Lea's Weight Loss Journey - Cannot believe WI today...

fingers crossed for you lea.
how's cora's room comming along. Ian wants to build bunk beds for the girls, at his current rate of getting diy done they'll be about 16 !:D
lol Jane. Our conversion is due to be completed in the next 2 days (defo by Tuesday). Once it is converted we will start decorating her room (we have to move the office stuff over to the garage before we can begin Cora's room). We are going to look at carpets etc tomorrow.

So answer to your question....not really started yet lol!
Yep, me too. I just can't wait to finish it now.

Well day 1 - had 19 pts (including 2 glasses of wine!)...was really proud of myself but then the 2 glasses of wine MADE me eat a WW cupcake so I went 1.5 over :( Nevermind.

I have a KFC trip tomorrow so a little worried about my points but I think I will have a mini fillet burger and fries...only 8.5...better just have a banana for breakfast tomorrow then ;)

On to day two...(better go to bed as I have the muchies!)
good luck with your points hunni.xx

Have a great weekend.x
Hello just popping in trying to catch up on all these diaries.

Well Done on your WI result,good luck with the KFC i love them (we dont have one near me though)im sure you will enjoy every mouthfull-my mouth is watering just writing that....:8855:
Have a lovely w/end xx
Hiya Lea, long time I know. Hope all is well. Well done on ur sts. Have loads of fun this weekend and enjoy your kfc, you deserve a treat.
1.5 over isnt bad Lea! hope you enjoy your KFC.. its one place i never ever go (find their food really greasy) and so i don't really know the points values but was surprised at how low your mini burger thing was :)

hope you have a lovely weekend xxx
Oh good job Lea both points wise and with STS at TOTM. You will get there soon for sure.

Keeping everything crossed for you

Day 2 - not so great choice wise but not bad points wise...all considering.

I skipped breakfast as we had an early KFC lunch - mini fillet boxster with a diet coke - 8.5pts. Was blumin lovely! This is where I realise my lifestyle has changed as what I used to have was up near 20 pts! Billy left his ice-cream after barely touching it - flake avalanche. Yum! I had one mouthful and dumped it in the bin :D

Afternoon snack - WW curls and a WW almond slice

Then it went wrong. SIL was visiting and they were here for tea. We had no tea so had to order a takeaway (Chinese). I said no at first but everyone was making such a big deal I kind of felt pressurised just to have one too :/ Ordered sweet and sour chicken with rice but only ate half of it - 8pts. I made them take the prawn crackers home and I made DH eat the other half - just in case!

So 20.5pts. I am still yet to hit 19 but I knew it would be hard so I guess slowly slowly and all that. I am still a good 3.5pts down on what I was having (24) and today I plan on racking up some activity points. I need to make up for naughty choices this weekend!

So all in all not bad - it could have been worse :D

TOTM on the way out and no longer feeling bloated so that is good.

I also realised that I actually lost 2 ozs last week lol! I thought I was 141.4 but I was 141.6. I am not going to count it and will add it to this week as 2ozs could have been due to anything! I am hoping for at least 1lbs ome friday so that I can be at my goal. 10 stone would be fantastic to me :)
...and when you are this close all those wee ounces count :D

You seem to be doing really well - and it is amazing what you can eat with only 20/21 pts per day.

Like others have said - you will find your balancing point and things that work for you. I have only ever been on 18 and managed fine till I reached goal :eek: - I will get back on track...

great that the conversion is coming on. Hope cora is feeling brighter. xx
You seem to be doing really well with the lower points, I am amazed at what you can eat for 21 pts..Good luck for this week, hope you make the goal real soon xxx
hello Lea,
wow you sound like your doing so well!! think you've done brilliantly dropping the points too, never an easy task just thinking about eating 19 points, every 1 of my 21 is accounted for lol

hopefully il be around more now hun and we can weigh in on fridays together again!

suz x
hey Lea, hows the Wi gone today? hope it was good! suz x :)
Morning - sorry for going AWOL. :wave_cry: We are in the midst of decorating / moving offices so it has been a very busy week. Diet has been terrible :/ I had my first bad day since i started this diet. Thursday saw me eat a pasty (first full one in 6 months) and sausage, chips and curry sauce from the chippy :sigh: Not to mention 3 chocolate biscuits and some sensations crips. I was so mad at myself! I did not weigh in yesterday because I was so bloated. This morning I felt less bloated so braved a WI....post TOTM, a bad week and still having wet hair lol and I was still 0.2ozs down from last week! No idea how.

I am so annoyed at myself and getting really frustrated by this last 0.5lb!!!!! Another half a pound would see me at 10 stone! Half a pound is killing me.

I think the issue is I am happy now as I am. I feel great. I don't have the motivation that I did to lose this 0.5lb but it will really annoy me if I can't do it. I'm not sure that I can though :sigh::sigh:

I need help!!!!!:cry::gen147:
good morning lea, have you noticed it's the people with kids that are on this early on a saturday??

You'va had one bad day in how long ? six months or so ? please dont beat yourself up about it, i have days like that on an almost weekly basis. And you are in the midst of decorating and having work done at home, which is always a stressfull and busy time, sometimes it just becomes easier to grab something to eat. You're not the 1st person to do it and you certainly wont be the last. We ar about to decorate our bedroom-watch me!!!

As regards the last half pound, well i guess thats up to you. you're not gonna be drummed off mins for not loosing it but there is the self satisfaction of knowing you did it. I suspect you are letting your bad day cloud your vision. it is only half a pound , not half a stone but i think if its was me i would want to go all the way.

Take care and have a good weekend
Lea take a deep breath and cut yourself some slack. MommyB had it on the nail - its been a very busy week for you and you still lost. OK not much but you're nearly there. Now when you can re-focus and have a very strict week and off it will come. Meantime relax we're all here for you, supporting you all the way. You feel fine, it'll happen when you least expect it.

Take care
