List 5....

1. Bake
2. Watch TV
3. Read a book
4. Iron :-(
5. Sleep (I wish)

Top 5 reasons your trying to loose weight
1. Bake
2. Watch TV
3. Read a book
4. Iron :-(
5. Sleep (I wish)

Top 5 reasons your trying to loose weight

1. To feel happier in myself
2. I want to get married and look amazing!!
3. If I'm lucky enough to have a baby then don't want to be labeled a fat mum/ at risk pregnancy!
4. To be able to wear nice clothes
5. To wear a bikini lol!

What's the 5 places you would love to visit?
1. To feel happier in myself
2. I want to get married and look amazing!!
3. If I'm lucky enough to have a baby then don't want to be labeled a fat mum/ at risk pregnancy!
4. To be able to wear nice clothes
5. To wear a bikini lol!

What's the 5 places you would love to visit?

1. Hawaii
2. Orlando again, went as a kid..
3. Cuba
4. Miami
5. Australia

top 5 funny things your partner has done
top 5 funny things your partner has done...

Hmm let me think...

1, When he stood on the cat..i dont know to this day who yelped loudest the cat or my hubby.. hehe

2, When we got lost in Wales he doesnt deal with getting lost very well you'd think we were in the middle of the outback not Rhyl with his reactions

3, When he passed wind while he was doing his best to be romantic, the mood was set, it was quiet gazing at each other then *Fart* he was mortified and i was in stitches laughing

4, Whenever he tries and cooks is always a laugh ;)

And 5, I think it has to be when it snowed one minute we were walking next he was face down after going flying i couldnt move for giggling
*Edit* forgot to add.....

Five things you love about springtime

Sorry silly me *Blush*
1. No wet towels on the beds or floor!
2. Wipe your crumbs off the work top!
3. Put the cushions on the sofa neat and tidy before bed so it looks nice first thing in the morning!
4. Put the toothpaste the right way on the bathroom windowsill!
5. Shut the blinds when it goes dark!
Oh I could go on.....there's so bloody many!! Lol ;)
Well they're things that me happy anyway!! Hehe

5 things you do before leaving for work in the morning
1. Priority - have cup tea
2. Get Maddy out of bed
3. Check minimins lol
4. Eat breakfast
5. Make Maddy packed lunch

Top 5 items you can't live with out
1. iPhone
2. Cheese grater
3. Antibacterial spray
4. Hair straighteners
5. Dental floss

5 things you always do before going to bed....
1 lock the back door
2 down a glass of water
3 pee said water
4 brush teeth
5 re tuck the kids in and whisper good night to them

5 things you woulkd do if you won the lottery :D
1- throw a huge party
2- tell work they can f*<k there job :D
3- travel the world first class
4- treat my family and friends
5- have a full cosmetic body makeover :D :D

5 things you love about the snow
1, as the snow is falling it looks almost magical to me
2, the first layer of snow before cars and people walking etc, makes everything look all brand new and clean
3, watching the neighbours build snowmen and joining in
4, watching my dogs go mental in it playing
5, turning into a big kid and having snowball fights lol

Name five things you hate about snow? ;)
Name five things you hate about snow? ;)

1. Its bloody freezing!
2. too slippy for me to walk on with bad knees
3. everybody moans about it
4. takes forever to defrost car (when go out with hubby)
5. food shops become manic, think everyone presumes the worst!

your top 5 annoying hates
1. Casino
2. hot tub
3. Shopping in London
4. gadgets, car, ipad etc
5. redo house

most expensive places you've shopped