kerrys lipotrim diary restart....

Well done Mary, I'm so impressed that you guys can do this for weeks or months! I'm on day 2, feeling like poo! Determined not to give in just hoping the hunger and tiredness pass soon. It can only get better from here ? ....
:) :)
7.6 lbs down! And I just started day 6! Gonna weigh in again Tuesday. YAY FOR ME!!!!!! :)
OMG mary, well done you thats brill. you must be buzzing. keep up the good work hun

Hey all - hope everybody's weekend went well. Hope you're still with us slimmerfletch and cherrygem. How's everything Kerry? You hanging in there? Keep slimming ladies!!!!xxx
Hey guys First weekend on this just about over. It was bloody hard! Does it get easier? Friday night was hell as that is my worst eat and drink rubbish night to celebrate the weekend. Then my brother and sister in law up Saturday night for drinks and snack. But I did it folks they were on the booze and me on soda water. On a positive note when they all woke up hung over I was as fresh as a daisy. Also was able to recall to them in detail stupid stuff they did ha ha. Well gotta have my fun some way.

Thinking I need to do this for around 12 wks and started looking now at diet plans to follow after. Everyone is raving about this dukan diet???? Any thoughts people??? What are other people looking at. Know is a while off yet but thought I would try and use this time to educate myself. Suggestions are greatly welcomed x

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Hey. Well done nikki for making it through the weekend. The weekend was hell for me too! I am determined to stick at it til day 7 (day 5 today) but really can't see myself doing this any longer as I'm still so hungry, tired and downright miserable. Thinking to swap to exante working solution so that I can have one meal a day and hopefully the energy to exercise.

On a positive note I can see a difference already so it has been the kickstart I needed. Hope everyone is feeling more upbeat than me today! Sorry for the whinge guys xxx
Wow u are doing really well ladies! I'm nearly three weeks in and down 17lb already. As my name suggests tho I still have a long way to go!:cry:Have two weddings coming up in the next ten days so will probably be thrown off for a bit but I'm determined to stay in the saddle. my oprah yo-yo days are behind me!;)
Hey Slimmerfletch - if you manage to hang in there for 2 weeks, the tiredness should be gone. It's so worth it because you are guaranteed to lose weight and it's completely under your control with lipotrim. It's different with everybody. My worst day was day 5 but it took me 2 weeks to get out of the tiredness. But some people get out of it after week 1.
Hey Nicki, dukan is very like atkins - high proteins and low carbs, but whereas atkins allows high fat foods, dukan doesn't. To me, it's simply: eat healthy. Every diet book tells us to raise our proteins and go easy on the carbs. But it works for a lot of people. And I think there's a list of foods you stick to. Good luck with continuing.
Well done Nicki and Slimmerfletch for getting through your 1st weekend!!! It does get easier.
Where is everybody? I've lost 9.1 pounds on my first week back. Very happy with that. Going back Friday to see how I'm doing - might be able to go off then so I can do my refeed before my holidays. Anyway, waiting to hear how everybody's doing!!!
How you doing cherrygem - any first weigh in yet?
Get back up on the horse! Don't worry - look forward and good luck again! It's a very tough diet but if you could grit your teeth for that first week, I promise it does get easier!
Well, 3.5 lbs off on my 2nd week, 4th day, so I'm back onto refeed and I'll have it mostly done before my holiday. Absolutely delighted with lipotrim - it has given me a new lease on life. Thursday, the day I'm flying, is my last day of refeed, so the plan is to have my shake at the airport, a prepared spaghetti bolognese (albeit cold) on the airplane and a sandwich with no spread and one slice of meat at my mom's in Chicago!!! So much work to do on my belly - I'd say there's at least 3-4 lbs skin hanging there. But, this is the beginning of the new me so I'll give it some time at the gym and hope for the best. Good luck newbies with your journey and Kerry, you're killing me not checking in!!!!xxx
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if i excerise while doing lipotrim will that prevent the skin hanging?

I've heard it does. If I could start all over, I think I would try to do the situps the whole time as I was going along with the hope that it helps. I didn't do any exercise. I also heard that you should give it 2 years of working out before you try anything more drastic. Good luck cherrygem!!!
Meant to tell you Kerry, I put up the before and after pics but they're not very good. I didn't take many pics when I was fat especially full length. Never thought to take one when I started.