LLLite Route to Management Module.


...we're sinking deeper.
Some ladies asked to see information about Lighter Life Lite Route to Management 4-Week Module on another website, so I wrote this up for them... Reposting here in case anyone is curious. :)


- 3 Foodpacks (one acts as a snack)
- 1 Meal

From Day 1.

== Increase your Protein portions (one selection per day): ==

150g - Oily fish or paneer (curd cheese)
200g - Lean red meat/mince or white fish, or quorn/soya/tofu or lentils/beans/dahl
225g - Low-fat cottage cheese
250g - Lean pork/ham/bacon or lean white meat (paultry)
2 eggs

== Increase your Vegetable choices: ==

Additional vegetables now include: Beans (any type), celeriac, chickpeas, pepper (any colour), kohlrabi, peas, shallot.

== You can now have TWO portions of your Fats and Oils choices ==

Additional choices now include:
1 tsp - Normal mayonnaise or double cream or gravy made with meat juices
2 tsp - Salad cream
4 tsp - Gravy made with granules

== Increase your Dairy choices (one selection per day): ==

30g - Reduced-fat hard cheese/soya cheese
60g - Low-fat soft cheese
125g - Cottage cheese
200ml - Semi-skimmed milk, calcium-enriched unsweetened soya, oat or rice milk
300ml - Skimmed milk or 1% fat milk

== You may include an optional healthy snack to your day: ==

Options for a snack include: 1 small piece of fruit or 1 small pot of low-fat yoghurt/fromage frais or raw vegetables to dip into 30g of low-fat cream cheese.

From Day 3.

== Add one serving of Fresh Fruit with a meal (about 80-100g). Choose from: ==

Apple, blackberries, blueberries, cherries, clementines, currants (any), damsons, gooseberries, grapefruit, grapes, kiwis, kumquats, lemon, limes, luchees, mandarin orange, nectarines, olives, orange, passion fruits, peach, pear, plums, pomegranate, raspberries, rhubarb, satsumas, sharon fruit, strawberries, tangerine.

You may choose to have your fruit in a fruit salad, chopped up and served with yoghurt or fromage frais, on its own, or as a glass of 100% fruit juice or smoothie.

One portion of fruit is typically roughly: 1 medium size fresh fruit (apple, banana, pear, orange). One half of a grapefruit, 2 inch slice of a melow, 2-3 small fruits (plums, apricots, satsumas, kiwis), 1 handful of grapes, 7 strawberries, 3 heaped tablespoons of stewed or tinned fruit in juice.

== Increase your Dairy choices: ==

Additional choices now include: 1 small pot (approx 150g) of low-fat yoghurt or fromage frais, or calcium-enriched soya varieties.


2 Foodpacks (one as a snack)
2 Meals
Fruit as a snack

PLEASE NOTE!!!- The protein choice is not increased to two portions. The normal portion is split between two meals. You can increase it slightly according to your needs.

From Day 1.

== Increase your Protein choices: ==

Additional options now include: (one serving a day from in addition to normal choices)
2 level tbsp - Nuts and seeds
2 level tbsp - Nut butters (peanut/almond butter), tahini
2 level tbsp - Hummus, reduced-fat

== Increase your Fruit choices: ==

Additional options now include: Apricots, avocado, banana, cranberries, currants (dried), dates, figs, mango, melon, mixed fruit (dried), papaya, pineapple, prunes, raisins, sultanas.

One portion of dried fruit is usually 1 heaped tablespoon (raisins, sultanas, mixed fruit), or 2 dried figs, or 3 dried prunes.

From Day 3.

== Increase Vegetable choices ==

Additional vegetable choices now include: Beetroot, corn/sweetcorn, parsnip.
One portion of starchy vegetables which include: Green banana, pumpkin, squash (any).

From Day 5.

== Increase of Starchy Vegetable choices==

Additional choices now include: Potato, sweet potato, yam, cassava, plantain, taro.

One serving of these is roughly as follows;
2 egg-sized or 1 medium (75g) Potato
1 medium (100g) Sweet potato
7 thick-cut Oven chips or potato wedges
Half medium (75g) Plantain/green banana
75g Yam.


1 Foodpack as a snack
3 Meals
Fruit as a snack

PLEASE NOTE!!!- The protein choice is not increased to three portions. The normal portion is split between three meals. You can increase it slightly according to your needs.

From Day 1.

You may now increase your Starchy Food/Vegetable servings to TWO per day.

== You may now include the following Starchy Foods to your day: ==

3 tbsp - Low-sugar breakfast cereal
2 tbsp - Dry muesli
3 bsp - Dry porridge oats
1 biscuit - Wheat or oat-biscuit cereal
3 heaped tbsp - Couscous, cooked
3 heaped tbsp - Noodles, cooked
3 heaped tbsp - Pasta, boiled
2 heaped tbsp - Rice, boiled
2 rounded tbsp - Pulses (beans, peas, lentils), cooked (as a carbohydrate choice)

From Day 3.

== Increase of Starchy Foods choices: ==

Additional choices now include (one portion is as follows):

1 medium slice - Bread or toast
One half - Bread roll
1 small - Chapatti
3 small - Crackers
3 - Crispbreads
1 - Crumpet
One half - English muffin
One half - Bagel
1 small - Naan bread, plain
1 small - Pitta bread
1 small - Tortilla or wrap
1 - biscuit
1 small slice - Malt loaf
3 cups - Popcorn, plain
2 small - Oatcakes
One half - Scone, fruit or plain

From Day 5.

You may now increase your Starchy Food/Vegetable servings to THREE per day.


1 Foodpack as a snack
3 Meals
Fruit as a snack

From Day 1.

You may now increase your Starchy Food/Vegetable servings to FOUR per day.

== Increase your Protein choices: ==

Additional choices now include:
30g - Full-fat cheese

From Day 3.

You may now increase your Starchy Food/Vegetable servings to FIVE per day.

From Day 7.

You may now increase your Starchy Food/Vegetable servings to SIX per day.

SIDE NOTE: Where possible, opt for high fibre, wholemeal/wholegrain varieties of starchy foods. They generally have a lower Gi index, and help you feel fuller for longer.
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Minerva, thanks, that's fantastic! :) Very interesting - and it gives me hope that I'll be eating 'normally' before long! ;)

I think I'll print it off.
This is the Route to Management program Bali - when you have reached your target on the Lighter Life Lite plan, you do this 4 Week Module to slowly reintroduce you back to food and stabilise your weight loss. :) But yes, only when you feel you don't want to lose any more weight!

i am going away in 5 weeks, but will not be at my goal weight. i wont be on the diet whilst im away as im away for 5 weeks, so my C said 2 weeks before i go she will introduce more food so my stomache is accustom to it while im away. the day after i step off the plane back home im going straight back to the diet, then staying on it till my goal weight
This is brilliant Minerva, I am going to 1st LLL meeting on Sunday and was very apprehensive but now feel much more confident. Thank you, you are definately an inspiration, like the quotes bout treasure at the end of road, very motivating.
Thank you Minerva - as usual, going out of your way to help ! This is invaluable to me, love Victoria.X.x.
i am going away in 5 weeks, but will not be at my goal weight. i wont be on the diet whilst im away as im away for 5 weeks, so my C said 2 weeks before i go she will introduce more food so my stomache is accustom to it while im away. the day after i step off the plane back home im going straight back to the diet, then staying on it till my goal weight

Ditto here too but i'm doing the full 4 weeks and only having a week away, then I'm hitting the LLL!

Min, can I ask, your table says to increase Vegetable choices, Additional vegetables now include.... Additional to what? Is there a base list to start from? Is it the base LLL list?

As I will be going backwards (LLL RTM after LL) before goiing forwards (LLL :rolleyes:) I'm not totally up to speed on the LLL bit yet. :eek:
thanks Min, not to my goal weight but will be going on RTM in 2 weeks as im going away for 5 weeks and need to get my stomache used to food, was wondering how it would be done
And I'm in my last week now :rolleyes::D
Well after a STS, 2lb on and then 2lb off, I can't wait to see what this week brings!!:rolleyes:
hi minerva,
did you continue to loose on lll rtm ? im planning to go as far along with lll as i can but im joining hubby on his cruise ship on july12th when ill still be a little way off goal if it all goes to plan . so i figured if i started rtm in 6 weeks so im on week 2 of the management module when i embark then im equiped with more meal s and choices making the 12 days on board easier. i figure ill go back as it was to another module to shift the final half stone and redo management then , mmm sounding very confusing i know :0) i did rtm post abstinence and lost 9 lb in the 12 weeks , mostly i think due to the fact that i exersized more as my food intake increased , was hoping the same could apply this time . mmm would be nice to not have to go backward before going forward again :eek: sorry rambling again !!!! its a gift:D
thanks for any thoughts ideas or advice
sukie xx
To be fair, I'm in Week 3 of RTM, and my portions have gotten much smaller ... uhh.. I'm slowly introducing the new food choices like fruit and nuts (been allowed carbs for a week now - not touched them yet though ... apart from the occasional porridge in the morning).
Week 1 STS, Week 2 -3lbs, Week 3 not had WI yet...
Since it's a 4 week module of food reintroduction - technically speaking you may still lose in Week 1, but not so much the weeks after that... I don't know about your idea of 'coming off' specifically for the cruise, then going back on again... Nearly 2 week long cruise... Week 2 of Lite RTM isn't too bad, maybe do LLL for as long as possible all the way up to your cruise, and just start from Week 2/3 choices when you go away - Week 1 is so pathetic (adding beans really shouldn't count as a week on it's own! Lol).
I mean it's all up to you - I'm at a point where I have a hard time seeing why food will make anything more enjoyable - though being restricted in your choices does suck quite a bit. I'd say - just we wise in your decisions and portion sizes. Enjoy what you want to enjoy but make sure you enjoy everything in moderation. If you're gonna drink: stick to gin and slimline tonic (single measure drink: 50 calories), if you're going to go for dessert: choose fruit. If there are unavoidable carbs around: stick to "tablespoon" measures. Eat slowly, enjoy your food... apart from that, don't worry too much... the more you worry - the more problems there will be.

I don't know if this was a good enough answer, I'm so tired at the moment, falling asleep on my keyboard...
thanks minerva , some great advice .
like you i stopped seing food and drink as a means to enjoying a social occasion and its been like this since finishing abstinence over 2 years ago , but as much as i have healthy habits by and large year round i fall down terribly when im on my husbands ship , dont know why ????? this is an issue id really like to resolve as each time i go i put on weight which i then run off when i get home , i HATE this , mainly because i just dont understand why grrrrrrr!!! so part of me just wants to stay on lll as i know if ive imposed this on my self ill stick to it ( ex army brat , i deal well with disipline ... very sad i know !!!) i want to be 'safe ' as it were but then i think why the bloomin hell cant i handle myself as well when im on the ship ????? christ i went on an all-inclusive holiday on abstinance , only drank my weight in water and had a blast , so whats my beef ????
jaysus !!! listen to me im off again (sorry every one ) dont worry minerva im not expecting you to have the answers or even try , i just love to vent on here , mini mins is the best for it :0)