info in the back of the book. So many different experiences, but sorry you had such a negative experience.
I hope you don't mind me commenting on this but I joined a new group last week and I have to say the consultant and the group are fab. I stood at the door shaking like a leaf because I was so nervous. The consultant came to the door and welcomed me in.She then introduced me to the members which i thought was lovely. After that I felt so motivated and managed to lose 8lb in my first week... (I may not continue to lose quite so much but for my first week i was amazed).