Loose Skin


Full Member
I am wanting some advise from those who have managed to lose a lot of weight. Has loose skin been a problem to you? I honestly thing the main place I will have a problem is my stomach. I am exercising as well as dieting but was wondering if anyone has any ideas how to help reduce?
I have loose skin, and I know that Kirra does too. I've loose skin in my tummy, top and back of my thighs and on my upper arms too. The thing is, for me, and again I know Kirra feels the same, I'd rather have the loose skin I've been left with than be almost 300 lbs again.
Not everyone gets the same amount of loose skin though, things to consider are how heavy you were at your heaviest ( therefore the most your skin will have been stretched), how old you are, if you've ever been pregnant and how much you actually lose. All these things will also have an impact on how much loose skin you have.
For the loose skin I have (esp my tummy) no amount of toning will get rid of it, under the loose skin, my tummy muscles are fab, but the only thing that will rid me of the excess skin is a tummy tuck.
Lots of Exercise and lots of water will minimise the loose skin. Also loosing the weight at a slow rate gives the skin chance to recover. Lots of vitamin E.Also beeing younger as the skin has more collagen.

But at the end of the day as it has stretched in teh first place it will never be as taught as it would have been if you had never been overweight! Harsh but unfortunately true.

I have lost 4 stone (2 left to go) in total and dont really have much loose sking although it is noticeable around the eyes and boobs if i push them up lol.
hey there :)

and yup as ali said i do have loose skin a lot of it to be honest but then in total ive lost about 15 stone. and not too slowly ethier (about two years)... still trying to loose about 1 stone.. but then ill be happy maintaing...

As ali said too that loose skin is better then being so unhealthy i couldnt walk or do anything.. to be honest my life is so different sometimes i forget who i was and how hard things were but it helps me to think about that when i get down about my skin.

i have 3 months of maintaining a bmi under 27 left before i get reffered to a surgeon.