Lea's Weight Loss Journey - Cannot believe WI today...

Congrats on 2.5lbs - thats fab news especially with all that you have going on at the mo and yr TOTM!!! :D Hope yr mum gets her scan today and she's feeling better soon xxx
Hi lea hun xx Only catching up on the threads after the weekend sorry to hear ur mum hope u all get the news u want soon xx well done on ur loss u must be feeling damm proud heres to another good week for ya xx
congrats Lea, after the week you've had 2.5lbs is an amazing achievement! You were secretly hooping last night.. werent you ;) haha!

sending lots of hugs for you and your mum. xxx
awh u did it ya got in the 10's im so delighted for ya hunni u mst have been delighted with ur self xxx
I have been at the hospital all day today. We finally have some news. Some of it quite scary news. Well, we now know that she has a kidney stone stuck in her urinary tract (1cm big!). As it was stuck it was preventing urine moving freely from her kidneys to her bladder etc and as a result her kidney became inflamed and infected. Unbenown to us (they only found out her condition today!) she has been critical since Friday. She had actually gone into septic shock and there were the beginings of blood poisoning showing in her samples. The consultants all thought it was her gall bladder but infact it was much more serious than that. I knew she looked ill and I knew it was bad by the way she looked. The consultants told her that she is a very lucky lady! I feel sick to my stomach tonight thinking what if???? Thank god for antibiotics and IV fluids!

Anyway, she is no longer in critical condition and she is going down for her operation tomorrow morning. They are not going to go direct into her kidney to retrieve it as first planned due to the huge risk of passing the infection to other organs, so they are going via her uretha and trying to flush it through. I just want her out of theatre so that I can relax. What a week!

She is not out of the woods yet so please keep your fingers crossed. I just want her home now :(
aww Lea you must be so worried! Sending you lots of good wishes - I hope shes out of theatre for you soon and the result is a positive one xxx
I'm so sorry to hear the problem with your Mum is more serious than you thought. Hope every thing goes to plan in the operating room. My prays are with your Mum.
Aww hunny, will be thinking of you and your mum tomorrow. Hope all goes well :hug99: xxx
Fingers crossed for your Mum today Lea, hope it goes well and straight-forward. Will be thinking of you. *Hugs* xx
Aww, your poor mum! That must be so painful :( I'm glad it's something that can be fixed. Hope all goes well and she's back on her feet soon x
lea hun thinking of u both today chick (hugz) xxxxxxxxx
Hi hun, hope all's well - we're all thinking of you :hug99: x
Thanks everyone. You are all so sweet.

The operation went well. It's now hopefully a matter of time until she comes home. Hopefully in the next day or so. She seems to be stronger (moaning again which has to be good!) and she is in good spirits so all should be well. The doctor will be round tomorrow morning so we will know more then.

Exercise front is poor :( Just not motivated :( So tired...... I am sticking to my points though. Can see a STS this week for some reason. Maybe I will pick up later in the week.

Thanks again for all your thoughts xx
So glad your mums op went well :) I'm sure she'll be back on her feet in no time now.

I'm not surprised your not motivated to do any exercise with everything on your mind at the moment! A big :patback: for sticking to your points though - that is some achievement - not sure I could have in your position!!!
Thanks Jax. Thanks Keisha. You are such great girls :) Where would I be without you all????
thakn god they finally found out and that she isnt in a critical condition any more. thinking of ye tomorro and hope everything goes ok xxx