Loose Skin


I have now lost just over two stone, and I have a long ways to go yet.

I am really worried about loose skin once I get to my goal weight. Has anyone had this problem, and if so, is surgical removal the only option?

Or should I quit worrying about it and wait and see? In total I need to lose 50kg, and have lost 15kg so far.
I honestly think it varies from person to person. You see some horrendous things on TV programmes, where people have lost weight and have a mass of loose, wrinkly skin, and they do have to have it surgically removed. I was worried about it myself, having around 10 stone to lose. I've only lost around 7 stone so far, but my skin isn't too bad, except on my arms (I don't expect to ever be able to wear sleeveless tops!). My stomach really isn't bad at all, compared to some of the horror stories you see. I think you just have to lose the weight slowly, and this will give the skin a chance to adjust gradually, or that's my theory, lol. xxx