Lil Miss Preggas :D wiv baba no2

me too i really dont want to go over ,i a waiting for every little sign but as aftm i keep thinking what if i dont know the signs,but a lot of people have reassured me say believe me u will know ha
Yeh so fed up, I'm gettin cramps but my. Right hip is killin n can barelyy walk on it, duno what's up wiv it x
39 weeks today!!

He's definatly gettin lower...felt some very sharp burrowin pain last night that actually made me jump!! Got to be close now!!..x

Started gettin contractions at abt 7 last night n they we're gettin stronger and comin evry ten mins. They seemd to fade at abt 3am n I eventually got some sleep. Feel very low and full of pressure todaym havin a few niggly pains but not contractions today yet...maybe I'm gettin close...x :D
Yeh I think u will. I was gettin pains in my lower back and lower really intense period cramps and then they kinda just relax x

Well iv just accepted the fact my baby is never comin and he's stayin in ther forever!! Lol

Midwife appointment tday for check up I think then hospital on tuesdy to arrange induction, I wish them luck as he's not budging for no one lol xxx
Thnx becca :) your baby girl is just ur so proudxx

Well I'm still pregnant n its my due date 2mra n got no sign of him comin anytime soon. Just tryin to relax cos I keep gettin all sressd out cos I can barely walk n everythn is just a massive effort xx
40 Weeks pregnant !!

Well its officially my due date today so he guarenteed to be here within the next 2 weeks !! Xx