Lifestyle change / healthy eating


Full Member
Ok so I know its a bit of a cliche saying you are doing the whole "lifestyle change" thing rather than a "diet" but for me I feel this is what I am finding is working. I can't talk for everyone but I have done almost every "diet" under the sun before and basically lost a bit and got fatter and I think the main problem was that I was on a "diet" the word itself for me means going without, being hard done by and quickly makes me want to binge more than ever.

I feel like its finally sunk in that the best way for me to lose weight is through a complete change in lifestyle, so pre this plan due to my eating disorder I would starve myself all day and then binge each evening or would be on one fad diet after the next fad diet always looking for the quick fix answer. I finally realised that there is no quick fix for long term weight loss, I didn't put it on over night and I can't hope to lose it all over night, its going to take time and effort to reach my goal.

I think the problem is we all hanker after this magical "diet" that suddenly will let us turn our lives around and lose all the unwanted weight yet I think in reality this is something that rarely exists and the true key to long term weight loss is actually more boring and dare I say it obvious and that is healthy eating and getting more exercise. I have known this of course for years but always not managed to do this as it wasn't "extreme" enough for me as someone who is all or nothing, I have always felt that to lose weight I had to feel like I was suffering like with a low calorie diet I did I felt great going without , like a sort of punishment which itself isn't healthy.

I now feel as if the only answer for me was to try the path less travelled and that involves eating healthy foods, yet foods I actually now realise I like, eating regularly and drinking enough water all be it for me with orange squash and of course increasing my exercise. Its as if finally I have stumbled on to a way of eating enough, eating nice foods and feeling satisfied food wise and to boot am seeing a great weight loss. I am much more happy than I have been in years as I am enjoying my plan, the food is tasty and great but its so new to me as well, who would have thought that someone like me who would snack on chocolate would suddenly find snacking on fruit enjoyable. I always have enough energy unlike on some of the fad diets I have done, my physical hunger is always satisfied and I am seeing all kinds of differences in my weight and general health already and the best thing is this is a plan I can keep up for the rest of my life, no starvation I'm in fact actually eating to lose weight, its fab!

Oh and no to thinking certain foods are "bad" or off limits in fact as long as I plan my treats in advance for me this is having a meal out most weeks with family or friends I feel I have a lovely food treat to look forward to and not at all hard done by. I had a gorg pizza the other day whilst out at an Italian restaurant and it was so tasty and do I feel guilty hell no, this isn't about punishment but about getting my life back and whilst I hate my binges I still love food and it shouldn't be viewed as being "bad". I will admit to having done alot of research into my so called trigger foods and removed them from the house as they trigger my binges but I can still have the odd trigger food but for me I work it into the plan by having it on a night out when I will not just carry on eating non stop as I would if I was to do it in the privacy of my own home.

Also I think its a real myth that you have to go on to extreme diets to lose large amounts of weight, I see people over and over again on these boards losing large amounts of weight yet they haven't starved it off, they have eaten healthy food and exercised more and they have changed their lives for the better and in my humble opinion doing it this way means they are so much more likely to maintain any weight loss as they will have re-educated themselves re eating on the way to their goal.

Emma xx
wow you are so right there its got to be a way of life and we have got to teach our bodys new tricks and this is the way i love this way its like your not beten yourself up cause ypu can have all foods and i think thats what stops us craving

thanks Chezz, you are doing great mate, yeah I think its nothing be off limits which helps as the cravings for me are there more if I say I can't have something. I still enjoy my food treats and have no intention of giving those up as I want to be able to eat like this for the rest of my life and whilst on the whole I am eating lovely healthy food its still lovely to have that comfort food now and again, I'm human after all!! Em xx
hi em
so trure you tell me i cannot have something and i want it even more .........................yes i agree i always say this is the start of my new life new me

Exactly hun, Em xx
Emma I was wondering what exercise regime are you doing? I was swimming 5 days a week at the start of mine which was very effective till I had to reduce it due to personal reasons now its a mixture of cross trainer and walking with swimming less regular now. And how often do you do it? I am doing something that is manageable now. Obviously with different lifestyles we have to do something we can maintain as well as the eating better. But you are so right about doing it for life. I realised that when I put double the weight back on when I got healthy from extreme dieting.
exactly xMariex, you are doing so well, my exercise is my dog walking which might not sound that much but I have a young Collie and so do two or three walks each day, all at least 45 mins to an hour or so long over the moors near where I live or in my local woods, I haven't yet been able to face a gym setting but find pushing myself on my walks to say go up more slopes and speed up my walking helps and I am noticing the differences already. I would love to go swimming, I have let my insecurities stop me sadly but its a goal for me as my nieces want me to go swimming with them. Em xx
what you have said is so true, I have done exactly the same as you, its about training yourself to go for the healthier option and not feel like your missing out on something, but knowing that you can still treat yourself and not feel bad. Just a slight change in going for a walk where you would usually drive or going for a walk during the lunch hour at work makes such a difference.

Just starting my healthy lifestyle again I know that it will take a while for me to get my fitness back up to being able to do things longer, to be able to play with my little boy without feeling that my lungs have given up and gone on holiday, but its just getting into the mind set that it wont happen over night but just changing a few things can make a brilliant start to a new way of life

Lulu xxx
well said lulu, I haven't got kids myself but am very close to my nieces and one of my main aims is to be able to run around with them and find it easier to do so, I already do all the play things, like going to those indoor play areas with them and give it all a go but due to my weight I usually look fit for the knackers yard by the end of the session, this is something that I want to change like you said about playing with your son, just to be fitter, this will happen bit by bit, you sound like you are tackling it the right way hun, Em xx
exactly xMariex, you are doing so well, my exercise is my dog walking which might not sound that much but I have a young Collie and so do two or three walks each day, all at least 45 mins to an hour or so long over the moors near where I live or in my local woods, I haven't yet been able to face a gym setting but find pushing myself on my walks to say go up more slopes and speed up my walking helps and I am noticing the differences already. I would love to go swimming, I have let my insecurities stop me sadly but its a goal for me as my nieces want me to go swimming with them. Em xx
Does not sound like alot? Erm it does to me, you are doing amazing! Sounds like you do loads I probably dont do 2x45 mins everyday. When I was swimming it was first thing in the morning and I went for a hour until my ex decided to go and I used to get so upset I felt it was not worth it. It was a shame as I swam for the entire hour without stopping. I can not have pets here but I would love a dog as I know it would motivate me to do more. And I love animals. I can not afford the gym so I have a home cross trainer, was awful on that to start with but slowly building up.
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Thanks xMariex, if I am honest I am so used to people running down my dog walking as not being "proper exercise" as I am not working out at a gym so it was lovely to hear your encouragement, having a dog is like having a personal trainer for me as she nags me until I take her out ha ha, I'm out in all weathers come rain or shine as being a collie she just needs the exercise and being a country bumpkin at heart I love being out in the fresh air, now I am not the fittest of people but I am getting fitter and each week am managing more and coping better with slopes etc, it takes time to improve your fitness level and well its better I am doing this than not doing it. I have an exercise bike at home but am a bit worried about getting on it at the moment as I'm so over the weight limit for it at present. I am sorry you felt you had to give up swimming, it must have been so difficult having to see an ex all the time so I can understand that. Well done for using the cross trainer hun, that sounds great, I am the same as you re the gym, I can't afford it as money is a bit tight and walking is free so for me at the moment there is no competition! Em xx
Lovely to see someone who has gone through an almost identical experience with food and diets and binging and come to the same conclusion!
hi em and everyone else

never ever let anyone bring you down whatever exercise you do least you are moving about and thats what matters i have been thinking hard this weekend well today anyway look out of the window you will see the fog coming from me head lolol am i going to the gym for me i thought NO im doing it to lose more weight but i know deep down its not for me not yet anyway and not only that its money i could save to spend on something else ...........i love walking so me and my other half ( lol not my twin that attached its self lol it does not talk moody bum i mean my hubby lol ) and going to dust the wii down and going to but the wii fit plus but before i buy it as anyone done it and is it any good are a waste of money ????????
I have one, its currently gathering dust... I found it fun at first but very repetitive and boring after a while - it really depends how long you stay interested in these things??? It is a very gentle form of exercise, I would just going for a walk somewhere hilly would probably be more beneficial if you wanted to quit the gym? I can totally understand that the gym isnt for everyone.
hi mybodyisacage

yes i think i will stick to the loser dvd and the walking i use to love the gym but there in no way im working out with barbie and ken who looked like they have been tangoed thats wot its like at ours lol gosh i wonder sometimes why i bought it i think its going tto end up on ebay or something never used it lol the wii lol oh well
you make me laugh Chezz,

I have to admit my two main reasons against going to the gym is money as well I haven't much at the moment and secondly I know me all too well, I'll sign up and never go ha ha I get so intimidated by people and never find them easy places to be in, maybe when I have lost more weight.

I think people put down my dog walking as they assume its not really much exercise but when you are doing usually 45 mins to an hour walk at least twice and sometimes three times daily I still think it counts, afterall anything I am doing means lobbing my weight around with me which is like lobbing two massive suitcases with me everywhere I go, my excess weight means what one person doesn't see as very much work for me at my weight it takes more out of me.

My dog walking didn't go so well today though as went to stroke this cute pony and another one from the herd did a buckaroo on me and kicked my knee so its all swollen and bruised :cry:, serves me right though ha ha

Em xx
oh em
you had me rolling with the two suitcases lol lol thats something i would come out with lol lol ............. i always say to my friends and family oh and anyone who wants to listen to me lololol that it does not matter wot exercise you do if your not sat on the settee and your moving about that to me is good and em taking the dog three times a day for an hour a time is brill and not only that your getting fresh air and getting outside which is very good for someone who suffers from depression i think your doing great and im really proud of you .... my problem em is that like yourself yeah i would sign up then i would get bored with because im not doing it for me and i know from before that when i do something i need to do it for me i always think back in the old days there was no gyms just good old walks long ones and lots off house work and some heavy lifting sometimes my nan said this to me along time ago and i agree with her and the women kept fit no one should tell anyone they should do something they do not want to and not only that im not sure many people can afford at this time in our lifes i mean money is tight for everyone and we are lucky us who are working to have a job ............ so my old nan the old wise owl god bless her sole she was always wise bless her loved her to bits wins again im going to save my money like i said over the weekend and walk my big butt off lolol
oh and my attached twin
exactly Chezz, I am a terror for signing up to gyms and then never going, if I do make it along I end up in the gym cafe ha ha

I was watching this weight loss programme and they made this woman lob around these massive bags I think it was everywhere she went, she struggled so much and then they announced at the end of that period that the weight in those bags was what she had already lost and was carrying around all the time until recently, the thought just stuck with me.

Oh hope you enjoy your walks, I do love my walks, love the views and space up on the moors and ponies minus the one that kicked me ha ha Em xx
hi em lolol yes thats me i would do the exercise then get bored go in the cafe instead not sure thats the way it should be lolololol .............. i love my walks em i do like yourself i mean i might change my mind but i cannot see that also i need to get alot more weight of so i can go swimming

oh Chezz we are so similar, one of my main goals is to be able to go swimming, now I love swimming but haven't been since I left school due to my insecurities about my size which I know is silly, I have never let my weight stop me doing anything with my nieces except for swimming and they are dying for me to go with them.

My folks used to go this gym and my dad would go in the gym part and then go to the cafe afterwards for a mega big cup of coffee and a muffin! ha ha always made me smile, I thought I would be just as bad though!

Em xx