Step 1 Sole Source Losing half of myself 55/141lbs

I've had a 100% day - YAY!

4l of water down so far, I reckon I'll probably do just over 4.5l today.

I NEED to do this!!!
TY :)

Well I went to pick up the cross trainer - she had it in the garden - put it in the car and it leaked everywhere - took it back out and got my money back! Very p'eed off!

But another day 100% SS! Don't feel too bad which is good :)
Well done! Great result. You must be feeling fab xxx
Ty all!

Still a long long way to go - 97lbs I'm fact! I'm seeing and feeling a few changes but nothing overly obvious! I'll share my pictures once I get one done next week.

Not massive loss but its in the right direction, I'm hoping to reach 50lbs by Easter, only 6lbs in two weeks :)
It's coming off all same any loss high or low is better than a gain! xxx
Had a bad bad bad weekend. Don't have a laptop atm so haven't been in here. Will update after weigh in tomorrow. Hopefully have the laptop back Monday
Been back on plan 100% for two weeks after a disasterous Easter, I enjoyed it though!

My plan is to mix SS/SS+ until our weekend away in May, I'll be having the 2nd to the 7th off plan but then straight back on SS/SS+. Hopefully I'll have decent losses ove the next 3 weigh ins!
Glad to see you back, and glad to hear you are back on plan! I had noticed you were not around and was hoping you were ok. I had last week off plan and have managed to get back on really easily thank goodness! Gained 3lb but have now lost that and more and actually looking forward to weigh in on Tuesday! Whatever next eh?
It's funny how quick things change, but also how quick old habits creep in!

Forgot too say my mum started 810 two weeks ago, she 'only' lost 3lbs in her first week but she only has 2st to loose overall! Just waiting to hear what she lost this week.

Started a new placement this afternoon with 26 3-4yr olds! Definitely burned a few calories! All going well but scales have no budged even 0.5lb since Thursday, bit worried but will see what happens at official weigh in
Scales have still not budged! I'm having the worst TOTM imanginable, it's actually really painful :(

Lots of water to flush out bloating today
The scales have moved! Woohoo!

Official weigh in tomorrow so hopefully ill be 50lbs down for good!