Just like Mariah

I would say your Saturday was more of a EE day, which would put the mug shot free or low syn depending on which one. Maybe try and have fruit with breakie as well? Soft fruit on top of weetabix?

Jaffa cakes? :eek: OK a couple less and you would have stayed under 15 syns! You did stop at 5, it could have been the whole packet!

Try not to miss meals. I nearly always have fruit on my desk at work.
Ok so new start today, positive attitude.

Got up this morning, got kids up, fed pets, fed kids and other half eggy bread, had weetabix and a cuppa. Now chillin out having a quick catch up on here.

Hey RED :)

Have a good day today and tomorrow, and I bet you'll see a good loss on Thursday :) Keep at it, you'll get there!
Thank you all for your support.

Today is going ok so far: green day

Breakfast: 2 weetabix (HEB) and milk (HEA) I know boring but I'm just rushing about after everyone else it's easiest

Lunch: SW Quiche and beans and gerkins and beet root

My SW quiche was really watery, anyone know why?

Ok so for tea tonight it is boiled bacon, SW chips, broccoli, leek, carrot, bit of pineapple

I bought a massive joint of this bacon when it was reduced after Christmas, I also need some recipe ideas for tomorrow night if anyone can help

Oh and I also made the orange and pomegranate jelly from this months SW mag, 2 1/2 syns each, will let you know what they are like laters
Ideas for tomorrow? Need some more info please :)

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To make something with this massive bacon joint I cooked. Think tomorrow will have to be red. Xx
R-E-D said:
To make something with this massive bacon joint I cooked. Think tomorrow will have to be red. Xx

Sorry cant help with bacon! I don't eat it!!!

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Do you put your soups in a food mixer after they've cooked? I don't have one of those either so my soups always have to be 'chunky' lol
R-E-D said:
Do you put your soups in a food mixer after they've cooked? I don't have one of those either so my soups always have to be 'chunky' lol

Invest in a hand blender :) Then all you need is a saucepan. Saves on washing up too :)

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lsf666 said:
Invest in a hand blender :) Then all you need is a saucepan. Saves on washing up too :)

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Yes, I didn't think of that, thanks Lisa, in think ill get away with buying one of those lol :)
We have a Bamix and love it but they can be pricey the other makes are probably just as good :)

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