left overs!!!


Hi guys my home is now a no junk food zone, but do you have any tips for dealing with a constant stream of food left over at work....there are always meetings to attend and goodies left around and even though im not hungry my willpower just doesnt last. What are your coping strategies?
Just imagine how many people have breathed on, coughed over, sneezed over that food while it's been in a meeting. Add to that the fact that if it's a long meeting, the sandwiches are curling from the heat, and are full of germs - ugh!!! :eek:
I have to deal with this at work as well!

Have you ever watched people's behavior over a buffet? They look, sniff, touch, take a bite and put back, talk over, cough, sometimes sneeze, you name it.....and when you take into account the people who go to the loo and don't wash their hands after.....well....do you still wanna eat some??
Like DQ says....after its been sitting a while (and maybe visited by the occassional fly....and you know what they do:eek:)the germs will be multiplying by the zillions....do you still want some.....Mmmmm yum:rolleyes:
it always looks better than it tastes anyway....and by the time we realise that.....its too late :) !