Last week I gained :( and i didnt cheat!


Gold Member
I've been feeling a bit sorry for myself so havent been on here since my last weigh in.

its been 2 weeks since i restarted. the first week i lost 9lbs. but at my last wi on wednesday i gained 3lbs!! my jaw dropped to the floor. i dont understand why this happened... and my cdc was equally shocked. i didnt cheat... i stuck to the plan... so a 3lb gain is huge!! i know when i did it before xmas i randomly would have a 1lb gain on an odd week... but 3lbs!!!

i am just worried that im gonna be a yo yo. has this happened to anyone else?
Aw, hugs :hug99: It's horrible when you have any gain, but 3 pounds must be really tough to swallow.

We all expect our bodies to behave like machines when we're on diets, but they aren't. :sigh: How many times have you read here that people have 'cheated' but still lost 3 pounds this week? Doesn't make sense, does it? So equally, we shouldn't be surprised that even when we've been 100%, it's actually possible to gain weight. Either way, that 3 pounds' difference seems unjust. It's just you won't hear anyone complaining they've lost 3 pounds when they fully expected to gain...

Don't put all your self-belief in the numbers on the scales. There's at least 10 reasons I can think of right now as to why you might have weighed more - but remember that scales measure total weight, not how much fat you carry. You will have lost fat this week - it just isn't showing for some reason.

Try to put it out of your mind and focus on getting through another week. Please try not to fall off the wagon, cos then you'll never know what the weigh-in result would have been next week if you'd hung in there (easier said than done, I know).

Put the focus back on being proud of yourself for getting through another 100% week and count it that way. :clap:
thanks lily :)
i know giving up or cheating is not an option and i know i have to do this no matter what. i have a lot of weight to lose so i try not to let the little numbers get to me too much. but last week i felt awful. but your right... there are people out there who lose even after cheating (grrrr) lol... im just keeping my fingers crossed for next weigh in.. coz i dont think i could deal with another gain!

thanks hun xxx
Im the same hunni - feel really de-motivated and gutted today.

I lost 12lbs in my first week, 5lbs the second week and now I seem to have put 4lbs on?? I dont weigh til Sunday.... the only thing I can think of is, I had terrible gall bladder pain and a bad back on Sunday evening, so I took a diclofenac - and I read somewhere on here that it kicks you out of ketosis :-(

If it does im gutted - all that work ruined by a little brown pill!

I hope your scales be fair for you this week and show a massive loss hun xx
it won't have kicked you out of ketosis but i do find that taking any tablets whilst on this diet affects me and i retain water anything from 2 to 5lbs!
There's no way on this earth you haven't lost fat this week no matter what the scales say.

So, the only thing that can account for you scales anomaly is fluid retention. After all it's fat we want to lose rather than water. You're still achieving this whatever the scales show.

I know this is a difficult time for you but can you imagine what you future losses are going to be as your body sorts itself. You're going to get increased losses as the scales catch up. That's got to be worth hanging in there for.
Oh dear i didnt think about tablets. Ive been on medication for the past two weeks :S my cdc did say to me that im retaining water but ive just always had the feeling that she says this every time i dont lose weight.

I hope your next weigh in is a lot better huni. Ive got my weigh in again tonight n im not looking forward it :(

I agree with others in saying that coz we havent cheated its impossible that we would have gained fat so its gotta be water retention :S its still very demotivating though coz when u've starved and struggled all week the least u wud expect is 1lb not 4lb gain xx.

Chin up we'll be okay xx
Well done!! xx
Well done hunni!!!!! xxxx