List 5....

1. Get my 5.5st back (5lb to go)
2. Get everything prepared for surgery next month (toiletries bag, nighties etc. like to be prepared)
3. Get veryyy drunk next weekend, last night out pria surgery as will be long time before can do that again!
4. Go in the hot tub, not been in yet as of 2013 :/
5. Erm... Buy some new shoes!

5 things your not looking forward to

1 doctors visit for me

2 work Monday

3 scales on Monday lol

4 outlaws tomorrow :(

5 making tough relationship decisions soon

5 inspirations for you losing weight
To not be the biggest person in groups/photos etc
To be able to join in activities with the family
To not embarrass the kids
To be able to wear 'normal' clothes
To be healthier

5 things youd like to have said recently but didnt :p

1. shut up moaning about been fat (shes not) an do something about it if you really want to lose weight!
2. Just because ive got money in the bank from my accident claim does NOT mean i have to do everything to help family out (sounds awful but sick of it, i got this from alot of pain 5yrs ago an STILL ongoing with surgeries!!)
3. to hubby- When i get my layin once a week (Saturday) doesnt mean come wake me up early!! :mad:
4. If you say your coming out, dont lie to me an change mind week before when mini bus is already booked!! grrr
5. hmm... Fedup of you saying 'will do it later' meaning it wont get done!

best 5 things that happened to you in 2012
these are my fave songs at the moment

1. fix you - coldplay
2. the flood - take that
3. read all about it - emeli sande
4. this year - meghan tonjes (independant singer.. check her out on youtube)
5. little wonders - rob thomas

5 things you would have to save if there was a fire
2 out of 3 ain't bad Meat loaf
Sweet Dreams Eurythmics
Push it Salt and Pepa
Love gets sweeter everyday Finley Quaye(our wedding song)
Could you be loved Bob Marley

5 fave accesories

arhh, you beat me too it lol

1. beanie hat
2. ring
3. watch
4 wallet with superhero inlet ;)
5. cufflinks my nan gave me.

same as before, 5 things you would save in a fire
arhh, you beat me too it lol

1. beanie hat
2. ring
3. watch
4 wallet with superhero inlet ;)
5. cufflinks my nan gave me.

same as before, 5 things you would save in a fire

depending where fire was....
1. My son
2. clothes of end of dresser
3. phone
4. Bag (has everything in! lol)
5. Laptop or Hard drive (save my thousands of pics!)

Same actually, its interesting...
5 things you would save in a fire
1.Get to target + Love myself for who i am :)
2.Re-marry Rob on a special wedding anniversary
3.Have 3 or 4 children
4.Become an accountant or something within that area
5.Scubba diving / bungy jump / para-shoot jump. But these wouldn't be able to happen :( so realistically erm... Become pole dancer.. ;) lmao joke.. Pass my driving test. (atm would never drive so would be a big deal)

5 things you wish you could of handled differently
5 things you wish you could of handled differently

No-one wants to open up so I'll be brave....

1. Opening up about my dad at the time rather than waiting till I was an adult
2. Not letting ex hubby treat me abismally cause too frightened of consequences
3. Not shouting at maddy for getting under my feet when I should have asked her calmly
4. Not being honest with my friend + telling her how obnoxious she was being
5. Not trusting eBay to do the right thing

5 special powers you wish u had ;-)
1. Born to Run - Springsteen (my introduction to the Boss)

2. The White Room - The KLF (possibly one of the best albums from the 90's)

3. Grease - OST (got played to death when I was about 7)

4. The Reminder - Feist (complete chill out)

5. The defamation of Strickland Banks - Plan B (only recently found this one)

Top five things to go go with potatoes? Lol
1.strawberry laces
2.chocolate buttons
3.jelly beans eggs

5 beauty products you use regularly