Looking for a pregnancy buddy!

Hey everyone,

Been a busy old week here so not had chance to check in. Missy, sorry to hear you've had a troublesome time. Hope your hubby is on the mend. Great news about the house too!

How exciting Jenn! Not long to wait now until you can meet your little bundle.

Sounds like Cooper likes spending time with his Mum, tamkat...he sounds like he's thriving!

I had my GTT today and it turns out I have gestational diabetes. I was a bit upset earlier, still very anxious as I only got a the basic details today but I'm expecting a call from the hospital and an appt with the specialist next week. I'm worried about what it means for my pregnancy but I'm hoping that I will be able to stick to the main SW ideas with a few tweaks. If anyone has any experience, I'd be very grateful as I'm feeling a bit wobbly about it.
Hey everyone,

Been a busy old week here so not had chance to check in. Missy, sorry to hear you've had a troublesome time. Hope your hubby is on the mend. Great news about the house too!

How exciting Jenn! Not long to wait now until you can meet your little bundle.

Sounds like Cooper likes spending time with his Mum, tamkat...he sounds like he's thriving!

I had my GTT today and it turns out I have gestational diabetes. I was a bit upset earlier, still very anxious as I only got a the basic details today but I'm expecting a call from the hospital and an appt with the specialist next week. I'm worried about what it means for my pregnancy but I'm hoping that I will be able to stick to the main SW ideas with a few tweaks. If anyone has any experience, I'd be very grateful as I'm feeling a bit wobbly about it.

Hi hun x Hope you're ok after the GTT.

A very lovely lady (and friend of mine) Sarah who is on here had GD with her 1st baby (he was born Dec 2013) so if you want I could ask her if she'd mind PMing you? I'm sure she'd have lots of advice and be able to give you a bit more info on it? I don't think she'd mind. It might just make you feel a bit better more than anything - I know when she found out she had GD she was initially really upset, but once it sank in she felt a lot better.

Daisy, try not to worry hun. There was a really old thread on doing SW with GD which I read up on when I had suspected GD. I think the GD diet is very similar to SW red days (but without allowing for sugary syns) you will be fine - you want the best for your baby, and if it means sticking to a low sugar eating plan for 14 weeks then I know you will do it xx
Oh you are both so lovely! Thank you so much Peach, your lovely friend has PMed me.

Thanks Missy, I've never really looked at red days but I will have a browse - might give me some ideas of meal ideas. I will definitely stick to a GD friendly diet. I feel as though it's given me a peek into the future as it increases risk of developing diabetes later so I'm going to embrace it and make a big change.

I just feel annoyed that I've become a statistic (silly I know) but at least I'm aware now and they will monitor me carefully for the remainder of my pregnancy.

Has anyone got anything good planned this weekend? I'm happy it's a bank hol :D
How's everyone doing? It's a bit quiet!

Hi Hun x not too bad here, happy but but deflated after yesterday's MW appt x

Firstly - the happy bits! Baby's heartrate is perfect, urine & BP were fine, and I'm measuring spot on again so no more of being 2 weeks ahead.

So now for being deflated...

I let the MW (and student MW who was also there) know that at my 32 week scan baby was breech, so they wanted to have a really good feel to check to see if he had moved. The student MW went first (absolutely fine, I'm all for teaching/learning so always happy to have student MWs do bits and pieces) and she had a good feel and told me baby was head down. Yay I thought! But she wanted the MW to double check. My MW is fantastic, you can tell she's been doing it a long time and she just really knows her stuff so I knew she'd be able to confirm. She had a really really good feel (to the point where I feel tender now!) and she said "No...he's still breech". (She obviously then carried on feeling so that she could help her student realise etc)

Basically the plan of action is that I'll see her in 2 weeks (36 wks) and in the meantime hope and keep everything crossed that baby flips to being head down. IF baby is still breech at 36 weeks, she'll immediately book me in at the hospital to see a consultant. I'll have a scan to check baby's position, where the cord is, placenta etc and IF safe to do so (and I want to of course) they will give me an ECV. So I'll be admitted to the labour ward to have that done - injection to relax my uterus and then consultant to do the ECV. IF that is successful, I can go home and just wait to go into labour as normal and still go onto the MW-led birthing centre as per my plans. If it's unsuccessful, then either way I'll be under consultant-led care. Either plan for a breech birth in the hospital labour ward, or an elective C section. Either way, if it's unsuccessful it's nothing like how I wanted this birth to go. I'm not sure, but I'm assuming I'll probably be monitored quite closely throughout if I opted for a breech birth, plus I'll probably be surrounded by doctors etc which is just something I really didn't want. That said, a c section is my worst nightmare. Not just because it's a major operation but because of my previous vaginal birth was traumatic and knowing I'll be stuck on a maternity ward that I can't stand for 1-2 days away from Amelia etc fills me with dread. I really need this time to be a nicer experience. X

So just feeling a bit... meh.

Currently googling moxibustion, but it's £50 which is just money we don't have - plus John's very sceptical so I doubt he'll want to spend £50 even if we had it! So basically I need baby to turn in the next 2 weeks, OR turn happily at the ECV if we get that far.

Keep everything crossed girls!!!

How are you all doing? Xx
Morning ladies.

How are you daisy?

Sorry to hear baby is breech Princess, have you had a look at a website called spinning babies it's meant to be give good advice and positions to try and encourage baby to move from breech to head down.

Having a bit of a nightmare myself, baby is having reduced movements been at the hospital : times in the last fortnight, been on monitor and having extra scans. They see no reason for why she isn't moving much but are concerned why it's happening. To go back on Wednesday for a growth scan, plan is to induce on the 30th so hopefully we can make it til then.
Sorry you ladies are having such a worrying time at the moment.

I love being pregnant but am finding this time much scarier than the first.

Daisy - I hope you are feeling better about the GD now. It's best that they spotted it than it was missed and you had problems later - but I know that's logic talking and I would be really upset too.

Jenn - are you having baby on 30th of this month (all being well?) - how exciting. Glad they're monitoring you in the meantime.

Princess - there's still time for baby to turn on their own. I did yoga with my first and I think being on all 4's helps to turn. Have also heard about spinning babies. And have lots of friends who have had successful ECV's and I had one friend who swears that a reflexologist turned their baby?????? Either way, my birth plan went out the window with my first too (although not as traumatically as yours did) and I'm really hoping for MW led centre this time.

However I have 2 consultant appointments at around 34 weeks and another growth scan that no-one seems to be able to clearly tell me why and I suspect I may be pushed to consultant and I'm trying to calm myself with the though that all that matters is that baby and I are safe. But it's hard isn't it. This might be my last 'go' at pregnancy and childbirth and I really want to go into labour naturally and the thought I won't upsets me.

The point of this waffle is that I understand how you're feeling

Ah Peach - I'm so sorry to hear that! I really thought he was going to be the right way down. You've still got a little time though so hopefully he sorts himself out. My friend's baby was breach until 4 days before her section was booked in. She went to a bonfire and the fireworks must have made the baby jump and he was head down!

How worrying Jen, I'm glad they're monitoring you and you have a date. Bet it's so stressful for you at the moment. Hope everything goes well at your scan and you make it to the 30th.

Nicki glad to see you around again! It's really annoying when you're not told what's going on. I've heard lots of ladies referred to consultants but they get there, spend 5 mins chatting with them and go back to MW led care. How far along are you now?

I'm fine...got over feeling pants about having GD and have embraced it. You're right Nicki, my numbers were only just over so I'm glad I know and it wasn't missed. I had an appointment with the diabetes nurse and dietician yesterday, I've tested my blood sugar 4 times in total so far and they've been really good. I'm hoping I will get away with being diet controlled for the rest of my PG. I have a growth scan on Wednesday (28 weeks) so will see how the baby is growing and whether the GD has affected her. I'm hoping she will give us a little peep at her bits so we can confirm it's a girl :D

Hope we all have happy news again very soon!
Goodness me, it sounds like everyone is having a right old time of it!
Peach, Im sure baby will turn, you have plenty of time left - I agree with spinning babies, its got loads of useful info. Also, get yourself down the swimming pool a couple of times a week as the weightlessness can help baby turn xx

Jenn - not long now for you!! Its scary how time is just flying now - cant wait for a pic of your bubs xx

Daisy - im glad you are feeling better about the GD, keep that little girl healthy by giving her the best nutrition you can xx

Im 29 weeks on sunday, had my 28 wk apt, measuring slightly large but midwife said baby is in a very odd position and she couldn't figure out what bits were where, so hopefully this will be clearer at next appt. She also suggested a scan around 37 weeks (as well as 38+5) as she is pretty sure baby is larger than is measuring. I never measured big for dates with my 2 girls despite them both being over 10lb, so the fact im measuring large already has her worried lol apart from that im all good here, counting down until our holiday on 19th May - woop!!!xx
How's everyone's weekend been?

I've just been washing all the baby things, just all the bedding to do now, 3 weeks today she should hopefully be here! :D also finally plucked up the courage to weigh myself and only put on about 24lbs so really pleased with that. Not going to start back on plan til baby is about 6 weeks as don't want to put too much pressure on myself. Hopefully I'll lose at least a stone just by having baby and should have about 2 stone to target which isn't too bad xx
Well done on the weight gain Jenn, I always gain loads in the last tri, and this time seems no different - I've got a fridge full of fruit and healthy stuff so I'm going to have to work hard to control the gain for the last 10 weeks x

I love washing all the baby clothes for the first time, so cute! Especially baby girls clothes as they are so pretty!!xx
Morning Ladies and Bumps!!

Ive started my own diary to take me through the birth and out the other side to my wedding day - please can you pop on and support me when you have time - I will move to main diary thread after baby arrives. Thank you xx
I will check it out now Missy! Hope your scan sheds a bit more light on baby's position and size. Where are you going on holiday?

Well done on keeping your weight gain under control Jen, you've done really well! I can't wait to start washing the tiny baby clothes, so cute! Not long for you to go now...yay!

I had a lovely weekend down south at the inlaw's. We went to London and had afternoon tea. I had a tiny bite of cake and that's all as I knew that it would make my blood sugars rocket...had a fine reading afterwards so glad I didn't have more than a little nibble. I have a scan tomorrow and see the consultant afterwards. So far my blood sugars have been under my targets so I really hope that I will be able to carry on controlling it with diet.
How's everyone doing?

I had a growth scan yesterday (28 weeks) and the baby is measuring perfectly at just under the 50th centile and weighs around 2lb5. The sonographer also had a little look between baby's legs...she said she wasn't 100% but she thought girl so I'm pretty happy she's still a she :D

Glad your scan went well Daisy and that baby is still a girl.

I had a growth scan yesterday too and at nearly 35weeks baby is 5lb 5oz so they reckon she will be around 7lbs when she's born in 2 weeks!!! :O it's coming round fast now but will be so glad not to be pregnant anymore. Did the last load of baby clothes today so will iron tonight. I've finished packing my hospital bag so just the boys to get picked up for staying at grandmas.

Hope everyone is well, quiet on here just now
How exciting Jenn!

Great news about the scan Daisy.

So, I got a letter on Saturday saying I have to have GTT after all. I think I mentioned earler that my other half is totally not supportive about my weight and hates the fact I am overweight at all. He is going to meltdown about this, let alone if I end up having GD.

Anyway, we'll have to see how it goes and hope I'm not I guess.

Oh Nicki that's not very supportive of your partner at all. Hope all is well with the gtt, when is it?
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Glad your scan went well Daisy :)

Jen, how exciting! You've not got long at all! End of next week :D eek! How are you feeling?

Nicki - that doesn't sound nice at all :( Really unsupportive. I'd be really hurt x I hope you're ok? x

35+4 now - got 36 week MW appt on Weds where I'll find out if baby has turned head down or not - if not, then I'll be referred to hospital to discuss options etc. Keep everything crossed that he's budged ladies!! xx
Everything is crossed for you Peach! Do you feel he's moved?

I'm so excited to meet my little lady, it's been a pretty stressful pregnancy with all the reduced movements. Just want her in my arms to know she's ok