Just starting


Hey there,

Im needing to loose about a stone and am trying to gear myself up to getting motivated. Am looking to calorie count. I did a really good 10 days not that long ago and lost some weight, but 10 days wasn't long I know (though good for me!) and I have put the weight back on so am starting from scratch again.

Motivation needed! Going to be honest, am more concerned with the aesthetics than the health reasons to lose weight - I know I know... but Im just being honest!

PLEASE help if you can, I am going to try and get on this site once a day minimum and read all the success stories etc and find the strength to get myself in check then I can be supportive to you all as well :)
Thanks people!

you can be honest here! im exactly the same i want to look better, at the end of the day people know the health effects of smoking and still do it so sometimes its not just health that triggers people to do it, some say it was a shock at the doctors etc, for me and probably a lot more people it was a shocking photo i went out for my birthday in august and noramlly i think i can do a good job with what i have and look pretty presentable, normally i dont see a length photo of me but we took a group photo and after the hangover the next day i saw the pics and i just looked huge! i was spurred into action and i lost my first stone in jus over a month. i have 6 to lose and have lost almost 2 so far. i want to get the the next stone by xmas.
good tip is to downlod my fitness pal its a free app, calorie counter very simple to use you can even scan items. mfp gives my 1800 ish cals but i have 1500, 500 for each meal. i go to the gym 3 times a week and the weight is coming off. this is the simpliest diet ive ever done and woud recommend it to anyone so good luck ith it all and just holler with any questions xx

I'm new too, the motivation to keep me going is mostly thinking about all the lovely clothes I can wear and look slim in! How many cals you cutting down to?
