Just started Exante


Dippy, I hope your body is getting back into the swing of things so to speak! Watch out for dehydaation if things are still a little loose :eek:

I much prefer the taste of Exante shakes to the LL ones. The only one I can't stand is the chocolate one,, weirdly that was the only one I liked on LL.

Has anyone tried the soups?
I find the soups diiiiiiiiisssssgusting, lol they are too creamy, like pudding.I've tried adding spices, making them thinner, just always end up pouring them away. I had a day of only banana and strawberry yesterday and was absolutely fine all day, had chocolate this morning and the runs again, so I'm going to stop using them. I'll have one more try of the vanilla and if the same thing happens then it will be a 2 shake only diet I'll be on and the odd bar. I can do it if I keep losing weight, I'm sure I can.