Kick up the butt needed!


Silver Member
Argh, getting really frustrated with myself now.

Since 21st December I have effectively only lost 1.5lbs :mad:

I only gained 1/5lb over xmas but it all went wrong when hubby went away for a couple of weeks. I had 4 bad days out of 7, 3 of them major bingeing sessions & the 4 one just a major drinking session.

I didn't weigh in for 3 weeks due to childcare issues & when I returned to class I'd gained 1/2lb (would have been much more but I had been back on track for about 10 days by this point).

I lost 1 1/2lbs the following 2 weeks but this week I gained 1 1/lbs despite sticking to plan. It isn't star week either. I have been eating various speed soups, chilli which was full of speed foods too.

I do think I am still loosing inches though which is weird as I haven't had much time for exercise recently.

I am so motivated to shift the remaining weight but just seem to be struggling at the moment. Not sure if the fact I am feeling stressed/low at the moment is making things worse.

Trying the scan bran challenge this week to try & get things moving.

Sorry to ramble, just had to get the words out.
Argh, getting really frustrated with myself now.

Since 21st December I have effectively only lost 1.5lbs :mad:

I only gained 1/5lb over xmas but it all went wrong when hubby went away for a couple of weeks. I had 4 bad days out of 7, 3 of them major bingeing sessions & the 4 one just a major drinking session.

I didn't weigh in for 3 weeks due to childcare issues & when I returned to class I'd gained 1/2lb (would have been much more but I had been back on track for about 10 days by this point).

I lost 1 1/2lbs the following 2 weeks but this week I gained 1 1/lbs despite sticking to plan. It isn't star week either. I have been eating various speed soups, chilli which was full of speed foods too.

I do think I am still loosing inches though which is weird as I haven't had much time for exercise recently.

I am so motivated to shift the remaining weight but just seem to be struggling at the moment. Not sure if the fact I am feeling stressed/low at the moment is making things worse.

Trying the scan bran challenge this week to try & get things moving.

Sorry to ramble, just had to get the words out.

Hi hun, sorry to hear you're having a tough time of it at the moment.

Do you have a food diary from last week that we could take a look out? We might spot something that you could have missed, which has caused you to gain.

Stay motivated xx
Sometimes, for whatever reason, things go wrong. All of January I gained and lost and gained and lost, and in the end, it worked out at +1lb.
But I stuck with it and I finally feel as if I'm getting back on track. Don't give up!
Thanks for the replies, I have no intention of giving up. I am aiming to get my 6.5 stone award by the end of the month, I should easily do 3.5lbs in 2 weeks.
6.5 stone! Wow! Well done! I am in your camp with the slow loss - mine is due to being bored, not really using the plan but living on pasta and sauce! This week, had a complete revamp, wrote out a menu and stuck to it, cooked a couple of recipes from the books and magazines and generally got my butt in gear with it. Was rewarded with a 2.5 lb loss. I have been losing and gaining the same 11 pounds since october, which is ridiculous as I could have easily been over a stone lighter had I have been more prepared and planned ahead!.
Maybe a few new recipes or a complete change of what you eat could help give you a bit of a boost? I found it really helped me.
Anyhoo, hope it helps to know there are others in your camp! And well done on your amazing loss so far!