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Afternoon everyone
:D Evening all, the king is back to take charge and whip you lot into shape :D
:D No i went shopping on e-bay, bought three cds and a ladder stablizer :D

ohhh well excuse me i went to bed after i got sick last night hmm wasnt nice!

Nice to see though its a fine sunny day here gonna do some gardening today and polish my crown in the sun.
ohhh well excuse me i went to bed after i got sick last night hmm wasnt nice!

Nice to see though its a fine sunny day here gonna do some gardening today and polish my crown in the sun.

:D Im on washing detail again, the first load is on the line and the second is nearly finished, just going to potter around in the sunshine and top up the tan :D
:D Im on washing detail again, the first load is on the line and the second is nearly finished, just going to potter around in the sunshine and top up the tan :D

well arnt you very domesticated for a man!!! Hope you dont get burnt while topping up your tan!!!! Im gonna watch Jeremy Kyle now its on at 10.30 dad's demanding a dna test RESULTS!!! i usually never watch crap like this but it was good yesterday now i have to see the results!!
:D Morning Maggie, second load on the line, just having a brew before i start on the other jobs :D but i will be popping in here to keep an eye on my crown :p
Hi everyone. Have just got back from 6wk weigh in and have lost 5lbs so am chuffed to bits!:D:D:D
Hi everyone. Have just got back from 6wk weigh in and have lost 5lbs so am chuffed to bits!:D:D:D

:D Well done on your weightloss, i managed 3lbs of this week, but put on half inch round my chest, i braved the gym three times last week :D
Well done Allan. Keep going with the gym too. Hows the washing and the tan coming on? :D