List 5....

Sloths, Ducks, Donkeys, Cats and Guinapigs

5 favourite procrastination activities..
Sloths, Ducks, Donkeys, Cats and Guinapigs 5 favourite procrastination activities..
Reorganising cupboards
5 favourite summer activities
New house
New dog
Mother's probate being all sorted
DD being in Oxford
Getting to target

5 things you DON'T like about summer
Night at the Museum 3 (watching it on DVD this weekend)
Far From the Madding Crowd (next week at the cinema)
The Theory of Everything (asap)

And films still to be released-
The Minions movie in the summer
Hotel Transylvania 2 in October

5 things you'd buy if you had the money...
A horse
New carpets
Two flights to colonial America
Two new windows (then they'd all be double glazed)
A house for my daughter (no chance for her to get on the property ladder!)

5 attributes you dislike in a person......
Being a caring person.
Listening to others.
Always having a shoulder to cry on for someone who needs it.

5 programmes you would love to see back on telly ........
Blue Murder
Wire in the Blood
Eldorado (I know!)
Inspector Lynley

5 classic books you would like to read but have somehow never found the time.
Blue Murder
Wire in the Blood
Eldorado (I know!)
Inspector Lynley

5 classic books you would like to read but have somehow never found the time.

Pride and Prejudice
Alice's Adventure in Wonderland
How to kill a mockingbird
The war of the worlds

5 things on your bucket list!
Own a dog (preferably a Jack Russell with a beard)
Go back to Canada
Go back to New York
Use an ipad without having to ask for help (sad, eh?)
Teach Year 4 (never done it in 26 years of teaching. Have been dropping heavy hints at school but am being moved to Y2 in September!)

5 foods you would never eat
Raw fish
Brussels Sprouts
Prairie Oysters
Insects of any sort!

Five favourite things to do with a sunny Sunday afternoon?
Five favourite things to do with a sunny Sunday afternoon?

Walk the dogs somewhere pretty.
Sit outside and read.
Go to a nice country pub and sit outside.
Go for a drive into the countryside and take a picnic.
Walk along the prom.

5 things that made you smile today?

Home time :D
The thought of a delicious dinner
Knowing that half term starts on Friday
Wearing a brand new pair of trousers today and being told I look very 'Arabian Nights' in them
Finding a pound coin in the loose change jar

5 things that made you frown today
1. Finally getting home after a long day to discover the parcel-lady had been, so having to go straight back out again to the post office - grrr!
2. Realising the oil-stain on the garage floor has got much worse lately
3. Having to search for ages to find my Fitbit charger
4. Forgetting to take a cashmere jumper to the cleaners - yet again!
5. My other half calling to ask me what the mileage was on HIS car that he wrote off last week - as if I'd know?? Hmmm...

Five things you'd buy if you won £100 unexpectedly?
Buying presents for loved ones!
Spending time with family and friends!
Seeing the look on kids faces :)
Opening gifts!
A few days off plan ;)

5 Dream Holiday destinations?
My 5 Dream dinner guests (today!) would be something like;

Matt Berry
Kofi Annan
Michael Sheen
David Bowie
And David Tennant to keep hubby happy. :)

Your 5 favourite Christmas gifts this year...
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My 5 Dream dinner guests (today!) would be something like;

Matt Berry
Kofi Annan
Michael Sheen
David Bowie
And David Tennant to keep hubby happy. :)

Your 5 favourite Christmas gifts this year...

1. Winter boots
2. Fluffy slippers
3. Baileys
4. socks
5. new coat

5 fave xmas songs.....
1. Silent Night
2. Jingle Bells
3. Gloria
4. Saw mommy kissing Santa Claus
5. Jingle bell rock (I've just watched mean girls. I love it)

OK so. 5 things you want to happen in 2016