just moved up to step 3 and have a couple of questions as my consultant is unsure....


biker babe!
Good afternoon all.
Ive moved up to step 3 (1000) today but have a couple of questions which my CDC is unsure about, She is going to try and find out but i didnt know if anyone else knew...
Quorn..... i know you can have pieces and mince but how about the steak strips/ lamb strips and meatballs? i presume that there might be a few ingredients in there that might not fit in with step 3 but if they are allowed please let me know!
Also, can i roast potatoes using a little fry light? or even use the tefal actifry to make a few chips - not using oil but a few squirts of frylight. I suppose technically i should be steering away from those types of foods but it was just an idea to mix things up a bit !

thanks for your help!

aww. thanks dawn :) looks like youre doing really well too xx
You've gotta be looking at carb and fat content, the majority of meats are carb free unless they're in a sauce. Ive been doing 1200plan since day 1 due to medical reasons and if i only stuck to what was in the book id have been bored a loooong time ago and probably given up. My view on it is you've gotta look at things realistically, potatoes are very high in carbs, a healthier and low GI option would be sweet potatoes that you can brush lightly with fry light and shove them in the oven for 40 mins (personally i prefer then dry cooked but that's just me) and they taste exquisite. Just be looking at low fat low GI healthy options. Cous cous is great low GI and really good for you, ainsley harriet does a really good, tasty range thats about 70p per packet i think. White meats are obviously the best but i will, perhaps once a week, have a piece of lamb or beef tenderised and cooked in the oven in tin foil for 45mins with some herbs sprinkled over. Invest in a slow cooker too, thats really good as you can just bung all your meat and veg in there and leave it whilst you're at work, there's no added fat just the food cooked in the water.
Be careful too for sugar content in foods, particularly at breakfast.

I would see this part of the plan as a time for learning new habits because you've got to be able to live a healthy life and have a healthy diet without CWP so it's about making good decisions and wise food choices.

HUGE HUGE congrats on your massive achievement you've done brilliantly and i hope that this next step will be the most enjoyable,albeit probably most difficult part of your lifestyle change. xx

Just wanted to say really well done on your weight lose. Fantastic
Very inspirational as you started close to were I started and now look at you! I really hope I can continue and achieve the results you have
thankyou so much xxx
its taken me since Jan 2006 (on and off) to get this far but its so worth it :) Im sure you will do great x