LJ July-December 2012


Silver Member
Well, here is to the 2nd half of 2012. Trying to get into a new mindset and start afresh (though I am pleased with my progress so far). I'm dreaming about where I could be this time next year if I really knuckle down.

I suddenly have this passion for fashion, I need a body to match! I have decided to start putting money aside so I can have a whole new wardrobe from head to toe when I get to target. I have started a blog here, which I am going to record the rest of my journey into rediscovering myself, and creating my own unique style. I guess I am starting to realise I can be whoever I want to be, and now I am trying to figure out who that is. Luckily I have time on my side, as my target is a good way off, and I don't want to waste money at the moment, as I have my wedding coming up next month, so I am going to keep surviving with what I have at the moment.

I need to give my diet and exercise a bit of a boost, I haven't been as motivated lately, probably due to an unexpected gain last week. I haven't gone off the rails, but suddenly the road just seems a lot longer, which is silly. So this will be where I do my daily updates, food logs and weigh-ins. I mostly follow the green plan. I am going to try and record all of my intake this month and see if it keeps my diet in check, I have been freestyling too often.

Sunday 1st of July
Yoghurt, banana
scrambled eggs on toast (1.5 heb) with bertolli light (2 syns)
sw chips
milk allowance (a)
Total: 2 syns, 1 hea, 1.5 heb

Monday 2nd of July
Yoghurt, fruit n fibre cereal (heb)
3 babybel light (hea)
Rice with mushrooms, peppers, onions etc and stock
Galaxy (12 syns)
Milk (hea)
Total: 12 syns, 2hea, 1heb

Tuesday 3rd of July
Jacket with beans, philly (hea)
Pasta with sweetcorn and bertolli light (2 syns)
2 Alpen light (heb)
2 tangerines
Milk (hea)
Total: 2 syns, 2hea, 1heb
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I have just calculated I want to lose 60 pounds to get to target - that will take me until 04/04/2013 if I manage 1.5 lb per week average. If I start exercising routinely again, it could be even sooner. Thats the bit I need to stay focussed on. Its a shame how one bad weigh in can warp your perspective and knock your confidence if you let it. I wish thursday had come and gone already and see how it went. I am sticking within my limits, need to make sure i have all my hebs every day. I think I am avoiding them because of all the excess bread I was eating last week on red (I didn't get on with it at all - just ate bread and meat).

I am feeling some muscle pain from the HIIT I did yesterday, my core especially! I need to keep up the exercise for sure, its bound to help!
Well, I have just dragged all of my food records and compared them with my losses. My best month ever was in April, and I did extra easy, with LOTS of superfree. I then started to change it up to get even better results, which I haven't. My losses have been fine, don't get me wrong, but I am just wondering why I changed to a different plan when I was so successful on extra easy. This is also when I was doing my bronze body magic award...

The results speak for themselves, so I will revert back to this after this weeks WI (as I have already shopped with a green week in mind). It means I can have some favourites too, like lasagne, curry and rice, burgers and SW chips, so long as I always vigilant with the amount of superfree I am having. I will do it back to basics too, and see what that achieves.So from thursday I will be doing extra easy and working towards my silver body magic award. I could start sooner and count my exercise from yesterday, but my foot hurts and I am going to rest it. Its from the jumping around during my HIIT, I guess I am a bit too heavy for that much. Will modify it for next time :)
Tuesday 3rd of July

Jacket with beans, philly (hea)
Pasta with sweetcorn and bertolli light (2 syns)
2 Alpen light (heb)
Yoghurt, fruit
Milk (hea)
Total: 2 syns, 2hea, 1heb

Still not quite making my other heb, which is so unusual for me.

Today has been a good day, I have done a laundry blitz which was way overdue, and things like that always make me feel better. I also updated my blog. As always, weightloss has been the main thing on my mind. Luke (my OH) has the patience of a saint, he listens to me babbling on all the time, and never makes me feel bad for bending his ear. I'm sure he doesn't especially want to have green plan vs extra easy debates all day!

I would love a workout/slimming buddy who has a similar amount to lose as me. Someone who would enjoy talking about it as much as I do. The forums are great, don't get me wrong. And I have a WI buddy, but he is not the right person for this, his motivation has varied a lot and I need as much positivity and dedication as possible from an ideal weightloss buddy.

I have a long boring day at work tomorrow, then 2 days leave to celebrate my Luke's birthday with him at home :) Yay! He usually works away thursday and friday, so this is a rare treat. :D
Jacket spuds with Philly - now there's a thought......... :D
I must admit, I've just been doing Extra Easy so far, can't get my head round the reds and greens yet. Judging by what you said about your weight loss on EE, I think I'll probably stick to it as well. Or do you have to do reds and greens as well?
Jacket spuds with Philly - now there's a thought......... :D
I must admit, I've just been doing Extra Easy so far, can't get my head round the reds and greens yet. Judging by what you said about your weight loss on EE, I think I'll probably stick to it as well. Or do you have to do reds and greens as well?

You can just do extra easy, I think thats what most people do. Some people like to change between the 3 plans, you can pick a different one every day if you want to.

I am going back on extra easy asap, most likely after my weigh in, i am addicted to recording everything and seeing trends, so I want this whole week to be green to see how it goes.

I eat a lot of jacket spuds, and a bit of philly is way nicer than butter or low fat spread. I like it with the red pepper philly and beans on top... yumyumyum!
Oops, I slacked off and forgot to record my intake for yesterday here...

Wednesday 4th of July

Tinned spaghetti with roasted peppers, philly (1/2 hexa)
Jacket potato with roasted peppers, philly (1/2 hexa)
Muller light
Total: 0 syns, 2hea, 0heb

Not very healthy at all, but not much to worry about either in terms of just weightloss. Today I am moving back on to extra easy, I haven't done it since April. I am looking forward to it. So far I have had a massive chicken tikka salad, delicious. I am missing breakfast every day, which is not what I intend to do. I will make some magic porridge tonight. We are going to Luke's grandparents tomorrow for lunch, so I want to be full before I go so I eat very little. Luckily his gran is very much on board with my weightloss efforts, so she is doing it low fat and lots of veg. Still, better safe than sorry, I can eat properly before and after, and just have a small portion while I am out.

Today is Luke's birthday, so I will be having a slice of cake after I weigh in tonight to celebrate. He has chosen home made burgers and SW chips as his birthday dinner, so no further damage will be incurred :D
I just weighed in and another 0.5 ON! I am gutted. First time I have gained 2 weeks on the trot. I'm still in shock and not sure what to do. I feel so humiliated. Not quite at the stage of coming up with a strategy, I just want to curl up with a pizza and a slab of chocolate.
I just weighed in and another 0.5 ON! I am gutted. First time I have gained 2 weeks on the trot. I'm still in shock and not sure what to do. I feel so humiliated. Not quite at the stage of coming up with a strategy, I just want to curl up with a pizza and a slab of chocolate.
Oh honey, I'm sorry :cry:But it's only a few ounces in the overall scheme of things. Perhaps skipping breakfast doesn't help - makes your body think it's going to be starved and puts the brakes on your metabolism as a result??
I have been awol for a few days, I have not beel feeling well with "woman's troubles" - I have been on and off for wekks now. I am starting to wonder if this may be contributing to my weight gains. I don't want to make excuses, so I am just going to stick to plan and get my butt down to the doctor this week. I have had lots of headaches too, and this and weight gain are common side effects for my impant, so I am debating having it removed. I will see what the doctor advises though.

I have been angelic at avoiding temptation, I'm doing extra easy and preferring it so far. I know I haven't eaten enough, but I haven't been feeling well, and my appetite is pretty low. Here is a food diary update:


Chinese Pork, rice, cabbage, spring onions (5 syns approx)
Melon, rasperries, banana
Fruit and Fibre cereal (b+6) and Yoghurt


Burger, chips and salad (mayo + relish = 6 syns)

Sunday (so far)
Yoghurt, Banana
2 satsumas, an apple
Chicken, beetroot
Salad, tomato and philly pasta
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That sounds great! And you're absolutely right about the hormones, you know - I would definitely get that checked out xxx
I have made myself an appointment at the doctor for Friday. Hopefully they can do something to help.

Today I have eaten:

2 satsumas
1 banana
Heb fruit and fibre, muller light
Jacket with roast peppers phily and beans

3 Positives for today:

1. Had a good time with my work colleague today
2. I got myself a cute necklace and earrings
3. I started using an app for my blog - love it

I've got some clothes to slim into now. One size down. I'm disappointed they don't fit yet, but not too far off. They go on, they just look way too tight. Soon...
Urgh... I am losing the plot. I have weighed at home today and it looks like I have gained for a third week in a row. I just can't believe it. I feel so lost and helpless. I want to scream or cry. I have my official weigh in tomorrow, and I just don't think I can cope with it. I have had mental health problems in the past, and I am just starting to break a little. I guess the hormones won't be helping my mental state. I rang the gp to get a new appointment to get this implant removed and they can't do it til the 24th. And it's my wedding in 4 weeks time. I am so gutted this is happening now :(
Urgh... I am losing the plot. I have weighed at home today and it looks like I have gained for a third week in a row. I just can't believe it. I feel so lost and helpless. I want to scream or cry. I have my official weigh in tomorrow, and I just don't think I can cope with it. I have had mental health problems in the past, and I am just starting to break a little. I guess the hormones won't be helping my mental state. I rang the gp to get a new appointment to get this implant removed and they can't do it til the 24th. And it's my wedding in 4 weeks time. I am so gutted this is happening now :(

It MUST be the hormones, it just doesn't make sense!!! :-(
Well, I am just going to phone all the family planning clinics and see if they can see me sooner and get this implant out! I need to just pick myself up , keep my chin up, and do everything I can to shift the number downwards! I am going to weigh in group tomorrow night. knowing or not knowing doesn't really change the facts.
Phew... 1.5lb off for me tonight. I am surprised, with how my body has been. I will be good again this week, and hopefully I can have a loss, despite my body's attempts to sabotage me :)
Phew... 1.5lb off for me tonight. I am surprised, with how my body has been. I will be good again this week, and hopefully I can have a loss, despite my body's attempts to sabotage me :)

Yay well done!! I just weighed in at 4 1/2 lbs loss, which means I've lost 11 lbs in 2 weeks! *does happy dance*
Ooh look what I just found...

"Ladies fitness program to start in June. Weigh-in inch, loss, diet advice
Plus personal trainer three time a week Monday-Wednesday-Friday
5 to 8pm £20 per month"

This is JUST what I need! I am going to ring in the morning. This is at a local old-school boxing gym round the corner. Better use of £20 a month than to just weigh in and chat at SW group as I do now.

My new motto: blood, sweat and tears :)

I have picked myself up and I'm going strong. Time to pick up the pace and see what I'm made of.