List 5....

1 roast turkey leg
2 grilled lamb chops
3 grilled chicken breast
4 brown jallofff rice
5 turkey meatloaf

Protein, protein protein :D

5 fav beaches
Wonderwall, Oasis
I wanna be adored - stone roses
Sex on Fire - Kings of Leon
Mr Brightside - killers
Graffiti on the train - stereophonics

5 dream dinner party guests (dead or alive)
Wonderwall, Oasis
I wanna be adored - stone roses
Sex on Fire - Kings of Leon
Mr Brightside - killers
Graffiti on the train - stereophonics

5 dream dinner party guests (dead or alive)

gosh, erm...
Robert Downey Jr.
Taylor Lautner
Adam Rodriguez
Channing Tatum

5 actors you dislike
gosh, erm...
Robert Downey Jr.
Taylor Lautner
Adam Rodriguez
Channing Tatum

5 actors you dislike

Charlie Sheen
Taylor Lautner
Matthew McConaughey
Kevin Bacon
Robert Pattinson

5 places you would love to go on holiday
Random ones..
North pole
South pole
Weight watchers group
Back to my old larger me!
And in our car boot lol

5 cars you want
Fiat 500(in pink lol)
citroen ds3
new mini cooper
White range rover(not the new shape)
and my lil fiat punto which ive got but i love

5 things/habits you do but wish you didn't
Fiat 500(in pink lol)
citroen ds3
new mini cooper
White range rover(not the new shape)
and my lil fiat punto which ive got but i love

5 things/habits you do but wish you didn't

Worry about stuff I can't change
Be overly hard on myself
Twirl my hair
Cry when am angry or for any other reason lol am just quick to tears
Play with my necklace

5 things about yourself your proud of/like x
Generous nature
Don't care attitude
Big Boobs - although they are slowly decreasing :-(

5 things you would change about yourself if you could?
5 things you would change about yourself if you could?

1. BIG BOOBS to a handful
2. Julia Robert's legs not RUGBYPLAYER legs
3. Amazing hair that never needed washing or styling or colouring lol
4. To stop saying YES all the time
5. Nice feet (hate them!)

5 items you coulnd't live without it you were left alone on a dessert island
5 items you coulnd't live without it you were left alone on a dessert island

Dancing shoes.
Something comfy to sleep on.
Frying pan and fry light.
Lighter cause I'd be rubbish at making fire.

Name 5 worst songs you know!

Starting 18st. Goal 10st 10lbs. Currently 15st 1.75lbs (was 14st 3.75lbs but fell off my wagon!)
1 freezing at a presentation for a job when I was younger
2 falling off and breaking a chair on New Year's Eve in New Zealand
3 other two were the most dramatic but generally I'm embarrassed at forgetting names
4 getting lost
5 public changing rooms

5 best moments
1-Passing my driving test (5th time lucky)
2- Meeting my man
3 - Meeting my niece & goddaughters for the first time
4 - Being attuned to Reiki
5 - Seeing my little sister get married

5 best books
1) Anything by Iain Banks (especially The Crow Road or Espadair Street)
2) LOTR Triology (yes I love these books!!!)
3) All 7 Harry Potters (Don't judge - I started reading these when I was 9 and grew up with them!!! lol)
4) To Kill A Mockingbird (first book that I fell in love with)
5) A Song of Fire and Ice series (Game of Thrones)

Top 5 most cringe worthy/ridiculous fashion trends? (hair, clothes, make-up)
1 - Shell Suits
2 - Heroin Chic style make up
3 - Trainers with massive tongues
4 - Plastic dummy necklaces
5 - Roller trainers (they just look dangerous to someone with my lack of balance)

5 things you hate about train travel
Cancelled trains
Noisy passengers (especially on mobiles)
High prices
People eating smelly food

5 favourite fruits