KEN? no thanks, Atkins for me!


Silver Member
Just saw this article online: Is this the most extreme diet ever? Imagine being fed on a drip for ten days solely to lose weight - now even a leading NHS specialist is recommending it | Mail Online

Having done Exante before and finding it absolute torture i really don't think i could ever do this! It's talked about as a kind of liquid minimalistic Atkins, but in my eyes Atkins is infinitely better, and of course sustainable long term.

Anyone here consider anything like this? I suppose it looks shocking but is less extreme than having surgery, but still,... looks like a torture program to me. Think i'll keep my steak..
The Guardian ran an article on this last week. Scary stuff, huh? Of course I made the mistake of scrolling down to the comments in the Guardian article, and it's the usual "eat less, fatty", "it's not hard, stop stuffing your face" trolls. But now Paleo diets are taking off, there were more people talking about lowering carbs and eating real food, so that was good.

Sorry, going off topic. No, I wouldn't consider doing that. I DID consider Lipotrim, never did it though. Glad I found low carb.
Me too... very happy i found Atkins, it's by far the best way of eating for me. The most extreme diet i have done is Exante which i stuck with for around 6 weeks of pure hell. It did work i lost loads, but at great emotional cost - i was a right miserable cow the entire time i was on it. Back in my younger days when i used to be religious i did a 5 day total fast on water only which was also pretty extreme and hellish but worked. I see some weight loss clinics offering supervised fasting of more than 30 days in a row, eek.

You are right about the paleo-high protein-fat diet thing coming into the forefront again though, that is good news. My mom does weight watchers and her weightloss stalled for several months (!) and they even suggested to her recently to drop the carbs whilst stay on their plan, which i found interesting.

I so wish that i had been educated in the ways of eating protein and fat when i was a teenager at school instead of all this nonsense about 50% carbs, fruits, etc. I really feel it would have prevented me getting to the size i am today. Society needs a big attitude change in this respect, i get so frustrated when people keep telling me that Atkins isn't 'healthy' because 'the government say so' and 'the dr says so'. grrrr.
Good lord! The only way I could do that would be to be put into a coma at the same time - sad the lady that had the treatment in the article was only the same weight as me when I started. Yes, it wasn't very nice to be nearly 16 stone but it is hardly that she is 50 stone and being hauled out of bed by a crane. Think the only reason I would ever do that is if a doctor told me I would drop down dead within the week if I didn't do it ... !!

Ohh .. and I made the mistake of scrolling down to the comments - why are people always so negative?
I so wish that i had been educated in the ways of eating protein and fat when i was a teenager at school instead of all this nonsense about 50% carbs, fruits, etc. I really feel it would have prevented me getting to the size i am today.

Abso-flippin'-lutely. When I first started putting on weight in my early teens all I knew to do was lower calories, basically I starved myself. It ended in a binge every time and I got fatter and fatter. If I'd known all this then, maybe I'd have nipped the carb addiction in the bud and actually had a life in my twenties.

I don't wish to start a fight, but I do think my being vegetarian had lots to do with it. There are campaigns that aim to get teenagers into vegetarianism- I was a "victim" of exactly that, and stayed veggie, depressed and obese for 15 years. It seems a meat-free diet just doesn't work for some people, and nowadays I worry about young, impressionable girls getting sucked in.
I have two good friends that are vegetarian who like you started at 14 while we are school and have consistently lived on chips, cheese and bread for years (they don't like vegetables!!!) they are now very large and unhappy. J has come on Atkins with me and has got over her phobia of veggies and doing very, very well. Vegetarianism is great (unfortunately I am an animal love that can pass on the big doe eyes for a burger **slapped wrist**) but I agree with you that a lot of teens are converted .. I think I did it for about a month and then fell at the first bacon sandwich hurdle but not enough is done to educate how to be a HEALTHY vegetarian.

My problems started at about 9 when I was dragged to the school nurse, prodded, poked and marked down as "fat" and I think I just thought if that is what they want that's what they'll get!
Ha ha! I can identify with that attitude. Every doctor who ever commented on my weight only ended up making me get fatter!
I got hold of my medical records a few years ago and there is an entry on the cover of the old fashioned style brown paper walled in red writing, circled just said "fat" ... really, really depressed me back at the time - and this was written when i was FOUR - I think doctors need to shape up and realise their off hand comments can be rather damaging throughout life :(