Lea's Weight Loss Journey - Cannot believe WI today...

awh hunni im soooooooooooooo delighted for ya well done chic xxx
lea thats fantastic news. well done you
And I'm glad to hear cora is on the mend. Hope she's all fit & well for her christening.x
That's brilliant news that you reached your target hun!!!! :D:D:D:D
And I'm so glad that Cora is feeling better. xxx
Ha Ha I spoke to soon. It's 5am...been up since 2am with a very unhappy screaming baby. I just have no idea what to do with her :/
Morning Hun
I hope littlen is feeling much better by this time,i no some times we speak to soon then they have you up.
Very well done on getting to your target your doing amazing xx
Morning hunni, hope you have a good day.

I hope your lo starts to pick up soon hunni.xxx
Ha Ha I spoke to soon. It's 5am...been up since 2am with a very unhappy screaming baby. I just have no idea what to do with her :/

Oh Lea, sorry Cora is unwell again. Hope she is feeling better again soon and that you have peace of mind x
hey chick could cora be teething - ryan has never been a squealing baby until his wee teeth have started cutting thru she could be feeling poorly and cutting thru teeth at same time... have u tried some bonjela (babies) ryan has woke up a couple of times this week at 2-3am and i just put a bit of that on his gums and he falls over straight away!

im still so made up for u hun -uve done fantastic i cant wait to get to were u r now ur my inspiration as we were both in the same circumstances x
sorry to hear Cora badly again :( hope she cheers up soon and i hope you are looking after yourself - very little sleep and long work hours wont do you much good! xxx take care of yourself!
Thanks everyone. I don't seem to have much time on here anymore :(

Em, no signs of teething as yet but they could be rumbling I guess. I might just get some teething creams just in case. Thanks for the tip. What a nice thing to say, I'm your inspiration and you are my apprentice. We make a good team. We can laugh about our baby weight together when we are both maintaining. You are doing really well yourself. Keep up the good work. I know you can do it.

Rach, I am trying but I am so shattered and every muscle in my body hurts. I will catch up eventually I know.....please let me get some sleep :) I'm ok though.

Cora was back in the docs again yesterday as she would not stop screaming despite all the painkillers she is getting. Nothing helps. not even mummy cuddles. Her ears and throat have cleared now (thank goodness!) but she has an airway infection now too. They are clogged up with mucous etc which is why she sounds awful and why she is choking all the time (I never heard of an airway infection before). I think the reason she is crying is because she is having trouble breathing through it. It must be very uncomfortable. Surely all this has to pass soon enough. Poor baby girl.

Right off to work now. SPeak later xxx
morning hun, sorry to her your lo is poorly again, hope shes etter soone.xxxxxx
Hope Cora feels better again soon *hugs* fr you and *special hugs* for Cora x
Lea you're like supermum! Honestly, hope I can do as well as you when I have kids! :D

glad you're managing to take care of yourself, though i hope you get some more sleep soon xxx
i've had an airway infection before and whilst a didnt actually have any trouble beathing my windpipe was reaaly uncomfortable so this might well be Cora's problem.
it's such a worry when they're this age and they can#t actually tell you whats wrong.
Fingers crossed she's over it soon. Hang on in there
I love you guys!

I have just finished a 13 hr day at work. Now I have to go to bed and get no sleep lol. My life is very exciting. The good news is that Cora seems a little better again today. Less screaming fits thank goodness. I really hope she is on the mend. I wonder if i might get some sleep???

Rach - that is so kind. Thank you. I am far from supermum but sometimes I feel like i could not possibly do any more if i tried! If you make as good a mum as a friend you will be juuuust fine :)

Gems - thanks for thinking of me. I really appreciate that, I hope you are ok x

Thanks to everyone else for all the hugs and well wishes - you're the best!
Hi Lea, you poor bunny...poorly kids are never much fun - and when you're getting no sleep on top of it all.

I remember those days....they do pass - honest - my 16yr old rarely keeps me awake at night - although I think when he gets to be an 18yr old it will all start again (for different reasons :eek:)