List 5....

1. camera
2. iPod touch
3. remote control for tv
4. shindler's list bluray
5. bottle of water

5 things you need to do over the weekend
1. camera
2. iPod touch
3. remote control for tv
4. shindler's list bluray
5. bottle of water

5 things you need to do over the weekend

Get Jacobs bed downstairs
Sort finances out
Baby proof front room
Food shop
Exercise/bend knee more so i finally bend to 90 degrees again (longer than a weekend thing)

5 things you need to do next week but dont want to
1: the weather
2: the amount of washing I need to do
3: my weight of course
4: world poverty and conflict
5: the british prison system

list 5 inspirational people...
1. Keeping up with the kardashians

2. Made in Chelsea

3. The biggest looser

4. Towie

5. Big brother

I like my reality tv :)

5 celebs you wish you looked like
probably get some stick for some of these but.. in my honest opinion the most over rated celebs are:

Justin bieber
lady gaga
Kim kardashian (any of them tbh)
Russell brand

5 underrated celebs
1. Maggie may
2. I don't want to talk about it
3. every beat of my heart
4. twisting the night away
5. all for love

top 5 Disney movies

top 5 animals
White Tiger
Panda bear
Koala bear

5 fave meals