Laughing at TOWIE - Arg in the sea


Full Member
I am just catching up on the TOWIE and had to laugh out loud.... See Arg run in the freezing sea then run out saying " My balls" What did he think, it was gonna be nice and warm ! lol

I had to laugh
I didn't watch it but saw a photo of all the boys a few days before it aired. Still not sure why they'd do that in this weather!
Awws, I love Arg!! :eek:

Did you see when Arg, Joey and Diags went roller skating in the park? Joey said they were like the three amigos - Arg said it was more like the thick (Joey), the fat (Arg) and the ugly (Diags) :8855:

Feeling quite sorry for Arg at the moment with the whole Lydia thing.

I know TOWIE is complete and utter trash..but I LOVE it!!