Lea's Weight Loss Journey - Cannot believe WI today...

Really glad that you are feeling better! xx
Glad you're feeling better. Isn't it lovely when you can see a building going up and can plan the inside. When we do building in houses hubby does it himself as he is builder, so it seems to take forever as he does it evenings and weekends. Cheaper I know, but I'm always envious when I see people with a builders van outside, and I know they'll have their building done in a few weeks where as we're nearer a year!!!
Have fun choosing the colours etc and take time to relax.
Karen x
Hi Lea,

Its lovely to hear you sounding a bit brighter and more positive. Its really tough when things are hanging over us - and some of us tend towards that whole "superwoman" way of coping rather than just shouting..."I'm drowning under all this s**t!!"

Hope it continues for you. xx
Aww thats great Lea.:):):):)
Really glad you are feeling better hun.

What colours have you chose.I love decorating and new things.
take care xx
Hope things keep looking up for you hon. I was thinking of you today as I was feeling overwhelmed with work etc and thinking, women today have moved on from wanting to "have it all" to being expected to "have it all" and it can be too much to cope with sometimes. Perfection is not expected but sometimes we expect it of ourselves.

Hey Missus....oh it is good to see you a little brighter...and congrats on the almost a lb! Well done that gal! :)
So good to see you back Lea and especially as you sounded brighter. Hope the decorating goes well

so pleased that things seem to be getting better hun, long may they stay so!!

goodluck for friday too!! we can do it!

suz x
Hi Lea

Good to see you back on posting again, glad things are looking a little brighter!!

Thanks everyone :)

Decorating has not even started yet lol. The weather has been so bad that they have not done much on the conversion this week. They are at the point where they have to knock too big holes in the wall so heavy rain and big holes = NO WORK! Today is dry though so fingers crossed we are going to make progress today.

I have picked the colour scheme for the nursery - baby pink and white (how predictable!?!?). I have seen the bedding set I want to get too so just need to order it. I even spotted a lamp in B&Q. All i need to do now is choose the carpet. As soon as this conversion is done our office stuff can be moved out to the garage and we can begin painting her bedroom! I am so excited!

Diet wise - not too bad. I am not expecting a loss though as I feel now that I am basically maintaining. My losses are tiny. It's a little annoying really. I think all it would take is a really good 2 weeks of exercise and careful eating and I would get there but to be honest with thack of time and energy I am just not sure I want it that badly. I don't know. Let's wait and see. Either way I am perfectly happy as I am. My wedding weight (no actually lower than my wedding weight) is more than enough for me.

I am feeling a little better. I still have ups and downs but nothing quite as extreme as last week. I'll keep an eye on it though.

Thanks everyone for all your support! xxx
hope that the rain stops Lea and some work can get done on the conversion :)

pink and white sounds lovely too x
glad to see things are looking up Lea and that you are getting more chance to take care of yourself :) Cora's bedroom plans sound lovely.. baby rooms should always be pink or pale lemon yellow for a girl or blue shades for a boy :D enjoy it now - just wait until shes old enough to want pocahontas wall paper and sticks posters all over the place! :)

well done on your loss too - even at the weight you are now, you look blooming fantastic and those last few pounds will come off eventually :) xxx
glad to see things are looking up Lea and that you are getting more chance to take care of yourself :) Cora's bedroom plans sound lovely.. baby rooms should always be pink or pale lemon yellow for a girl or blue shades for a boy :D enjoy it now - just wait until shes old enough to want pocahontas wall paper and sticks posters all over the place! :)

well done on your loss too - even at the weight you are now, you look blooming fantastic and those last few pounds will come off eventually :) xxx

Can I have Pocahontas wallpaper?!
Plan for decorating sounds lovely. I would have pink everything at home, but hubby and sons wouldn't be happy:sigh:
Is that a blast from Lickle Rachel's own past?

..maybe! :p

Can I have Pocahontas wallpaper?!

NO! :p

Lea, i am celebrating the 1000th post in your diary by saying how amazing you now look after all your hard work.. you are one gorgeous mummy! :D well done you!

love and hugs,

Rach xxx
So pleased that you continue to feel a little brighter Lea. The room scheme sounds great, I'm with Rach on that one. You will probably find the spring will both help lift your moos and make you feel more able to excercise and diet and bring on the losses.

You can do it and will when you are ready, meantime just concentrate on you and yours it will all come right in time

Take care
