Loopys Losses..Here we go again...again ...again!!!

I've just had the the phonecall from Alan (while I was in the bath!) and I've been accredited!!

Wow...I'm a Cambridge Counsellor...hee hee...lol

An excited Amanda!!!

Fantastic Amanda, a cdc and date number 2!!

Well done x

Well Done Loopy - knew you could do it! Love and hugs
Good Morning!!

And a huge thank you to everyone who's wished me well :)

Really am over the moon!!

Spent most of last night on the phone to a variety of people...I texted everyone and had so many calls back...including my ex husband who said I should be certified instead of accreditited...lol..CHARMING!

I got some shelves cut at work yesterday to get my hall cupboard all sorted to store the packs.....mums husband is coming on monday (I hope) to fit them for me...then I'll be ready to order.

EVERSO happy this morning...lol

Thanks again

Congratulations and well done Amanda!!!

You have achieved so much and I hope your hot date goes very well for you!!!

Losing weight is life changing:D

Love Mini xxx
Fantastic well done!!! Hope you get lots of clients soon. :)

You will make a fab CDC - dead chuffed for you. :)
Thanks everyone :D :) :D

It's all very exciting........but the most exciting bit is the date tomorrow night!!

I can't wait lol

We've chatted lots all week.....and when we're on MSN we take about half an hour to log off and say goodbye..sweet...lol

Going over to his at 7 tomorrow night then going into Braintree to see Little Miss Sunshine. Have I already told you this...lol.
mmmm...maybe I did but tough...I'm telling you again!!

And he's lovely!
Tall, dark and handsome.....and hopefully rich...lol

Noooo..that bit doesn't matter much.....but he has got an MR2...think thats what it's called....nifty little sports car!! lol

Ooooh I sound like I only want him for his car...sooo not true!

I want him for exercise!!! lol

xx lol