Last Person To Post Wins

No, you won't cos am here x
lolol loving the posts!
what does?

"Ladies and gentlemen, please rise and make way for your Queen, Mrs Depp"!! :D

Thank you mister announcer man! ;):D Hellooooooooo! I'm back! No more work till next Thursday! Yay! Yippee! Yehaw! Yahoo! and other such excitable words lol!! :D:D
:D Morning loosers, your king is off to work now, but i will pop back later to make sure you are all behaving, and not trying to steal my crown :p
*grumbles* It's even worse when you've just had a week off! :(
HELLO IM BACK!!!!! Thankyou all for looking after my crown whilst I was on holiday. I am here now to keep you all in order! Hope you have all been good whilst I have been away.........whats been going on?:D
*steals the crown and runs off* Mwahahaha! :p
*scowls* You stoled it! :(
:D Im back, ready to defend my crown from all you wannabees :D