Looking for a pregnancy buddy!

Thanks Jenn, your induction will be around the same time I'm due then, but I have this feeling I'm going to go two weeks over so I might end up nearer your actual due date lol. I've just been looking at nub theory and if I've made sense of it right I'll be having a girl! Have my 20wk scan next week so will find out soon enough :D

Hope everyone else is doing ok today :)
I'd never heard of the nub theory until this pregnancy. Everything I read pointed to this baby being a girl but after 6 boys I never believed it, it was right tho so I'm a true believer now :)
Morning Buddies!

How was everyone's weekend? I was quite good and FINALLY managed to get tender beef stew in my slow cooker which was a revelation - I've never managed it before but did last night and it was delicious. Had to take those horrid iron tablets last time so this time I'm getting more iron in my meals!

I've lost 4 lbs this week - which I'm pleased about - especially as I guess my body would still have been battling the Christmas binge. Hopefully can get a couple more losses like that in before Booking in appt.

I have had a look at last weeks diary though and I am terrible for not counting syns and thinking 'ooh, that's only a couple', 'that's only 1' etc. Some days I end up eating 30 but in my head only counting 15!. That's my focus this week - to really recognise how many syns go in.

Hope you're all well, got some rest, some respite from sickness and some sleep!
Morning Nicki!

4lbs off is fantastic! I don't know what I weigh as I'm refusing to get in the scales! I'm not to worried about gaining when I'm pregnant as I know with sw I can get it off again. Plus my appetite has completely gone which usually happens when I'm pregnant.

In so tired, I'm having a right bother sleeping. I get to sleep fine, but I'm waking up between 3-4am and can't get back to sleep. Also starting to get really anxious about having a newborn again. It sounds silly as this is my 7th but my 5th son died at 13weeks from cot death and I'm petrified and having nightmares and flashbacks. It's horrible and nothing I can do to stop them.

Sorry for the moan, hope everyone else is feeling ok?
Ah Jenn - I can't even begin to imagine what you went through with your son. I can completely understand why this is occupying your mind - you're not moaning at all.

I remember the 3-4am wake ups as well. I used to think it was natures way of preparing you for sleepless nights with a newborn - but it's so different, I no longer think that! It's just annoying in pregnancy!

Thanks for your replies about the scan and screening for downs syndrome. Helps to have an idea what to expect as MW doesn't explain things in great detail.

I've weighed and lost 2lbs...quite pleased as I had a few treats over the weekend.

Well done on the 4lb loss Nicki, that's great.

So sorry to hear about your loss Jenn, can't imagine what that must have been like. I'm sorry that I don't have any words of wisdom but wanted to let you know that you're not the only one who lies awake at night feeling anxious.
Jenn - just wanted to send you some hugs, I can understand you being anxious, it must have been a terrible time for you xxx

Ive got my first scan next week, I will be 13 weeks by then, im glad the first trimester is pretty much behind me, all my energy has returned and im still managing to keep to 4 gym classes per week, although my weight has been creeping up and my boobs have got so big that I managed to completely split open my sports bra at the gym on Friday!! Soooo embarrassing!!xx
Hi ladies just wanted to update that the growth scan on fri estimated baby weighing 5lb 1 oz with a rather large tummy? Head was normal size tho so that's the main thing I guess lol not sure they are that accurate could be looking at a 9lb baby with just under 7 weeks to go xx Thinking of you Jenn You & your family have been through the worse thing possible & its not surprising you feel anxious, stay strong xx
Missy - when is your scan? Mine is a week on Thursday, can't wait for it now...feels a long time coming. Well done for keeping up your gyming, wish I could say the same lol. I have noticed my energy is increasing and I no longer have to have 2 naps a day after a 10 hour sleep at night!

tamkat - from what I've read online, the estimates of baby's weight from growth scans can be quite out. Not long until you meet the little bundle!
Daisy my scan is a week today, will be good to get a definate due date as I have been feeling a few movements already so could be further along that I thought or it could just be another huge baby lol
Can't wait for dating scan! Time is going so slowly. I hate this first bit.

Registered with Dr's last night and they said Midwife would call me around 10-12 weeks for booking in. That seems a bit late isn't it? Or is it later because it's my second?
Thanks missy - hopefully I've more weeks than I expected to lose a few!

Just had quorn chilli and sweet potato wedges with my HEA of cheese. Oh my god - it was amazing!!!!!!!! If only it was higher in iron! Trying to resist temptation to eat more now!!!!!!
Starving today!! So far ive had a bacon sandwich (fat removed) on hex b, big bowl of mango and raspberries and a packet of quavers!! For lunch im going to have a big bowl of pasta with tomato and chilli sauce and then steak with ginger, garlic, chilli and noodles for dinner - hopefully all that food will fill me up - my metabolism must have revved up as I don't normally feel hungry until 10.30am but was hungry at 7.00am today. Thank God for SW and all the yummy food we can stuff our faces with :)

Hope everyone is having a good day?xxx
Oh Missy...can I come round to yours? Your menu sounds delicious. I've not eaten so far today as I've felt icky. Most days though I feel like I could finish a 3 course banquet at 7.30 whereas before I was pregnant I rarely ate in the morning.

Has anyone else woken up to snow today?
Mmmm, I also want to come to Missy's! Although just for greed as not feeling that hungry today!

No snow down here (South Coast!) Have you much Daisy?
No snow here either - South Devon, just hailstones the size of marbles last night!! Everyone's welcome to come to mine, but can't promise there will be any food left for you the way I'm going haha xx
Afternoon ladies hope everyone's well! Missy your food sounds so yummy!!!

We have snow, not the nice kind but the hard ice kind which is turning to slush!!! I hate it!! Mad dash this morning trying to locate all the hats and gloves!!

Had my yearly 'mot' at the doctors today and got weighed, but didn't want to know. I'm trying to avoid the scales as I know I'll get really depressed about it, even though I know it's for a good reason. She did say it's not the bad and I'm doing well so pleased with that! Plus I have a proper bump going on. My jackets getting tight hope it'll last til the winters over!
Not much snow here, it's all turned into slushy ice - I nearly fell on my bum walking the dog lol.

I'm sure you're doing absolutely fine jenn! Don't blame you for not wanting to know though. Yay that you have a bump, I'm looking forward to getting a hint of one but I know it wont be for a long while yet as I carry all my weight on my tummy.
Hey ladies,

Just wanted to check in, hope you're all doing ok. Missy, I was drooling reading about your steak and chilli noodles!

I restarted SW on Monday, and have had two really good days, followed by two really nibbly days where I haven't been able to stop picking at rubbish (*shakes fist at leftover Xmas junk food*). It's ok though, am not going to beat myself up, every day is a new day! I just need to start asking myself whether something will be nutritious and healthy for me and baby... I resurrected my old diary in the silver members section if anyone is interested. Do any of you have diaries?

We had snow here Tue/Wed but just high winds today.

Have my 20wk scan tomorrow - can't wait!
