Lipotrim- Here I come!!!

oclmk said:
4lbs down this week so thats 23lbs in 4 weeks!:D. Am going to stay on TFR till Sunday and then commence re-feed. I hope the extra pound or so that I might lose this week will give me a bit of a safety net with the dress!!!!:rolleyes:

Well Done you have done amazing x
Had my first meal in nearly 6 weeks last night. The refeed chicken salad and it was great to have food again. What worried me was that I didnt feel too full after it?. I thought from reading other threads that I would have a bit of lettuce and feel stuffed but I was able to eat it all and not feel that full. Is this unusual???. So dont want to go back to feeling that what I had was not enough!..... seeing that was what got me to this stage in the first place!
Hi oc, well done so far great results! :D
Did the pharmacy give you the info on the refeed? I am going there later and want to get it so I can plan ahead.
Ah brill, thanks for the link Enjoy your lunch and dinner :D
Well refeeding is going well- Just sticking to the protein and salad or veg and its fine. Weighed myself this morning and am at 13st 2lbs which means that lost the 2 stone that was the target!!! ( well the 1st target-more to come!).
So dress fits, weight gone- Happy day!

Hope all's well with you all and hope this will give anyone some inspiration that it deffo does work. :)
Sounds like the refeed is going swimmingly :D