Lea's Weight Loss Journey - Cannot believe WI today...

Hi Hun,
Hope all has gone well with the operation,good luck on your wi not sure which day it is tho! Its been a very hard week for both of us this week.
It's Monday but my mojo has gone this week :( Maybe it will pick up in the next few days?

Thanks everyone for popping in and checking up on me - much appreciated :)
hey wee chick - great news about sticking to ur points and even better news on ur wee mummy! hope shes feeling like her self soon and back home were she shuld be.... when parents r in hosp its the most scary and stressful time and for u to be able to still have strength like dat is amazing... well done hunx
so pleased that your mum is on the mend lea - must be a bg weight off your mind!!

and on another happy note im so pleased that you came through that horrible down week and have now lost again!! you'll be my inspiration when i do finally start WW again (when this baby decides to come out!).
heres o another good week for you and your mum too!

love suz x
Suz, that is such a nice thing to say! If i can help just one person achieve something that is great by me. I cannot wait to hear all about your labour etc. It will be great to have a new mum friend on hee :D Loads of luck for the birth hun :)

I have added some new pics by the way to my albums. I have lots of faces to names and realised you didn't have the same in return. Well this is me and my family :) I couldn't bare to put my before shot on I'm afraid (even though i posted it earlier in my thread!). I HATE it!
lea u a new mum too? when did u have ur lil ones - i had ryan in june :)
Lea you look absolutely stunning.. seen as you didnt post it, i went back and looked at it at the beginning of your thread and the difference in just a stone is phenomenal.. you can see where your kids get the looks from :D well done anyway - youve done amazingly especially over the last week or so - like Jax said, i dont think I could have stuck with it!

Love the new avatar with Cora in it.. both of you are so gorgeous! :D
Hey !! You are stunning.... and your little ones are beautiful!

Like Blackwidow says just make sure you keep in mind how well you have done so far, a stone is a lot of weight to loose... you will get your weight mojo back in no time honey!!;)

Emma, I had Cora on June 21st. Ryan and her must be quite close in age :)

Rach, that is such a nice thing to say. I do not feel gorgeous lol. I still feel awful. I can't believe you looked back at my pic you naughty girl! I should remove it lol. Maybe I will add it to my album when i am at goal. To be fair to myself, my before pic was just a couple of weeks after giving birth and most of it was water retension but still...i hate it. I feel a little better now but my head has not caught up yet. I hope it does soon as I am not far from goal now (although i know I will set a new one ;))
Thank you Linds. That's really nice of you. Like I say, my head isn't quite there yet. I wonder how long it will take????
AWWW ryan was born on the 28th of june he was due the 18th awk coras a week older just.. arnt they at a brilliant wee age at the min he makes me laff so much xx
Lea the pictures are just gorgeous!!! And i love the name Cora! Billy is adorable! Love the new avatar too! You look lovely and Cora is sooo cute!

As for the removing of the before picture, i think you should keep it on here to remind yourself how well you have done!x
Thank you everyone.

Today has been hard. I have spoken to my mum a lot and it seems she has had a very lucky escape. Basically she could have died this weekend. Today it dawned on me how close I was to losing her. She is only 46. Friday when I saw her she looked like death and now I know why...because she was really poorly. She seems fine now and they have unblocked her kidneys and faught off the infection but the stones are still there at the moment. She was supposed to have them shattered today to help her pass them naturally but they did not come to get her. I really do just want her home now :(

Well, although I have stuck within my points it has included a lot of junk...i feel bad :/

Breakfast: Ready Brek and sugar (3), Muller light (1.5)
Lunch: 2 ryvitas (1), 1 low fat cheese triangle (0.5), Apple (0.5)
Dinner: 150g rice (3), Chicken breast (2.5), Sweet and Sour sause (200g) (2.5), WW banoffi desert (3)

Snacks: Jumbo s&V snack a jack x 2 (1), Hot chocolate (0.5), 2 squares chocolate (1.5), WW cheese curls (1), 1 matyland cookie (1.5!!!!!), Wine (2).

Someone please tell me I have not done that bad :/

I feel rubbish tonight :(
Well done you for staying within your points! You've had an awful week and been on an emotional rollercoaster and should be very proud of yourself for staying on track and not losing it with the diet big time. Sometimes it is after the event, when reflecting like you have today, that it hits home so a big :patback: You're a star!
Glad your mum is a bit better. *hugs*xx
Lea like Jax said you've come so far - especially seen as you've had such a bad weekend. To have stuck to your points, whether they were good or bad choices is still an amazing feat! You should be so proud of yourself for having such resolve anyway! :)

hope you feel better soon hun xxx
Mum has been discharged :) I'm so relieved :D